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Note #1:
Hi Stella,
I've really enjoyed talking with you about the variety of topics we've touched upon. All naturally delved further beneath the surface. Not that we were interested in getting seriously into nuts and bolts, but we both had fun exploring deeper.Reply #1:
I've been developing the ConserveLiberty resource, which engages various topics in just the same way. To keep it interesting, I stick with what has been observed, is factual, and then go further where few have gone. That way there is some credible novelty. Something fun for folks who find learning new stuff (or reexamining old stuff!) fun.
The site is not for everybody, and isn't meant to be for everybody. ConserveLiberty's feeling about its popularity is pretty much, "If this resource works for you, great. And, please send feedback. If instead you'd rather spend time elsewhere, then by all means go do something else."
What do you think about the site?
→ Note #1 to Stella Maronne was last updated 14 Oct 2017 11:30 PDT ←
Dear David,
I checked out your web site. Basically, I started from about the most recent post, and progressed down the list given. Starting from the top and working down.Note #2:
It is an interesting site, and I think I'm getting where you are coming from. It seems like a lot of it references the cognitive reboot you experienced after the accident.
I like that you are open to other perspectives on that. Is there a way people can send email or reply on the site? How would they do that?
The way I approach resources like this is that first I try to get a sense of what the main thrust is going to be. What is the primary thing they want me to take away from what they are presenting? I think I've got that you are exploring the things that you experienced or realized during and after your recovery from the accident.
Am I approaching the web site as you think I should so that I get close to the intended value you wanted the readers to get?
→ Reply #1 to David Apollo was last updated 14 Oct 2017 13:30 PDT ←
Wow! Great feedback. You have told me more than you may realize I was looking for.
I wanted to find out how it showed up for you without any influence or introduction from me. I got it!
Right now the chapters by default are listed in order of posting, most recent postings at the top. And, they are grouped a little bit in terms of broad category, although there is some overlap.
Based on your questions, it might be a good idea for me to post a suggested order or a navigation recommendation.
What do you think about something like this as an aid for moving through the ConserveLiberty resource? How does that work for you?
→ Note #2 to Stella Maronne was last updated 15 Oct 2017 PDT 12:00 ←
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