The Violence (Monster)
Personality Spectrum Ensemble Select the section that interests you. |
This section will have additional content added, enhancing it debth of information, in subsequent revisions of this chapter (The Violence (Monster) Personality Spectrum Ensemble). The current version as of this writing is v #2.1.Issues
Interesting links pertaining to relevant genetic studies:
Two genes linked with violent crime (BBC News, 28 Oct 2014)
- The Warrior Gene (a low activity monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) genotype). MAOA is important for controlling the amount of dopamine and serotonin in the brain and norepinephrine. The variants, known collectively as MAOA-L, produce human MAOA "knockouts" with a low level of the enzyme. The MAOA-L are actually variants for the promoter region of the gene, which breaks down neurotransmitters. Less MAOA activity (due to decreased expression) leads to in increase in neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine) that are available within the brain. Although this could lead to decreased depression behavioral phenotypy, it could also lead to more impulsive (violent) behavior.
- Another Crime Gene (a cadherin 13 (CDH13) genotype). CDH13 (a neuronal membrane adhesion protein) is involved in signaling between cells. It may be involved in supporting neuronal growth guidance via negative contact inhibition. Previously associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, schizophrenia, substance abuse or bipolar disorder.
- Note: To call these alleles "genes for violence" is a gross exaggeration. In combination with additional factors these genotypes may reduce the ability or desire to control violent urges versus others, but they alone do not predispose one to a life of crime.
Do the MAOA and CDH13 'human warrior genes' make violent criminals - and what should society do? (The Genetic Literacy Project, July 29, 2016)
- Genetic background of extreme violent behavior (Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 20, 786–792 (2015))
- Genetic Factors Tied to Violent Behaviors
The genetics of violent behavior (The Jackson Laboratory, 7 Dec 2015) ← Important, this essay is a good one.
- MAOA, DAT1 and DRD2
- CDH13
- Environmental influences
→ The Multiple Filters in Play section was last updated 19 Dec 2017 20:00 PST ←
This section will have content posted to it in subsequent revisions of this chapter (Violence (Monster) Personality Spectrum Ensemble). The current version as of this writing is v #2.1.Moving Forward
→ The Issues section was last updated 02 Nov 2017 16:20 PDT ←
This section will have content posted to it in subsequent revisions of this chapter (Violence (Monster) Personality Spectrum Ensemble). The current version as of this writing is v #2.1.
→ The Moving Forward section was last updated 02 Nov 2017 16:20 PDT ←