The Universe
The Universe

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Introduction   ← You are here
The Big Picture
Essential Factors
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Getting to Where We Are
    The Beginning and The End
    Solar System Formation

This section will be elaborated on over time to provide a picture of how physicists and astronomers currently view our Universe, and how it has evolved over time.

Consistent with many of the themes that will be discussed throughout this web resource, what is striking is that all of the wonder of The Universe, broadly understood scientifically through the study of Cosmology, has unfolded completely conforming to its own Natural Laws that have been in place from The Beginning ... if there ever was one. If there was not a Beginning, then it has conformed to its own Natural Laws always.

Its Liberty to behave and evolve naturally has been Conserved throughout its entire existence as Real.

While the mechanism of the beginning of the current Universe (e.g. Big Bang, Lambda-CDM, and other theories, such as Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND)) may not be entirely certain, the way nucleosynthesis works is way more certain, and explains how most of the non-hydrogen matter in the universe was and continues to be created. We will discuss this further in a future revision to this section.

Once further elaboration is presented it will become very clear that we owe nearly everything that We Are and have become to Gravity, when it all comes down to it (so to speak). Other factors and forces in The Universe are also tremendously important. But for a "force" or "psuedo-force" that everyone observes today and that anyone can appreciate In Plain View, gravity tops it (so to speak).

Gravity is basically observed as the tendency among all that is real to be drawn together. If "It" has Mass, then it is drawn to other things that have mass, and all things have mass. Even photons (considered energy only) have mass. Considering that All That Is may have issued forth from The Big Bang, gravity draws ALL BACK TOGETHER.

Without Gravity, not even the stars or our Sun would shine. No atoms other than hydrogen, a trace of helium, and a miniscule amount of lithium would have formed. Neither galaxies nor even the Earth would have coalesced as they have today. Weather would not happen. And that is just a few of trillions of specifically different examples that would not be manifested today were it not for gravity.

In fact (of course, the following statement is NOT verifiable today), if, trillions of years from now All That Is consolidates itself in to one single monstrously huge black hole ultimately reversing The Big Bang itself, that will happen because of Gravity. (ConserveLiberty refers to this event as The End.) Gravity may have begun coincident with The Big Bang. In The End, gravity will have brought All That Is together to the singular moment Ending All That Is that is Real. If All That Is that is Real Ends.
Important   →   Gravity - is the manifestation of the Fundamental Prerequisite that "All That Is shall become One. Which is equivalent to None".
A few outstanding pics from the Earth, our Solar System, and the Universe are presented below. Click on any of them for additional information:

→ The Introduction Section was last updated 08 Aug 2018 11:40 PDT ←

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