The Importance of Liberty:
Freedom to Leap
When present together, the Fundamental Rules of Separateness and Competition, and the Fundamental Prerequisite of Variation give rise to the Fundamental Rule of Liberty (to Be what It Is). Note that the only thing that anything can be is what it is.

Importantly, all living things are in fact "alive" today because they have the liberty to grow, adapt, and innovate in the face of environmental conditions that are always changing. Liberty, thus, is an Essential Higher Order Factor (Fundamental Rule) that has been required by all living things on earth today in order to have become a living thing on the earth today.

Freedom with open arms pic
Note that while the Fundamental Prerequisite of Variation enables change, the Fundamental Rule of Resilience (Persistence) might seem to enable Stability. However, that would be an erroneous interpretation. Change happens. Always. Thus Persistence is manifested with Adaptation. In other words, Stability as a Rule requires Change as a Prerequisite.

Given that Lineage is a Fundamental Prerequisite, Stability may also require the Fundamental Rule of Reproduction.

Similarly, too much Liberty might seem to enable anarchy and higher order extinction. And yet too little Liberty would lead to Stagnation. However, if something is to Be What it has Been Built to Be, and it has been built to continue (Lineage) then Competitive Evolution (selection) is the means by which the Resilient enable their lineage to go forward with the Liberty to continue Being what it has been Built to Be.

For this reason, at a human level, humans that Conserve Liberty ensure a world in which their Lineage can adapt, innovate, and prosper.

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