The Embrace of
Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Ensemble ![]() Select the section that interests you. |
IssuesA few brief mentions are warranted.![]()
Firstly, as with all the other Filters discussed (i.e. the instincts, behavioral preferences, default ways of interpreting our environment and the way we interact with it, etc.), the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Ensemble, is not at all likely to be revealed as a trait solely via the expression of one gene. Rather, multiple genes, and even in concert with multiple other filters are likely necessary to be understood in order to understand the Indoctrination Ensemble. It is the result of an ensemble of components - their presence and their expressions. And with this one, one of those components will be the environment itself that the individual has been indoctrinated into.
Among those other Filters and components are:Because of the interplay between the ensemble of these components resulting in the particular expression of the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences for a unique individual, the way this filter presents itself will differ for each individual. In general, however, what seems to be found is that a higher percentage of people present with the tendency to "embrace beliefs or narratives that they will NOT reconsider when facts which are obvious and credible are offered that are in conflict with those beliefs." Those who will comfortably reexamine and reevaluate their narratives and beliefs tend to be a minority within the general population.
- The Requirement to Believe Personality Spectrum Filter
- The Attachment Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble
- The Compatibility-Seeking Personality Spectrum Filter
- The Pattern Recognition Personality Filter
- The Analytical Personality Filter (includes the requirement for verification)
- The ability to better differentiate between actual facts and imaginary assertions that are presented as facts (The Bullshit Filter).
- The culture being indoctrinated within.
- The compatibility between the cultural core and non-core instincts and the core and non-core instincts of the individual.
- Others to be mentioned when updated.
Thus, for any particular population in homeostasis, there are usually many fewer innovators, inventors, optimizers, and scientists than there are folks who consider themselves "practical minded" and "grounded" (a nice narrative) in the real world.![]()
Interestingly, True Innovators and Scientists know who they are and recognize each other as such.
Those who are not true innovators and scientists, however, believe that they can recognize True Innovators and Scientists, but actually can not. For them, the group is much larger than it actually is. This lack of credible recognition is likely due to not having the appropriate filter settings that would resonate with verification, analysis, uncertainty, and an interest in mechanism of action as an essential prerequisite for understanding the truth of a thing.
Yet, all has evolved as it has. And since it has evolved, by definition it has done so for very good selective reasons. (If only we knew, really, what those were.)
→ The section above was last updated 12 Oct 2017 18:40 PDT ←
Several issues arise with regard to the instinct to adhere to the beliefs or perspectives one is indoctrinated with, the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Ensemble. These issues regard the liberty actually available to us to make choices based on how we experience our environment, our relationships, and how we instinctively react to them.Indoctrinations showing positive outcomes that may represent The Actual Truth
The way that Indoctrination is executed most effectively follows a certain kind of "Math." A "Math" that is consistent with the math that runs through All That Is. Especially All That Is that is Living and competing selectively (whether they know it or not.)
Almost all of us are endowed as humans with the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Ensemble, and so this "Math" works consistently among all of us. The extent to which it works depends on our own personal settings that we are built with for this filter.
Paradoxically, while the advantage of the instinct to embrace externally taught indoctrinations means that we don't have to rediscover or revalidate behaviors and perspectives that are truly helpful for us, it is also true that these same instincts can lead us to accept indoctrinations that work to our disadvantage.![]()
How can we tell the difference? Well that is the irony isn't it? One CAN tell the difference using a rational examination of relevant facts and experiences. And yet a strongly expressing Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Ensemble leads one to disregard facts and experiences that are in conflict with the narratives that one has been indoctrinated with. The rational re-examination is often trumped. The indoctrinated believe their dismissal of re-examination IS rational, if they even give such an option any thought at all.
Those with a strongly expressing Indoctrination Ensemble will not perceive when their liberties are being restricted, eroded, and lost while they are under the embrace of the narratives that the indoctrinations are packaged with. Rather, feedback and suggestions intended to strengthen and conserve liberties will be dismissed, considered uninformed, perhaps ridiculed or even demonized much like in our earlier example of The Knee.Think, and you may often Conserve Liberty. Simply follow the perspectives that you have been indoctrinated and become comfortable with, and your Liberty To Be You may be truly eroded.
