Behavior Adaptability with Time and Circumstance

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The degree to which our filters are tuneable (e.g. that we are adaptable) changes with both time and circumstance. ConserveLiberty offers these two commonly understood and opposing examples:
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While there are always notable and numerous exceptions that can be found, it is also true that stereotypes of "the averages" are not often arrived at unfairly. For our purposes, we will suffice it to say that flexibility changes with time and circumstance, sometimes becoming greater, sometimes less.

The original degrees of flexibility, and the degrees to which they may change, are different for each individual ... AND this flexibility is itself determined organically as are the traits they are associated with.

While we do not understand the mechanism for this today, we will someday. And when it does become known, it will have an explanation grounded in the natural. And thus, the organic and physical. And thus, it will also be understood at the genetic level.

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