Target Audience
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ConserveLiberty's target audience cannot be described with certainty, because that cannot be known. However, what is known is that the demographic that finds the content of this resource compelling, and gives it some consideration, will be instinctively Real Truth seeking, and instinctively skeptical, as all seekers of Credible Truth naturally are.

Readers who resonate with what they find in this resource may or may not agree with some or any of it, but they will find it thought provoking. They are drawn to these pages not because they suggest a comfortable or easy to accept narrative, but rather because this resource spurs them on to examine from their own perspective what the Truth of a particular situation, or an abstract situation may actually be.

And let's be clear, Credible Truth is not perspective dependent. Truth is truth. What is perspective dependent is how we may interpret it. Whether or not our perspectives and instincts allow us to get to the truth underlying what we are perceiving is our own challenge. It is our own responsibility to get it right. And then to relook at it as any good skeptic would, and examine whatever perspective we have come to for holes or other opportunities for correction or evolution.

Enough preaching to the choir.

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