While this section will focus in part on the abuses and degradations that can be mediated through strategies that employ indoctrination, it is important to be aware that indoctrination also has its advantages. As noted in our example above, indoctrination can be used to confer selectively advantageous behaviors quickly and broadly. Especially when the behaviors are not endowed organically through genetic mechanisms. Oftentimes, productive behaviors and perspectives that are distinctly positive, even life saving, can be counterintuitive. They would not be commonly practiced if they were not taught and emphasized. Hundreds of examples of these positive indoctrinations could be given, and we know many through our own experiences.
Thus, indoctrination is a utility that is advantageous to have. It is simply important to understand that indoctrination can also be abused, and is used all the time for reasons that have nothing to do with improving harmony in our lives. It is also important to understand that the very best corrupting indoctrinations are embraced so broadly precisely because they are deployed and paired with narratives that proclaim to advance good natured objectives.
- Perspectives that enhance the opportunity for realizing harmony by engaging truthfully with All That Is require care and effort. Skepticism is required in order to examine assertions that may be offered as true in order to validate whether or not they may in fact be true, and to what extent they are actually true. Because we are still learning to understand our own environment, we naturally continue to harbor (often unknowingly) misunderstandings, despite our best intentions. Thus, our own beliefs and narratives must always be regarded skeptically and open to rational reexamination in order that they may continue improving.
→ When postures and perspectives that are analytical, skeptical, and validation oriented are learned and optimized within a supportively indoctrinating environment, and valued by those who embrace the teaching, then the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Ensemble serves a most welcome objective.
- Perspectives that enable influence of the indoctrinated without regard for their desire either to reach true harmony or to govern their own lives with their own well intentioned choices lead eventually to deleterious outcomes for the indoctrinated. Importantly, the most successful of these corrupting indoctrinations are presented and marketed such that the indoctrinated (the Followers) believe that they are on a positive path that they aspire to. Since they believe that what they are embracing leads to their aspirational goals, they usually accept the narration that comes with it without additional and purposeful empirical validation. Rather, they simply take another's word for it because they have decided to trust them (which is not empirical validation!) Usually, the Followers consider their intention in regard to the indoctrination that they have embraced as generally "good enough". The indoctrinators (the Leaders) do not focus on whether or not their stated goals are actually met "within the present time", and encourage patience to stay committed to the "honorable path" in order to eventually achieve the results desired. The Followers believe, and True Believers follow.
Why is this such a risk, and not desired, if it in fact gives the indoctrinated peace of mind, or the embrace of a seemingly welcome narrative? It is not desired because it is intentionally misleading for the purpose of the objectives of another. Misleading narratives do not enable a truthful harmony, even if they establish the misperception of harmony among the gullible.
A hallmark of corrupted indoctrinations is that the narratives they are paired and marketed with propose a positive, agreeable outcome. However, unbiased analysis often determines that the results that flow from these adopted indoctrinations do not work out favorably for the Followers, but do meet other (often unstated) objectives of the Leadership that advocates them.→ The section above was last updated 20 Sep 2016 12:10 PST ←
These examples are advocated by Leadership with the intention of representing The Truth so that additional truths may be uncovered going forward. They are sincerely believed to be fully representative of factual reality, and are therefore taught AS factual reality.Indoctrinations showing positive or neutral outcomes that may NOT represent The Actual TruthThe above are just a few of hundreds.
- Normal human mothers are more protective of their own children over others.
- People value and care for what is theirs more than they value and care for what is not theirs.
- The abnormal or unusual attracts more interest and attention than the normal and usual.
- An increased level of sanitation of ourselves and what we interact with can lead to healthier lives.
- Forgiveness of those who have harmed us, are truly sorry, and are committed to making what they can right is essential to a thriving community. Forgiveness of those who have intended to harm us, are not truly sorry, and have no orientation to making things right is inappropriate, and degrades the community.
