Note that within this resource ConserveLiberty often uses specific terminology in a way that may not be the way it is used commonly by others. (Actually, all of us use language jargon in ways that differ from each other. Sometimes these differences are small, sometimes large. Oftentimes not detected, leading to misunderstandings.) Since the "jargon domain" of languages are necessarily limited, and it is necessary to use words that are used by others, ConserveLiberty may occasionally determine that it is necessary to call out the definition of their meaning as they are to be understood "WITHIN the ConserveLiberty resource."
ConserveLiberty has been under development for some time. Over the course of its development, various words and phrases have been used which may require further definition or clarification. Why? This resource is written in English, and conveniently words are used that are used commonly within the English language. However, occasionally words intended to be interpreted in a specific way by ConserveLiberty are not always used exactly that way generally.![]()
There are a number of reasons for this. Language use evolves for a variety of reasons.In the spirit of wanting ConserveLiberty's use of terms to be understood as intended, this page has been created as a clarifying dictionary of sorts.
- Usage Evolution - none of us interprets all jargon the same way by default. General meaning evolves as groups optimize communicating with one another, and adopt the meaning of each other's jargon.
- Culture - we adopt the jargon we are born into or relocate into. The Compatibility Filter drives this, and is among one our first indoctrinations. We are driven to communicate with and be understood by those around us.
- Managed Indoctrinations (marketing, etc.)
- When indoctrination is intended to influence or control behavior, it is much more effective when wrapped in a narrative that is either acceptable or is aspired to. One way to assure this is to use words that have positive connotations to encourage a desired behavior or outlook, and to use words that have a negative connotation to discourage an undesired behavior or outlook. In managed indoctrination, the desired or undesired behavior or outlook is determined by the Indoctrinator. However, the narrative is determined by the word connotations held by the Indoctrinated.
The indoctrination itself may or may not be able to achieve factually the results implied by the narrative. However, most are not as motivated by the Results as they are by the Intentions. Thus, the stated outcome of the narrative often does not need to be realized as fact. Often, for the narrative to achieve the desired indoctrination, its rhetoric simply needs to be consistent with the aspirations of the Indoctrinated.
For this reason, there are multiple examples of words that have positive connotations that are used with narratives that actually will not achieve the results they say they intend to, and yet behavior is changed by the indoctrination anyway. Examples abound in product marketing, political campaigning, religious motivation, etc. The actual results comprise both the "good" and the "bad".
As a result, the jargon meaning of various words can change in ways that do or do not agree with their initial usage. And yet, the positive connotations of the initial usage remains (intentionally.) In short, old words being used in new ways.- etc.
Important → While it is true that ConserveLiberty believes that the way it uses its terminology is the way its jargon should be used generally, it is also true that that isn't always the case as practiced. While ConserveLiberty does not insist that its jargon be interpreted elsewhere as it is defined here ... it is the case that ConserveLiberty insists that its use of jargon on this site be interpreted as defined here. ← ImportantHow else would you best understand what is intended to be communicated?
Remember that this site has only one advocated position, consistent throughout. Regardless of our differences in opinion and outlook, Conserve Liberty.
What does ConserveLiberty mean by:
All That Is Asymmetry of
the FiltersDimorphism Empathy Entropy, enthalpy Fact Fun Gender Harmony Humor Indoctrination Lineage Memory, Forgetting,
RecallPreexisting Intendee Randomness Resilience The Me The Various Mes The Real Skepticism Sin The Big Math Time Truth Violence
This collection of ConserveLiberty definitions is a work in progress.
More terminology will be added.
Updated 01 Feb 2019 09:30 PST
- Dimorphism - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Dimorphism?
EVERYTHING that exists, either physically, imaginarily, as an abstract concept, etc., exists as a relationship of components. EVERYTHING. Nothing exists as simply just one thing only.
Dimorphism is a Fundamental Prerequisite.
When attempting to understand something discussed as single item (i.e. a singleton) such as a society, a person within that society, a cell that is a part of that person, an atom that is part of the cell, the subatomic components that comprise the atom, and so on ... one finds that if they consider that THING thouroughly enough ... they are actually considering a relationship of components.
These underlying components differ from each other in some way, sometimes imperceptibly so. They are not identicle. Yet it is their relationship with each other that generates the manifestation of "the THING" that we are focused on. They are ... "Two Sides of the Same Coin".
