All of the Real that Persists Moves Forward
For the moment, consider all of The Living that you know or have ever observed. Not that which is dead but strictly all that is natural that is alive.
Watch it, whether it be a bird, an insect, a plant, a mammal, etc. Exclude humans for now so that we can get whatever preferential and subjective biases we have about ourselves and our species out of the way.
What do you see?
Among other things, you see All That Lives dealing right now with the environment that it finds itself within. It may be cold, hot, surrounded by things it can eat, or surrounded by nothing that it can eat. It may be surrounded by hardships that we may find impossible to imagine surviving within for long.
And yet it does survive. Even if it doesn't survive for long, it is quite likely that it has reproduced and its offspring will survive after it ... long enough for it to have offspring, and so on. Often, The Living isn't considering how it will survive, or even how it might become more comfortable. Maybe it does, but perhaps not the way we do. Since we can't truthfully fathom what it is thinking, we might imagine that it is thinking like we do! Such is the limitation of our imagination.
All of The Living is doing one thing in common. It is all Moving Forward. Those that don't, or no longer can, die. They've been surviving and reproducing and evolving for billions of years on this planet. Because that's what Moving Forward does. Instinctively. Or, it is dead.
Now, turn back to Humankind. We have evolved within the same contiguous Lineage that all of The Living have. Ultimately. Do we share this same instinct to Move Forward with all else that is alive?
Important → You bet we do. Consider that. ← Important
The filters that make up the Resilience Tapestry that compells us to move forward
multigenic in nature,
are built differently within each individual, and have their own
unique settings.
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