- The teaching of accurate reading, accurate writing, and accurate math skills are essential to advancing the power and utility of the individual.
→ The section above was last updated 20 Sep 2016 12:20 PST ←
Non-fact-based Indoctrinations Showing Negative OutcomesThese examples, like those above, are advocated by Leadership with the intention of representing The Truth so that additional truths may be uncovered going forward. They are sincerely believed to be fully representative of factual reality. Because they may be either counterintuitive or not instinctively obvious they are taught because of their perceived selective, compassionate, technical, or educationally advanced value. However, in reality, they may not represent The Actual Truth.![]()
The above are simply a few of hundreds in this class. There are often observations or phenomena that are observed which have been interpreted as supportive of the teachings above. However, in every case the assertions have not been vetted at a level or rigor that could be considered complete.
- It is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light.
- Time slows down when we experience greater gravitational forces. Time also slows down for those traveling faster than us.
- There is life that is experienced and participated in by an individual after that individual's biological death.
- "Fairness" is the way things are supposed to work.
- Wealth results in happiness.
Take for example:At this point, several generations of physicists have been indoctrinated with the notion that the progression of Actual Time changes under relativistically compared conditions, and that this change of actual Time Progression is real. And yet, while the alternative way of thinking about the reality of the Progression of Time that was presented above is not an unusual consideration that a nominally and productively skeptical physicist might make, it is also true that most of the indoctrinated will naturally dismiss it without giving it any consideration at all. Instinctively. Naturally. Such is the extraordinary potency of indoctrination to alter our approach to something we would be naturally curious about (if one was a True Innovator Scientist.) And there are hundreds of True Innovator physicists. Indoctrinated. One will slip through, eventually.
- The observations and measurements supportive of the assertion that time slows down under certain circumstances. In fact what is actually known is that the devices used to measure time do generate the data that supports the theory. The numbers that they generate are facts - but facts only that those are the numbers they do generate. It is also very important to recall that all these time dilation assertions are only found to be true when compared under "relativistic" circumstances.
ConserveLiberty is not going to go into how important this is here, though that may happen later in another division, such as "Creation." What will be said is that there is a very important reason these are called out as "relativistic" observations, and that reason is usually not at all appreciated by most. Albert Einstein understood it. How many actually "understood" what Einstein actually intended to communicate? The impact of "filter differences" is important when considering that question.
Think about the measurement of time itself. How is it that this is done by the devices? Well, these are atomic clocks, and atomic clocks work on the assumption that a Cesium-133 atom at rest at 0 K transitions two specific energy levels exactly 9,192,631,770 times per second. In fact, that is how "one second" is defined. Different atomic clocks may use other atoms, but the concept is the same.
Interestingly, these rates are dependent on temperature, which would not come as a surprise to moderately well trained chemists and nuclear physicists. However, what if the force of gravity itself also influences the transition rate, such that increasing gravitational forces generate a nuclear impact that results in the transition rate slowing down? What if extremely high gravitational (or other) energies could impact the mechanism that generates the transitions so profoundly that the transition cycling actually stops? The slowdown to zero is what relativistic theories predict, and the expected impact is consistent with the measured and experienced changes in gravity. However, is that really because time is slowing down? Or is it simply the effect of gravitational forces on nuclear activity? Time itself may be completely independent and not impacted at all, even though our current method of measuring time is impacted because of its design.
→ The section above was last updated 20 Sep 2016 12:30 PST ←
ConserveLiberty defines Corrupted Indoctrinations as either indoctrinations that:Why would anyone want to take the effort to mislead the gullible?
- cannot be verified factually as delivering the positive outcomes they are purported to deliver, and/or
- cannot be verified rationally using historical experience and solid logically grounded thought as being able to deliver their suggested positive outcomes, and/or
- can be shown to have delivered negative outcomes in direct contradiction to the positive outcomes the actions advocated with them had been foretold (promised) to deliver.