No thing exists solely as itself. At least two things make it up. There is no "One" thing. EVER. This phenomenon is what ConserveLiberty refers to as "Dimorphism".
Using our coin as an example, the coin is considered to be the manifestation of the Dimorphic Relationship between one side and the other side. Neither side is The Coin. And yet the coin cannot exist without Both Sides. The coin is Dimorphic.
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- Empathy - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Empathy?
ConserveLiberty defines "empathy" as the ability of one to experience another's instincts, perceptions, and reactions AS IF ONE WERE ACTUALLY THE OTHER manifesting them. The empathetic person embraces a cognitive perspective that by default manifests the actual perspective of the other. They do not imagine a perspective that they believe the other would or should have as if the other felt by default like they do. That is a very significant difference.
The ability to understand what another is thinking and perceiving from that other's own perspective - is nearly impossible to actually achieve. Why? Because we are all built with differently adjusted ensembles of Filters. Since the filters influencing our instinctive mechanisms for perceiving and responding to our environment are set up differently for each of us, each of us will not perceive the world we interact with in exactly the same way. And thus we will respond to it differently as well.
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- Fact - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Fact?
The term "Fact" is one of the most misunderstood and misused words in the English language. It is. Once we define the way ConserveLiberty uses the term, you will understand why. Whether or not you agree with ConserveLiberty's definition of "Fact" is not really relevant. Use the term to mean what you wish it to mean in your own life. However, if you want to understand what ConserveLiberty means when it uses terms such as "fact", "factually", "truth", and even "actually factually true", then what follows below reflects the way those terms are used within this resource.
Check out Wikipedia's definition of "Fact".
A Fact is, very simply, the "actual real thing." A Fact is the immutable truth about "whatever". While perceptions or judgments or opinions may change, Facts themselves cannot and do not change. A Fact is the ACTUAL ONLY REALITY regarding what IS. Generally, what we observe and describe is an ensemble of many factual dimensions of "whatever it is":
- It weighs 1.00 kg.
- It's shape is cubic.
- It is "red."
- It was as it is described at timestamp "09:05:47, 18 January 2018 (UT1)"
All these dimensional descriptors are actually factually true ... IF the system providing the measurements is perfectly accurate (and doesn't violate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which at some level it certainly does.) Which gets to a primary aspect regarding Facts. All facts should be considered with skepticism. Meaning, "How does one know that what one actually stated regarding the object being described is ACTUALLY true?"
Then there is the "practical" aspect regarding Facts - agreeing on the circumstances considered "Credibly Good Enough."
ConserveLiberty adopts a A Likelihood Orientation. A Likelihood Perspective is a more credible perspective ("guess") than a "Belief that Something is Factual." Facts can often be validated. Belief is actually not a factually validating perspective. Belief is based on Faith.
For those engaged in "credible science," all understand the importance of skepticism. It is not used as a way to sew doubt about an object's description. Rather, it is used as a way of gaining confidence in a description's relevant accuracy.
Finally, some assert that Facts are dependent on Perspective. That is actually not True. Facts exist without regard to any perspective ever. For example, 2 + 2 always equals 4, regardless of anyone else's firmest belief on the matter. Is 2+2=5 ever true? No, never.
Perspectives depend on perspectives. They are interpretations of what one believes the facts actually are. They may be recklessly offered with the "branding" that they represent actual facts.
Is anything FACTUAL about a "perspective"? Yes, consider, for example, that "Individual A believes in Perspective B (regarding the set of Facts x, y, z)" The only actual fact stated is that A believes in B. That B actually describes Facts x, y, and z factually may or may not be true.
Got it?
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- Fun - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Fun?
Fun is simply (and only) the circumstance or activity we'd rather be in participation with at any one time ... without regard to whether we would rather be doing it or not. If it is the thing one is choosing to do over any of the other options that one has, then ConserveLiberty considers that situation as Fun.
It is possible that a Fun Filter may be a credible chapter to contribute to ConserveLiberty someday. There is apparently a biological basis for the perception of "Fun", whether what is being experienced is directly enjoyable or not. A hint regarding the initial starting basis for that chapter can be seen here.
Importantly, Fun is cognitively "experienced" when the brain is stimulated with novelty.
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- Gender - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Gender?
