Who are ConserveLiberty's muses?
The Muses ARE Real. Generally speaking, or listening, The Muses
observe, reflect, and tell of the Unfolding.
Who are
Diana Collins
- sees clearly through the bullshit. Diana Collins listens, and only speaks when one is ready to hear The Truth.
Harmony Concord
Noel Noel
- brings news from the beginning. Noel Noel is drawn to that which is Fundamentally Real, and once found lets us know about it.
Pocxam Large
Simon Carrington
- believes that All That Is can be described by The Big Math. Simon Carrington insists that anyone considering posts to
do so skeptically.
Sophia Nine
- cares to walk Home with us. Sophia Nine interacts with The Cognitive Me, and with each differently. With Sophia we walk back to where we left the old, and find The New.
Stella Maronne
- scratches beneath the surface. Sophia Nine wonders how far she may sometimes be from actually scratching the surface she believes she has gotten beneath.
David Apollo
- is Real, although not often seen exactly right where he is. David Apollo writes of that which is In Plain Sight, although not always seen ... and not always spoken. David is
The Muses are heard by all (or most) and yet best understood by the audience of Truth Seekers.
All good seekers of the truth are, naturally,
Thus, the Truths of The Muses are heard and understood by those who are skeptical of everything heard.
The Muses are all In Plain Sight, although not always seen ... and not always heard.
More on the Muses:
Abstractly (a
suggestion of the dimensions of "Reality" that the Muses represent):
The "Root Level" Muse: Wisdom (the mathematics (Big Math) governing All That Is (the music of the universe) -
the Lyre
Song / Tune (How that which occurs and its consequences actually unfold and manifest themselves).
(note, from the cognitive form through the simple change that persists (Impact)).
Practice / Occasion (the events that occur).
Melete. The muse of
meditation (of the Actual Fact of what actually is/has occurring / occured.)
The three muses above (Fact, How, Impact) can be seen as resolving into the "three groups of three" muses below:
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