Authorship, and his, her, their Instinctive (and unavoidably Natural) Biases

Offered by David Apollo

David and Simon pic
David Apollo (left), Simon Carrington (right)
ConserveLiberty, naturally, is created, maintained, and authored by a real person, David Apollo.

When the writings of other authors are presented, those are also credited accurately.

Many of the ideas developed and presented here have plural origins.

In the case of the treatment of "Filters" within this resource, many of those ideas have been generated in discussion with others. One of the most influential of friends in these discussions is Simon Carrington. Importantly, the notion of Filters was facilitated by the fact that David and Simon had discovered that they were seeing and observing the same things differently. Along the way to understanding why that is so, they have defined various filters and filter differences between themselves that enable a consistent explanation of why they are perceiving and responding to similar things so differently.

It is important to keep in mind that all people (except clones) are genetically different from one another. Since the Filters themselves have a biological foundation, all people are set up differently with respect to their Filters as well. In other words, no two people see things and react to things in exactly the same way. All of us experience this feature of life every day.

While the author and friend find great interest in uncovering the filters, and hypothesizing how they may be at play, it is also true that within the ConserveLiberty resource to date, there has been just one author generating the content that preserves the insights discovered. Thus, while the intention is to discuss Filters in a way that reflects the viewpoints of both parties (and in practice ConserveLiberty has generally been successful at doing just that), it is also the case that their joint understanding is being presented by the posting author.

Not only that, when an author writes from his Filtered perspective, it is quite certain that the reader will not approach the article from the author's same perspective. And the author cannot entirely convey some of the subtle differences in understanding that his companion may have because the author may not even be aware of or understand them. Thus the reader will not entirely comprehend what it was that the author or his friend were trying to convey, despite the best of intentions of everyone involved. Simply because the Filter foundations of readers, authors, and friends vary from each other. Always.

This cannot be avoided, of course. It is a natural limitation that accurately reflects all communication between individuals with differing Filters and filter settings.

So keep that in mind. The author knows it. Now you know it if you hadn't considered it before. And so, as always, consider what you read within this resource with a healthy skepticism that all real Truth Seekers approach their experiences with.

ConserveLiberty does not advocate for any particular type of reform in the present time.

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