ConserveLiberty's use of the terms "Preexisting Intendee" and "Guiding Hand"

ConserveLiberty does not presume an intentional "guiding hand". It is not necessary to do so, nor has such a guiding force been observed directly. While this Preexisting Intendee may have been "experienced" indirectly, the interpretation of that interaction and its meaning is both:
  • constrained by our perceptive filters and limitations, and
  • elaborated upon by our imaginations which cannot confirm our interpretations of it.
While some may believe that they have experienced the Preexisting Intendee, that "experience" has not and cannot be interacted with in a scientifically analytical, skeptical, experimentally controlled manner.

What we do know is that if an intentionally guiding force, a Preexisting Intendee, does exist, it seems always and only to act naturally, never breaking the natural laws that are known to exist or are continually being uncovered. Thus, whether or not it does exist, it is sufficient to rely upon our understanding of natural law in order to hypothesize the unfolding of everything from the evolution of the Universe to the evolution of humankind.

ConserveLiberty does however, repeatedly refer to the concept of the Fundamental Resonance or Big Math.

While we may elaborate within this web resource upon the Fundamental Resonance, and its prerequisite for the condition of the existence of "All That Is", we will not elaborate further on the "guiding hand".

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