Jihad as an Example of Trait Selection

butcher islam mockers pic

In the present time, there are groups of Islamists (not all, but some) who feel very strongly that cultures and religions other than their own are not to be tolerated. They have come to the conclusion, in fact, that the cultures they disagree with need to be exterminated. And, they are exterminating those they disagree with by the thousands. [Files that were linked here with graphic pictures are no longer available.] This includes those Muslim peoples (currently a majority in 2015) who are not jihad-oriented, and who value liberty and tolerance.

ConserveLiberty believes the trait at issue with the jihadists is not an Islamic trait per se. Indeed, the trait at issue can be found in other cultures as well. That it is found in some Islamic circles is simply an accident of history and genetics. But this accident has certainly occurred.

beheading - before pic
In the case of the groups understood by the west as Islamic Extremist Jihadists, the issue is that these people seem to harbor an enhanced instinct to harm people and break things. We have referred to this behavioral and perception filter as The Violence (Monster) Personality Spectrum Filter. The practice of their form of religion simply gives the instinctively violent a rational for substantiating and excusing their behavior cognitively.

Since they are exterminating families, both adults of reproductive age and pre-reproductive children, they are in effect culling from their midst populations who are not built genetically to find integration with them agreeable. Essentially, the submissive live, and the independent minded are exterminated, often with their families. The excessively violent (male and female) continue to procreate, enriching their growing culture genetically.

The beheading video I had posted
here is no longer available.

Western cultures are demonized by these groups - western cultures are more steeped in their own indoctrinated values of independence and personal liberty. They are difficult to "convert", meaning they really don't "see things" from the intolerant extremist perspective. And, of course, the extremist does not "see things" from the western perspective of Classical Liberalism.

The extremist finds an impasse with those who will not "convert" both a source of frustration AND a handy excuse for mayhem. They readily embrace the production of mayhem, degradation, fear, and the wielding of totalitarian power.

mass execution by ISIS pic
Over time, as the jihad progresses, the remaining populations will naturally become more submissive. Organically so. After all, those with strong instincts of independence often have a difficult time submitting for the length of time required to both reproduce and raise otherwise independent spirits in secret. Most will be found and eliminated. And, of course, a personality that can keep what it believes is its independent instinct hidden for generations by definition really isn't independent.

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