One of the Two Paired Sides of a reproductive species that is required for sustained and repeated reproductive success to manifest itself among the individuals of each generation of a Lineage.
Gender is defined by ConserveLiberty from the perpective of evolved biological traits (both physical and instinctual) that support the reproduction and the raising of offspring.
Consider the human species. Humans cannot propagate (i.e. offspring reproduction and protective care until reproductive maturation) simply as males or females. If only males existed, the species would go extinct by the end of the lives of the single male generation. Similarly, a female-only species would also go extinct by the end of the generation. Only via diploid males and diploid females coming together to mate with one another can other diploid humans be created (male or female), continuing their lineage.
While each individual that mates with another to produce an offspring will eventually cease to live, their Lineage survives them through reproduction.
The haploid versions of a male's genome are contained in gamete cells called sperm. The haploid versions of a female's genome are contained in gamete cells called ova.
Sperm cells and egg cells have different functions themselves from one another. They are the dimorphic forms of the reproductive cells that produce another human.
Over billions of years, the male and female forms of all eukaryotic organisms have evolved to manifest different features. The description of these differences between males and females are referred to as "Gender Differences". Being male or female is what is known as one's Gender.
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- Harmony - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Harmony?
Harmony is what is occurring when one is Experiencing the Truth as it is, and accepting it as it is. Acceptance does not imply happiness, but rather understanding that it is the way that it is because it is the way that it is.
For example, one can experience harmony in a natural spring setting with flowers blossoming and birds chirping and the temperature just perfectly comfortable. But only if you are immersed in the Truth of it as being as Real as it is.
Similarly, one can experience harmony on a ship being overturned by the winds and waves generated within a hurricane, without any idea whether or not survival is possible. But only if you are immersed in the Truth of it as being as Real as it is.
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- Humor - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Humor?
ConserveLiberty suggests that Humor is primarily invoked in humans when unexpected irony is encountered and when stress is relieved. It is especially welcome when "current topics of personal interest" are addressed in an unexpectedly ironic way. Humor brings us together.
The impact of the Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry, depending on how effective its "setting" is, will be seen as enabling a spectrum of behaviors, manifesting the ability to:
- detect and perceive irony,
- recognize unexpected differences,
- interpret creatively,
- spin improvisationally,
- share or engage candidly in hardships such that stress (understood) is not "front and center,"
- relax, de-stress, entertain, and
- engage and dialog as a friend, as a partner.
If you have not come to this page from ConserveLiberty's Humor Tapestry chapter, and are interested in going there, click here.
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- Indoctrination - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Indoctrination?
ConserveLiberty's use of the term is actually quite simple. To understand it, first shed any presumed positive, negative, or otherwise assumed connotations you may have regarding the term "indoctrination."
There are two primary sources whereby behavioral perspectives, assumptions, and responses are generated. The first source is Instinct. Instinct is genetically determined.
Instinct is thus wholly biological.
Instinctual perspectives, assumptions, and responses are wholly physiologically generated in response to interactions with the environment. Different environments may lead to different responses, but those responses to the environment are generated instinctually.
Beyond instinct, every other perspective, way of interpreting, and response is a learned behavior. Learned behaviors and perspectives are not instinctually determined. All non-instinctual behaviors and perspectives that have been acquired due to learning are considered by ConserveLiberty to be Indoctrination. The second source.
The sources of Indoctrination originate either internally (e.g. self-generated, learned) or externally (e.g. exposure to environment, culture, others.)
If you have not come to this page from ConserveLiberty's Indoctrination Ensemble chapter, and are interested in going there, click here.
[Click here] for Wikipedia's more complete definition of Indoctrination.
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- Lineage - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Lineage?
Lineage is actually a Fundamental Prerequisite. The Lineage may be manifested materially among material things, but it is a much broader concept. A more fundamental concept.
All Things That Are exist within / along / as a part of a Lineage of one, then the other, then the next, and so on. All since The Big Bang (or before!).
Within discussions of The Living, ConserveLiberty discusses The Living Lineage. For example, a portion of the Lineage that any human alive today is on can be found here.
Most commonly among humans, direct interaction with the Lineage that precedes them and follows them is experienced within families. An individual is directly in lineage from its father and mother. That individual is also in direct lineage with any of the offspring that is produced by it and its reproductive mate. Dimorphic relationships are required for a Living Lineage to extend to the next.
