This Page Under Construction
I really wanted to wait a bit before writing on this topic ...

In thinking about the conservation of liberty there are a number of areas that are impactful. One is asset management and wealth building. Another is the area of relationships and cooperation. Another is health. Up to this date, I haven't taken the time to write on any of these. The intention is to first build out the introductory ConserveLiberty sections regarding who we are and how we came to be.

After all, the resources on this site aren't yet meant to be consumed today. This website will be ready for consumption later. It is "Under Construction." And even then (later,) it won't even be intended for a broad audience. There are only so many who might truly be interested in "Life, The Universe, and Everything" type of blogs. And among those resources, each of any of them will only be found to be compelling by a subset, depending on tone, etc.

Fact based blogs, I expect, are even less interesting. Which is what ConserveLiberty primarily aims to be.

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