In order to answer this question, I will first re-ask it with a civilized, well-balanced, fair-minded, and good-natured bias. It's a tone that the gullible would regard as "approachable." And, it may be accurate. Now and then.
Repeating our question in its "approachable" form, "Why would anyone who is for the most part well intentioned take the effort to mislead the gullible?" Answers:Use of indoctrination coupled with false or "not really applicable (although it sounds like it if not considered with much thought)" narratives can have positive outcomes, and selectively positive outcomes occasionally. However, indoctrination and the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Ensemble can also be exploited by others who may not be as well intentioned as we would like. And it is. Indoctrination follows the same "Math" regardless of the intentions for its use. And, depending on our own filter settings, we are as equally susceptible to indoctrinations that enable our liberties truthfully as we are to indoctrinations that degrade our ability to be what we are meant to be. These indoctrinations that degrade our liberties, and thus our ability to be who we are built to be, utilize:
- Sales and Marketing.
- Team Building and Cooperation Development
- Entertainment and Story Telling.
- We can go on and on.
So, we can show examples wherein Corrupted Indoctrinations may either be able to deliver positive results (enabling for the believers), or negative results (disabling for the believers.)
- distortion,
- false rhetoric,
- emotional manipulation,
- appeal to envy, greed, jealousy,
- and so on.
And in each case, when the Math is executed correctly, both indoctrinations that are positive for us and indoctrinations that degrade us are judged by the indoctrinated as precisely the way we ought to go.
Which is why, since many or most of us are built with a strongly executing Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Ensemble, our liberties are usually just one generation away from being lost. → And, they are generally lost with the cooperation of those who are loosing their liberties. ←
Why? Usually because the narratives presented with Corrupted Indoctrinations are believed and aspired to. They are easily imagined. No more difficult to imagine than any other fiction that we enjoy reading or watching, so powerful is our ability to suspend disbelief via our Imagination Facility. Especially when they are narratives that we naturally would support when believing ourselves to be good people.![]()
ConserveLiberty definition:As with most beliefs, once indoctrinated, the relationship of the actions advocated to the narratives that are presented to support them are NOT personally verified by the Followers as actually Real and Truthful. The results flowing from these actions are not evaluated with regard to whether they are actually delivering what they were stated to deliver in support of the narratives they were paired with. Remember, the indoctrinated typically dismiss information conflicting with their beliefs. "Dismiss" meaning ... they do not even consider it, except to take long enough to decide not to consider it. Why take the time to validate, when you are going to ignore any information that would conflict with what you have become certain is true? Generally, that is viewed by the indoctrinated as a "waste of time." And, the indoctrination is usually also coupled with the belief that those who do not "believe and accept" are a(n) "stereotype that one would generally avoid being."
The Perfect Mark (the kind every con man looks for) - Someone who desperately wants the con to be true.
When indoctrination occurs independent of the presentation of actual credible facts and rational logic supported by both relevant experience and those facts ... then the foundation upon which the belief and commitment to that belief is built upon is Imagination and Intention.
What happens should an indoctrination be challenged with credible facts and experience after its embrace? Consider the example of The Knee. Anything presented that conflicts or contradicts the narrative is dismissed. Not even considered. Anything supportive will be accepted and used to justify the indoctrination further. The only thing The Indoctrinated is waiting for is for the source of the conflicting facts to stop giving them. And, when ignoring the source doesn't stop those conflicting facts from coming, censorship of one kind or another is attempted until the source stops.
You will have seen this happen thousands of times in all sorts of scenarios in your lifetime and through any stretch of human history in any area of the globe of your choosing.
Many are insignificant. Many are tremendously significant.
Several examples of mass indoctrination, based on Imagination and Intention rather than on Credible Facts and Rational Logic during the last hundred years are listed below. Some have been resolved. Many have not. They all are recognizable as Non-fact-based Indoctrinations, are known as such by the Leadership that advocates them, are paired with narratives that the Indoctrinations will not factually deliver, and are thus intended for other objectives that are not communicated to the Followers. They generally have the same features:
- Many Followers believe, and believe that what they believe is Truthful.
