Economic Reform
Economic Reform

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Please note: ConserveLiberty is not a Reform Advocacy Web Resource. In this section, specific economic reforms are not being proposed. Rather, this section will eventually serve as an aid for those interested in rebuilding a new economic infrastructure after the inevitable reduction of the current one. In our current environment, productive economic reform is being ignored, and will likely continue to be ignored until an interested demographic remnant becomes interested in developing a platform for an economic foundation promoting sustainable innovation, prosperity, and liberty. For now, this section is offered as a partial educational resource. Something for you to think about, and later, contribute to.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside.
  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
  - Abraham Lincoln


Fundamentally, all the issues that we concern ourselves with, be they spending, healthcare, immigration, constitutional freedoms, the environment, etc., are bound by only a few common concerns:
  • Survival
  • Opportunity
  • Choice or options or freedom.
In other words, we generally concern ourselves with our own business. How we choose to provide value for our selves, our families, our communities, our nation. Often, we do that by trading our labor, or something we have exchanged for our labor, for something else of value that we want or need. Whether that be food, shelter, a sense of purpose, or fun.

This is the essence of economy, in its broadest sense. This is the essence of the marketplace.

Many times, Economy involves money as the medium of exchange for the fruits of our labors. Many times it does not involve money, but rather desire, or love, or hobby, or faith.

In this section, we will concern ourselves with the job climate. Most of us need jobs in order to generate the funds we need to care for those dear to us, and ourselves. We need the funds for food, and for fun. We need the funds in order to maintain our independence, our freedom to choose.

None of the reform and freedom objectives discussed on this site mean much of anything if we do not have an economic climate that promotes an opportunity to prosper independently, as freely acting and individually responsible men and women.

There is a sense that the U.S. is in decline, usually meaning that our economic opportunities have become stagnant, or are eroding. That may or may not be true. We'll leave that to you to decide, candidly. However, it is also true that enhancing the economic opportunity our national environment offers us cannot be had by complaining, by protests, by grousing, by resignation -
  • We need to have a plan.

  • To have a plan, we need to understand where we want, or need, to go.

  • To understand how to get to where we want to go, we need to understand where we are, and what the obstacles and opportunities are along the way to our destination.

  • Without a plan, we cannot grow or conserve our liberty.

The topic of economic reform is a highly complex one in our nation, our state, and our communities. It is systemic in scope, and cannot be addressed simply by advocating for a "government and politicians that will deliver jobs" or "voting all the bums out" or "deciding to embrace market oriented libertarianism."

The scope of this Economic Reform section includes:
  • The need for our economic foundation to adapt to legitimately evolving social and economic environments
  • The need to overcome or override unintended corruptions within the different areas of public government and private business
  • The need to provide for (limited) universally enjoyed economic game rules
  • The need to allow for variation (and experimentation) in local business solutions, regulations, and methodologies
  • The need to enhance our national and global economic competitiveness.

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Considering the Big Picture

This section has been placed here for now as a placeholder. Over time, it will deal with questions such as
  • How does our nation become competitive again globally? What would it mean for our nation to become a destination where both foreign and domestic companies prefer to locate their manufacturing and their corporate headquarters here?
  • How does immigration fit in? What does a wise and prudent and enabling immigration policy look like?
  • The regulatory environment ... what needs to be improved upon?
  • The litigation environment ... what should we keep, what should we discard?
  • Safety nets ... are they working for us? How can we do better?
  • Our tax policies. Why?
  • Environmental issues. What need we be careful of? What else is a ruse for something else?
  • Monetary policy. Is it appropriate?
  • Our education infrastructure... is it serving our needs?
  • Consumer (market) driven vs. government driven economic environments. Which optimize innovation, prosperity, liberty?
  • And others.

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Selected Resources

A few examples for illustration ...

On Taxes

The impassioned speech (left) of Senator Marco Rubio regarding taxation and its relationship to job creation is worth a listen.


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Last Update: Nov 10, 2011 23:30 PDT