Who is ConserveLiberty's Noel Noel?

Noel Noel is a muse.
More about ConserveLiberty's muses

[ Noel tree pic ]
Noel Noel brings news from the beginning.

Noel (the first name) is derived from the Middle French nouvelle, meaning "news" or "information", which derives from the Old French novele, which derives from the Vulgar Latin novella, meaning ("new, novel").

Noel (the last name) is derived from the Latin natalis, which is derived from gnātus and ālis, meaning "of one's birth", or "to beget". From ConserveLiberty's perspective - "of the beginning."

[ Noel orbit pic ]
Noel Noel is drawn to that which is Fundamentally Real, and once found lets us know about it.

Noel is also a minor planet orbiting within the inner asteroid belt outside the orbit of Mars.
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