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- Memory - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Memory?
This section will define Memory, Recall, and Forgotten. Remember this !!
ConserveLiberty believes that in general usage these terms are misinterpreted to have broader meanings than they should. Thus they are misused by many. These misunderstandings result in many not actually having a consistent working comprehension of Memory itself. There's a paradox for you!
[Click here] for a Wikipedia's definition of Memory.
With regard to the word "Memory", ConserveLiberty uses the term to mean only two different things, depending on usage. Memory is either:
- The understood "representation" of the subject being stored. (call this memory_a)
- The infrastructure system itself within which the memory_a is being stored. (call this memory_b)
It is this infrastructure (memory_b) which a working "Recall System" interacts with to "Recall" the subject being "Remembered."
In other words, the memory_a is stored in memory_b. If we were working with a computer, the terminology would be much easier to describe. We would say that, "a representation of the data is being stored within the memory drive" (e.g. hard drive, thumb drive, RAM drive, etc.). For neural cognition, we say, instead, "the memory of what is being remembered is stored in memory."
Memory is "What is Stored" in Memory ("within the brain") and available for "Recall" by a working "Recall System".
Got that? To continue ...
When a memory is stored in memory, ConserveLiberty does not ever refer to it as "forgotten."
A memory is referred to as "forgotten" ONLY when it is no longer stored in memory. In that case, since it is no longer in memory, it cannot be recalled. It is as if it were never there in the first place. A forgotten memory can NEVER be recalled again. Gone.
The Forgetting Function (a Memory Delete Function) will "erase" memory_a from memory_b, thereby freeing up memory_b infrastructure for the storing of a new memory.
Finally ...
If someone says that they have forgotten something, and then later remembers it, then it actually had NOT been forgotten at all. What most likely happened is that they were unable to Recall something (memory_a) that had been, and still was, stored in Memory (memory_b) ... and now they can. Thus, they had trouble Recalling a memory, and now they can.
The Recall Function - recovers memory_a from memory_b for cognition usage.
That is what ConserveLiberty means by Recall. A Memory that can be Recalled is referred to as Memorable.
This is an important distinction when wanting to understand various cognitive mechanisms of action. It is not so important, perhaps, in ordinary speech when specifics are not necessarily understood, don't really need to be, and folks believe they know what was meant anyway. But for understanding the biological mechanisms of action of anything, including cognition, specifics are important.
Using a common ConserveLiberty theme, we are enabled to understand and respond to our environment through a variety of Filters, assembled differently (a bit) for each one of us. One of these traits / functions / filters, is Memory. The things stored in memory are NOT "sometimes there and sometimes not there." They are either there or not there. If they aren't there, they cannot ever be recalled (obviously) - they are truly forgotten. If they are there, sometimes they may be recalled, other times not. That is an issue with Recall. With difficulties in recall, "memory" and "the memory" themselves may actually be intact but the memory is either temporarily or permanently not memorable.
So, Memory, Recall, and Forgotten. ConserveLiberty uses these terms as defined above.
→ Memory is either stored or not stored in Memory. If stored, sometimes it can be Recalled, sometimes not. Only when erased from Memory is a memory considered Forgotten. Forgotten is permanent. ←
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- Random - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Random?
Random or Randomness is not predictable. Period. The only thing certain about Randomness is that it is completely and entirely Random. Try counting on that! If an outcome can be accurately predicted (by whatever means, aside from a non-reproducible lucky guess) then it is not Random.
Random number or event generators are often evaluated with regard to their Randomness by assessing their generated results against what may have been predicted had the earlier state of the generator been known.
Thus, for example, most computer driven "random" number generators are not random at all. The number "generated" is derived from a "value" (known by the computer) which changes very quickly with time, but is exactly known at the moment the "random" number is asked for.
Randomness is a Fundamental Prerequisite. Therefore, Randomness is absolutely required for all that is to have unfolded just as it always has.
ConserveLiberty may (or may not) randomly wish you well as you contemplate that enigma!
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- Resilience - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Resilience?
Resilience is not invoked. It is always ON, active. OR it is never ON, never in play. Resilience is defined within the ConserveLiberty resource as something that ... persists.
Within the realm of cognitive "instinct," the resilient come up with a way to survive ... if they can. Resilient persistence has no expiration date. The resilient never consider whether or not their persistence has an expiration date today.
