On Why ConserveLiberty was Created (Part 2)

Universe Chronology pic
        (Click image for access to larger version.)
It turns out that in absolutely all of the natural world, whether from: that we have been able to observe and/or interact with, comprehend, and understand so far (or think we can and do), ... there are a number of "attributes" or "ways of interacting" or "ways of being" that are, in the abstract, identical with one another.

How these manifest themselves may be different in their "description of mechanism" or "how it works" or "what explains what we are perceiving", but in the abstract these few things are the same. All the way from A to Z.

The "end goal" of the ConserveLiberty resource will be to show how all these fit together, and share relationships with one another in the commonalities of the Fundamental Prerequisites that they all share.
Important →     All that Is, within and throughout All That Is is the way it is because EVERY THING of it has the Liberty to be what it has been Created to Be. It DOES what it has been created to DO. It IS what It has become as it has become What It IS.

The Liberty to be What It IS is not really a "liberty" as we often consider the term. It is, rather, a Fundamental Prerequisite. Throughout the Universe, nothing can be what it is not. It does not have the "liberty" (the way we usually think of the term) to be what it is not. It can only BE what it Is, and it is always what it is. The "liberty" to be what it Is (if it did have a choice, which it does not) is ALWAYS Conserved. Since it is always conserved, it does not normally occur to any sentient thinking being that Reality can, would, should, or does unfold any differently than the way that it unfolds today. And yesterday. And tomorrow.

Thus, ALL THAT IS Conserves the Liberty to be as it has been built to be. Always.

Hence the name of this resource - ConserveLiberty.     ← Important
However, building a resource that conveys these relationships and the underlying commonality of the "traits" that are shared between everything: ... all in a novel and way that reveals a way of thinking about things that is occasionally intriguingly different, but testable and validatable ... is a very large task.

Where to start?     ← Important, Whether exploring this resource or creating this resource

Time is finite. The effort available for the project is finite.

Stay skeptical. Think critically.

→ Part 2 last updated 23 Oct 2017, 14:15 PDT ←

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