Big Boom pic
From The Beginning ...

(if there was one, and if not, we'll consider "The Beginning" as the start of the most recent epoch beginning around the time of the supposed Big Bang (approx. 13.7 billion years ago, if there was one.)

ConserveLiberty understands that many assertions within The Big Bang Theory are broadly accepted at the current time by numerous critically thinking, high-intellectual functioning physicists ... who could be correct. Our position is simply that there may be other explanations completely consistent with natural processes that may be more accurate. Thus, while A Big Bang Beginning may be useful as a narrative to discuss cosmological history generally, it is not understood to be absolutely true. And, if it is found not to be true, that does not negate the very many other things that physicists can conclude as true as pertains to much of cosmology.

Physics takes us to the limit of what we can know, and then wonders about how to test and understand what is beyond that. Such is science.

Our observations are only as good as the instruments we have to make them and interpret them. There is a lot out there yet to be detected and/or explained, as many critically thinking, high-intellectual functioning physicists will confirm.

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