ConserveLiberty regards resilience as the manifestation of "solutions" oriented behaviors and perspectives under many different circumstances deployed to achieving a goal. That goal is Persistence. To Stay Real. To not become Not Real. In other words, the goal is To Exist.
The Resilient do not necessarily FIND a solution to achieving that goal. The Resilient Is. And the Is keeps on Being. The Resilient "Keep on Truckin'." From a human behavioral dimension, the resilient do not give up.
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- The Me - What does ConserveLiberty mean by "The Me"?
The manifestation of our comprehension and interaction with All of Reality is "The Me". The root foundation upon which The Me is built is neurophysiological. The foundation is Cognitive.
Each one of us, built differently, comes with our own "Me". My Me is different from your Me.
Both science (i.e. believes verifiable facts and validatable inferences about them) and spirituality (i.e. has faith in that which can not or has not been validated) are comprehended, understood, thought about, and experienced ... cognitively.
Science and Spirituality encompass our entire understanding of All That We Are Aware Of at any moment. People comprehend reality DIFFERENTLY because the cognitive "machinery" that each of us has Is built differently. My Me is different from your Me.
Our brain adapts in response to its experiences. The Me is "influenced by the environment."
The Me, a manifestation of the biological foundation it is built upon, also adapts and habituates as a result of the various experiences it has had with the environment.
The Me is always experiencing, always learning, and always adapting or renewing itself.
The Me is required for survival and has evolved selectively. Adaptation is required for Resilience in an ever changing environment. The Me adapts and is thus inherently Resilient. While it can be.
(Continue for more on The Me, or
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- The Me - continued. The "Various Mes"
Some of the various meanings and uses of Me are listed below:
- Me - the simplest Me, generally manifested within a single individual, who would refer to him or herself as "me." In this case, The Me (each slightly different for each individual) represents all the aspects of the self that one may or may not be consiously aware of that come together as one tapestry and is experienced uniquely as "me" by each person. Since we are all built differently, each of us manifests as slightly different Me entities, and each of us comprehends and experiences our Mes differently as well.
- Mes - Two or more Me entities. The plural form of Me. Could be in a group, or not. Since each Me is different, it is not possible to accurately refer to them as the same Me, or even as an average or canonical Me described by the group's "average" Me manifestation. Each Me is different. The group of Mes is a collection of indendent Me entities.
- We - Two of more Me entities that have come together in some way. As a group, the composite behaves (in some circumstances) as a single complex Me. Many other times, the component Me entities will of course manifest themselves differently. Examples: a married couple, a sports team acting together, a music band playing together, etc.
There are at least two 'I's (and 'Me's) in We.
- The Cognitive Me. This is the consiously aware Me that perceives, understands, and responds to all that it interacts with either intentionally with forethought or instinctively. The Cognitive Me responds either through intentional and analytical consideration or instinctively.
- The Old Me - The way the Me was before "some arbitrary time or event."
- The New Me - The way the Me is after "some arbitrary time or event." Note that since we are all developing and maturing, we are always undergoing transitions from Old Me to New Me. Usually, the changes are very slight in the immediate time frame.
- The Relationship Me (the Cognitive We) - This is the subset of The Me that has become the Me that it is because of specific relationships it has had with other Mes. Two Mes together may form a We. The We is what it is because of the relationship involved. The Cognitive We refers to the relationship aspects of the Mes which manifest uniquely as We.
As with The Me, the foundation of the We is cognitive.
- The Environment Me - An abstract label for a variety of the other dimensions making up The Me which do so because of the experiences that the individual has had with them, often repeatedly or for a long period of time. The Environment could be a Location, a High School or College experience, a Culture one grew up in, etc. Refers to the environment aspect of the Me which has made it uniquely Me.
It is The Me which is Resilient. It never occurs to The Me to stop being the unique Me that it is. While it may be thought about, those thoughts are actually just thoughts about how to become a better Me. The Resilient are always looking for improvement. In the end, any changes made are simply changes that the Me wants made. The Me dictates its own improvement. The Resilient take control and never quit moving forward. When they can go no further they still haven't quit. They simply actually factually cannot go any further.
- The Me has no intention of being thought in terms of what The Me was. It always manifests itself in terms of what The Me is.
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- The Real - What does ConserveLiberty mean by Real?