- Many Leadership appear to believe, and appear to believe that what they believe is Truthful. (Note: Pay attention to the rational consistency (or lack thereof) of their actual behavior and communication.)
- The belief has not been arrived at through personal independent analysis and verification, but by the teaching of mentors whose approval we value.
- Conflicting information is not only dismissed, it is also not sought out.
- Those who are skeptical of the indoctrinated position, its relevance to the positive narrative it has been paired with, or who actually believe a perspective that is in conflict with the indoctrination are regarded as inferior, or even harmful in some way.
- The indoctrination confers power or advantage to the Leadership advancing or supporting it.
- The indoctrination results in loss of power or advantage by those who are expected to follow it (although it may not be viewed that way by the indoctrinated Followers!).
- The narrative that is paired with the indoctrinated view has a positive connotation, and supports what the Followers imagine that they want to support in order to be consistent with their view of a well-intentioned, noble person.
- Actual facts that can be rationally and independently examined (or replicated!) are not given or made available. Rather, visions, intentions, compelling rhetoric, and the belief that the Leadership is "on your side, in partnership with you" is offered in abundance.
- Its presentation impresses and resonates. The importance of Imagination and Intention is paramount.
- The Followers are encouraged to "advocate" the effort as well, and do so because they are moved by and devoted to the narrative.
- The Followers do not regard the loss of liberties, advantage, or power as a result of the indoctrinated belief to be important or significant. They may not even be aware of the loss or the difficulties that result from the execution of the indoctrinated program. Remember, evidence that conflicts is dismissed.
Now, what are some examples of indoctrinated programs that have been "instigated" in order to deal with issues of perceived importance? What has been their result, factually? ConserveLiberty will leave the facts and results up to you to unearth.![]()
For fact seekers, → you will be amazed.
For those who just don't have the time or interest in digging up credible facts on any of these topics or others that aren't listed in these examples ... → you embrace your indoctrination nicely. ConserveLiberty is sure that you believe all is working out as you intend it to. Since finding facts won't change that, why find them?
A Random Dozen Examples of Non-fact-based Corrupted Indoctrinations:Remember, while the narratives associated with the example indoctrinations given above may seem agreeable, the actual results of the actions or perspectives advocated by them are not positive, and in fact are contrary to the narratives they are paired with. And the indoctrinated will generally dismiss any information supporting the negative findings.
- The Welfare System as it is currently deployed reduces poverty and dependency.
- Human generated carbon dioxide has the most significant influence on climate change.
- Our governments (local, state, and federal) will (and should) deliver all the benefits that they have promised us.
- Criticism of people who are not white, not male, not heterosexual, not wealthy, or not citizens of this country is racist, sexist, homophobic, class biased, or diversity averse.
- Our public education system's highest priority is the teaching of its students in order to graduate the highest caliber of knowledgeable, thinking, communicable, independent adults.
- Spending money that you do not have and do not have an actual and deployed strategy for paying back yourself is compassionate. Suggesting that others in the future will pay for it instead, or that we can default on that debt if we have to, is not equivalent to theft.
- Allowing negative consequences to happen to others due to poor judgement or bad luck is mean spirited and should be avoided.
- The prevalence of overweight people today is the fault of various restaurants and food manufacturers.
- Those who have a reason for wanting them have a legitimate claim on the assets of others.
- Those who want to control us and/or harm us or our assets should be reasoned and negotiated with. That works.
- Everyone should have access to all the medical care they need, and it can be very low cost or free.
- Raising children does not require a two parent household to be most effective.
All of these examples have been analyzed and written about for years. Examples of recent analysis follow:The reason that we embrace perspectives that promote the opposite of the examples above is, quite simply, "Indoctrination". Many of us tend to believe what we are told if it is told well. Especially if a positive narrative is woven around it. And, once indoctrinated, we dismiss information that contradicts it. And, more often than not, if indoctrinated, we believe those contradicting what we believe are not credible, or worse.
