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Mar 21, 2018
The Bullshit Detection Filter (v.2)
Bullshit Detection

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Offered by David Apollo

Author's Note
"Sometimes, when an answer appears Unspoken, it is In Plain Sight." - David Apollo

While the Bullshit Detection Personality Spectrum Filter, which for conciseness we refer to simply as the Bullshit Filter, may give the default impression that it is not a filter to be taken seriously ... it is in fact a seriously important Filter. So important that we will define it later in the Introduction section.

bullshit pic
Because ConserveLiberty's intention is to have a little fun with this topic, you may be wondering from time to time whether what is being stated is to be taken seriously or taken not so seriously. We'll make that easy on you. When making a point that is best regarded as bullshit, we will include the symbol nearby.

If the symbol above is not adjacent to what is being said, then regard it more seriously.

In either case, for the few, the point will be In Plain Sight.

The Bullshit Detection Filter is important because to evaluate whether what one is being told by another resource is truthful or not requires one to be able to judge its credibility as "factual". Truth is based either on actual facts, or it is based on solid rational judgement exercised on actual facts. While, despite excellent intentions, one's judgement of the meaning of those facts might be in error, either way credible facts must be the basis of either truthful judgment or judgement that is intended to be true but that is in error. One cannot abdicate one's responsibility to thoughtfully use solid judgement to verify another's interpretation of the facts. At the same time, dialog is nearly worthless if the goal is to understand Truth and actual facts are not the basis of the discussion in the first place.

Since an immersion in truth is required to achieve a state of true harmony, then an ability to surmise:
  • whether facts are real and truthful, (or at least highly likely to be so)
  • whether those facts are relevant to the judgement proposed by others, and
  • whether or not that judgment was rationally and skeptically exercised with the goal of understanding a thing from a truthful perspective
... is extraordinarily important... if Truth is the primary goal. Not so important if Truth is not the primary goal. For example, perhaps entertainment is instead the important goal, or a desired perspective or state of mind, or group acceptance, or the desire to win a contested outcome. The filter that enables us to more accurately grasp whether actual Truths (or relevant relationships) are a part of what another resource is presenting to us is the Bullshit Detection Filter.

Depending on your own Bullshit Filter settings, and the settings of other of your interacting Filters, ... you will either understand why "fact and relevance detection" is so important ... or you will be certain that these are simply a matter of perspective, and that different perspectives are equally valid. Or, somewhere in between.

Perhaps so.

Consider that it is also true that some perspectives are more accurate than others. Thus, different perspectives cannot all be equally valid. The Bullshit Detection Filter enables those who express it strongly to ascertain the likelihood for Truth in a presentation better than those who express the filter more weakly.

→ The Author's Note was last updated 05 Oct 2016 11:25 PST ←

multiple filters picture
We start each Personality Spectrum Filter discussion by reminding the reader what ConserveLiberty means by a Personality Filter. Click there.

Now that the declaration that "our personality filters have an organic, genetic basis" is out of the way ... it is also important to keep in mind that since authors are endowed with their own foundational filters, these posts are always written from an unavoidable perspective and expression personality bias.

Finally, we continue to remind that ...
The biological and genetic basis underlying human personality is expected to be quite complex, with many component parts. By no means should it be construed or implied that the Bullshit Detection Personality Spectrum Filter is the result of a single gene. Rather, an ensemble of biological parts are necessary to be expressed and put together just right so that a person's individual place on the Bullshit Detection Personality Spectrum Filter is determined.
→ The Preface was last updated 25 Sep 2016 16:00 PST ←

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