The Filter Recognition Conundrum
understanding pic
Each one of the Spectrum Personality Filters discussed are possessed by most. However, since they are Spectrum Filters, each of us express the filter phenotypes to greater or lesser degrees. As discussed elsewhere, each individual has its own spectrum setting for each behavioral or perceptive phenotype.

This leads to a recognition conundrum.

Quite often an individual may not recognize the true nature of the Filter differences between himself and another. Why? Usually it is because we either default to believing that the way we perceive the world is how others do too, or, if they don't, they surely will once the relevant matter has been explained to them! At this point, the reader should recall our declaration that these Filter differences are not usually due to misunderstandings, but rather to genetic differences (thinking about the "80-20 rule".)

It is for this reason that many people do in fact NOT resolve their differences in outlook, although they may agree to disagree and enjoy each others' company anyway (if at all possible.) They don't resolve these differences in perspective and perception and reaction because ... THEY CAN'T.


All of us have seen evidence of this almost every day of our lives, so I will refrain from using examples here.

mech of filtering picture
Now, this is important... It therefore follows that someone with a strong expression of a particular Spectrum Personality Filter is going to have a better chance of recognizing or understanding that filter than someone who is a weak expresser of it. A strong expresser will have experienced the trait for some time. A weak expresser may not even recognize that it exists in a stronger/richer form in someone else.

An example outside the realm of personality and behavior would be red-green color-blindness. Those with only a weak ability to see Red or Green (or, none at all) may have little idea that Red or Green are being experienced by others. And, once they understand the issue, they still have no way of fully experiencing Red or Green despite being educated on the matter.

Hence the recognition conundrum.

And so it will also be with many of the Spectrum Personality Filters.

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