ConserveLiberty believes that this term is misunderstood and misused by many. So many that the term has become understood most often to mean what it really was not originally and rationally intended to mean. How's that for an irony?
[Click here] for a Wikipedia's definition of Reality.
With regard to the word "Real", ConserveLiberty intends to be understood very specifically. In a specific situation, there is ONLY ONE actual, factual event that has/is actually occurred/occurring. Among individuals (in the abstract, among detectors and interpreters) there may be many, many interpretations (what is believed to be REAL), often due to the fact that there are many, many perspectives (ways of detection, routes of detection, means of detection, algorithms used to evaluate and comprehend and "score" what is being experienced, etc.)
Using a common ConserveLiberty theme, we are enabled to understand and respond to our environment through a variety of Filters, assembled differently (a bit) for each one of us. This Filter (e.g. physiological and cognitive wiring) variation leads to numerous differing interpretations and perspectives. These perspectives are often understood (naturally) by many of us to be actually factually REAL.
And each of these judgements are often different. → There is only ONE REAL. ←
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- Skepticism - What, actually is Skepticism?
ConserveLiberty, and the entirety of the credible scientific community recognizes that this term is misunderstood and misused by many, many, many ... non-scientists. Which, demographically, comprise most of us. Let's clarify in order to avoid misunderstanding by those reading this resource.
[Click here] for a Wikipedia's definition of Scientific Skepticism.
With regard to the words "Skeptic", "Skepticism", or even "Skeptical" ... ConserveLiberty intends to be understood very specifically.
For every situation, there is ONLY ONE actual, factual reality. The true meaning of the word skepticism has nothing to do with doubt, disbelief, or negativity. Skepticism is the process of applying reason and critical thinking to determine validity.
Skepticism is the approach that one uses to factually determine the answer to one of two questions:
- How can I rationally be certain that what I am being told is TRUE?
- How can I rationally be certain that what I am being told is FALSE?
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- Sin - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Sin?
ConserveLiberty defines "Sin" as the "Separation or Alienation or Estrangement from Truth."
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- The Big Math - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by The Big Math?
The Big Math is that which All That Is is described by. Not in the imaginary realm, but in the actual factual realm. Only.
"The Big Math" is the root Fundamental Resonance of which All That Is derives its existence.
The Big Math (i.e. all of natural law) is never, ever violated. No exceptions.
Other cultures, philosophies, and religions may refer to whatever The Big Math is as "God."
ConserveLiberty does not use the term "God" or any other term that implies a cognitive intention or assessment from a non-biological being. For an explanation, [click here].
Among other synonyms (all inexact) ConserveLiberty may also refer to The Big Math as "The Truth" or as "Change Happens." "What Really Is" only truthfully actually IS, and What Really Is always Changes. An interesting setup!
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- Truth - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Truth?
ConserveLiberty considers Truth to be very, very easy to define. A large fraction of cognitive (and non-cognitive) life apparently misunderstands the meaning of Truth. Let's get simple.
ConserveLiberty considers Truth to be the actual factual reality of what is being described, experienced, or happening. Many philosophers / rationalizers have had an amusing time exploring the notion of Truth.
Examples:Truth does not exist in the imaginary realm. Truth only exists in the actual factual realm. Only.
- "If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
Actual answer → "Yes!"
- "If I sincerely perceive something one way and you sincerely perceive the same thing another way, and the perceptions contradict each other, then is my belief true (to me) and your belief true (to you)?"
Actual answer → "No. There is only one actual Truth. Either I am right, or you are right, or we are both wrong."
Among other synonyms (all inexact) ConserveLiberty may occasionally refer to The Big Math as "The Truth." "What Really Is" only truthfully actually IS.
Note (above) that the "Separation or Alienation or Estrangement from Truth is what ConserveLiberty refers to as Sin.
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- Violence - What, exactly, does ConserveLiberty mean by Violence?
ConserveLiberty restricts its definition of "Violence" to the breaking or harming of things or of living things (including humans). Simply that.
The notion of "evil" or "good" is not relevant to ConserveLiberty's definition of Violence. Neither is whether one is defending oneself or intentionally harming another. It is understood without regard to whether a food source is being exploited. Rather, the violent "intention" is simply the intention to break or harm a thing. For whatever reason or additional coexisting intention.
Similarly, "violence" is judged to have occurred once a thing is validated as "broken."
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