The Attachment Formation
Personality Spectrum

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Offered by David Apollo

The Attachment Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble is a predominantly Instinctual (genetically driven) Filter enabling instincts, perceptions, responses, and urges driving a spectrum of behaviors manifesting themselves as approval, affinity, bonding, devotion.

The Attachment Ensemble itself is made up of an ensemble of functions. For example: Each of the Attachment Filters, which altogether make up the Attachment Ensemble, are likely themselves ensembles of Filters or other Ensembles.

For ease of discourse, we will often refer to the Attachment Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble as the Attachment Filter. When unspecified, we are referring abstractly to the entire Attachment Ensemble. When specified, as in the ensembles or filters listed above, we are referring to that specific ensemble or filter.

It is quite likely that in the future, as more is understood from a validated, scientific perspective, we may refer to the entirety of the Attachment Filter as the Attachment Tapestry.

human with dog paw pic
Context matters.

With regard to personality, ConserveLiberty's primary interest is to focus on the biological (and thus genetic) components that have responsibility for the mechanisms of action (MOAs) leading to the behavior and perception phenotypes that the Filters enable.

While primarily organic (genetic and physiological) in infrastructure, multiple things fall out of the fact that Environment plays a significant roll with the way the Attachment Ensemble manifests itself.

Conserve Your Liberty. Attach mindfully.

There will be another revision to this chapter. Watch for it if you find you are interested.

→ The Section above was last updated 05 Oct 2017 14:15 PDT ←

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