The Universe
The Universe

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The Essential Factors
Big Bang and other cosmology scientists often think in terms of fundamental particles. These particles are the most primitive component building blocks of all the matter and forces of the Universe.

ConserveLiberty is neither going to challenge nor explain these fundamental particles here. In the interest of comprehensiveness, ConserveLiberty has added few good links to information about them.

Rather, ConserveLiberty calls out a few fundamental or "essential" factors that seem to govern the Universe. These may or may not have corresponding fundamental particles associated with them. Again, ConserveLiberty is not going to specifically address these relationships here.

The Fundamental Rules (Essential Factors) can be thought of as traits of the Universe, much like we have (or will) discuss the personality behavioral traits of humans and other animals.

In fact, these Fundamental Rules, and the Fundamental Prerequisites from which they are derived, are preserved all the way up the through the increasing levels of complexity that we find the Universe organized.

We'll call some of them out here, and then elaborate on and add to them as the site matures:
  • Interaction - Communication.
  • Separateness - Identity of Whatever from "another".
  • Persistence - Continuation of Whatever.
  • Competition - Separateness and Persistence are finite. One will not continue. The other will. Always. For now. Until there is One. Which is equivalent to None.
  • Change - All that Interacts influences Whatever. The manifestation of Influence is equivalent to Change.
Please note, that these "Essential Factors" are universal, meaning they are necessary both for understanding the existence of the Universe (why It Is and Does what it Is and Does,) and the even the existence of human behaviors (why We Are and Do what we Are and Do.) ConserveLiberty will expand further on these later.

When Interaction, Separateness, Persistence, Competition, and Change, act together as an Ensemble, what we get is Evolution.

Evolution is often thought of in terms of Living Systems, but ConserveLiberty considers the term in a much broader context. Evolution occurs throughout the entirety of The Cosmological Universe, All That Is, among all aspects of the Universe as it unfolds. Including with Living Systems. It therefore includes the evolution of Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes, even the Unfolding of the entire Universe from the Big Bang, whatever that was, if it ever was.

Another term for the progressive unfolding (ConserveLiberty considers Change equivalent to "innovation") that occurs as Evolution progressively unfolds is Technological Change. An interesting and informative way of regarding how one might view technological change, or evolution for that matter, can be read in the commentary:
→ The Essential Factors Section was last updated 08 Aug 2018 11:30 PDT ←

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