On ConserveLiberty's use of the term:
Fundamental (i.e. Universal) Prerequisites
A consistent theme within this resource's consideration of "that which drives or governs the behavior (e.g. observable or measurable activities) of Creation" is the notion of Fundamental Rules. The Rules, or fundamental "abstract principles", are active and influential throughout all levels of organization that Creation traverses.

The Fundamental Prerequisites are Fundamental Rules that existed at the moment of Creation, if such a moment ever occurred (i.e. Big Bang, before the last Big Bang, The Creation Event, whatever.) If that moment did not occur, then the Fundamental Prerequisites exist eternally. The remaining Fundamental Rules, derived from the Fundamental Prerequisites, were in play soon therafter.
→   Since Time (I say) is actually an artificial construct, it would not be accurate to state that the Fundamental Prerequisites "have" existed eternally. "Have" is not relevant to the meaning of the Fundamental Prerequisites. However, the Fundamental Prerequisites are relevant to the meaning of Time.   ←
Butterfly Emergence pic
The universe exists and the Fundamental Prerequisite(s) are operative at the same and all instances. One could say they were required, but that is also difficult to express accurately. Without the Fundamental Prerequisites, the Universe doesn't exist. With the Fundamental Prerequisites the Universe exists. There is not a Before and After as we would typically think of the meaning of the term "prerequisite". There is/was no "pre" anything.

Got that?

If a "Big Bang" is the explanation for the event description of how Creation came into being, then the Fundamental Prerequisite(s) were also in play at the same time. Neither occurs without the other.

While we may eventually be able to demonstrate definitively certain of the Fundamental Rules, it is not likely possible that humankind will ever to be able to demonstrate definitively the identity of one or more Fundamental Prerequisites. The simple reason for this is that if one were to definitively test a putative Prerequisite's importance by removing it, one would either find that it is impossible to do so, or that that which is being observed would cease to exist with no possibility of verifying what actually happened to it. And, of course, there is no possibility of adding a putative Prerequisite back as the rest no longer exists!

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