On ConserveLiberty's use of the terms:
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Entropy, Enthalpy, and Time

The 2nd law of thermodynamics, initially expressed in 1824, readily falls out of the Fundamental Prerequisites.

ConserveLiberty regards the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics as a Fundamental Rule, much like Separateness, Resilience, and Competition are. All, ultimately, emerge from the Fundamental Resonance.

The 2nd Law essentially states that the total entropy (S) of an isolated (closed) system can never decrease over time. Rather, the entropy of an isolated system spontaneously evolves toward thermodynamic equilibrium (maximum entropy). The entropy of a closed system will either stay the same (an ideal system) or increase (reflecting the real, non-ideal world.)

Non-isolated systems may lose entropy provided the entropy of the environment they interact with increases by at least that amount.

Using more "familiar terms" to comprehend scientific meaning, think of:
  • Entropy as "disorder" or "chaos". An increase in entropy is an increase in disorder.

  • Enthalpy as "order" or "mass/energy". An increase in enthalpy is an increase in order and mass/energy.

  • Time is the observed tendency of everything irreversibly tending to increasing entropy after the Big Bang ... until it doesn't anymore. It is not symmetric. One cannot "go back" in time. Time does not have a factually Real dimorphic counterpart.
Importantly, ConserveLiberty and the general scientific and particle physics community differ over the relationship between entropy and gravity. Gravity is the tendency among All That Is, both matter and energy, to "reunify". The tendency or "force" of gravity is additive. The more that has come together, the greater the "force."

ConserveLiberty believes (a non-validatable belief) that at the extreme, when All That Is has accumulated together, the force bringing the Dimorphic All That Is together becomes so strong that all Fundamental Forces reunify, and All That Is becomes The Singularity, at once Nothing and Everything.

Accumulate enough and the collection ignites into a star. Accumulate enough mass/energy into a small enough region and a "black hole" is "created." Black holes are considered by the general scientific community to have the maximum possible entropy of any object of equal size.
Important → ConserveLiberty regards black holes, and the accumulation caused by gravity in general, as representing exactly the opposite situation.

ConserveLiberty believes that gravity has the effect of DECREASING local entropy, and that a black hole represents a state of locally minimum entropy (decreased disorder, increased order, locally maximum enthalpy.) Taken to the original extreme, the Singularity at the initial moment of the Big Bang represented the state of maximum enthalpy (most minimum entropy, or none.) ← Important
Assuming a starting entropy of "most minimum", that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics falls out of the Fundamental Prerequisites, and that the entire universe is a closed system (finite), then nothing else could/would happen but for "local" entropy to increase from that moment.

Pow! "Zero" entropy ("maximum enthalpy") was the source of the "maximum available energy" delivering a Big Bang sufficient to power an inflationary epoch for All That Is that vastly outstripped the speed of light. !!

As for the "Dark Energy" causing the accelerating expansion of the observable universe? Perhaps it has been "in plain sight" all along. Entropy. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Gravity itself is the manifestation of the attraction of everything that Is to become, again, with and among itself as completely unified (lowest entropy) as possible.

Are Gravity and Dark Energy two sides of the same unifyied dimorphic coin? Is it possible that when Gravity and the Electronuclear Force separated just after all the fundamental forces had been united that we missed one? Was Dark Energy another? The Fifth Force?

→ This addenda was last updated 20 Nov 2018 13:30 PST ←

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