- The Left and the Masses, Thomas Sowell, 18 Oct, 2016, Townhall
Topics examined using verified factual data:
- Discouraging background checks in hiring harms applicants who are trustworthy and perform well.
- Welfare "promoting social justice" instead enables neighborhood deterioration toward barbarism.
- Increasing minimum wages, rather than improving living conditions, raises unemployment dramatically.
- The Left and the Masses: Part II, Thomas Sowell, 18 Oct, 2016, Townhall
Topics examined using verified factual data:
- Restricting immigrant's learning of a host country's language inhibits their ability to integrate and prosper.
- Preventing school choice results in much poorer educational results.
- Demonizing police results in much higher criminal activity.
- The Left and the Masses: Part III, Thomas Sowell, 18 Oct, 2016, Townhall
Topics examined using verified factual data:
- The Left cares little for those they declare they care for, and cannot verify the claims they use to retain power.
While it would be helpful if ConserveLiberty were to elaborate on the actual Truth regarding the outcomes of adopting each of the indoctrinations above ... ConserveLiberty will not. Instead, what will be said is that each turns out to be False for a variety of verifiable and rationally understood reasons. And, it turns out that the Leadership responsible for supporting and advocating the indoctrinations above KNOWS that each are false. However, the indoctrinated Followers ... generally dismiss any information that conflicts with the indoctrinations above.
If the Leadership advocating these indoctrinations knows that they are false, then why do they continue advocating them?
ConserveLiberty actually does not know the answer to that question. THERE IS an actual purpose that the widespread embrace of these indoctrinations serve, even though the narratives underpinning and paired with them are not actually relevant AND the Truths regarding and the Results achieved by the indoctrinations contradict the statements themselves.
What is known, however, is the following:Each of these indoctrinations erodes either the fiscal health, social cohesion, personal self control and independence, or the previously trusted alliances and agreements that we have established with other allied nations.Finishing The Full Circle on Non-fact-based (Corrupted) Indoctrinations
We also know that the Leadership advocating these indoctrinations are often actually quite intelligent. That these indoctrinations are advocated is not because the Leadership is not bright, and it is not because they have not heard and considered the debates and presentations that challenge or contradict them. They have considered all the opinions presented, understand the outcomes that have resulted, and continue their advocacy to the Followers.
The Leadership is also doing quite well for themselves.
→ The section above was last updated 12 Oct 2017 20:40 PDT ←
Consider for the purpose of clarity that one whose intention is to mislead us, obscuring Truth, and thus preventing true Harmony, is our "enemy." And consider, again for the purpose of clarity, that disagreement with the enemy, especially when their Leadership's intention is to take from us what we would not want to give if we were aware of their goal, is "war."
(The choice of the words "enemy" and "war" are perhaps a bit exaggerated depending on the specific example contemplated. In the abstract sense, you could also use the words "opponent" and "contest".)
In war, the enemy's best defense is quite often achieved with the appearance that the enemy is not a threat, and in fact is likeable, a "friend." A friend will be tolerated despite perceived mistakes that harm. If the enemy can enlist others in the fraud, especially in a way that the others are helping in the misleading but are not aware of it, then all the better. It is perhaps most true that one's worst enemy is the one that shows up as likeable and well intentioned, is actually truly likeable and truly well intentioned, and is not purposefully creating the negative results that they are in fact enabling through their support of perspectives that bring about the negative results.
The paragraph above is a very difficult one for all lovers of people who embrace the positive impact of and requirement for tolerance. Tolerance of individual differences (within limits, rather broad limits) can lead us to much more enabling and positive results. Since we are all built differently, the embrace of tolerance enables harmony with The Real. But there IS a limit to that. For example, the tolerance of those who want to kill us or forcibly harm us does not lead to more enabling and positive results. Thus, tolerance is not an absolutely positive perspective. It is only positive under finite, relative circumstances.
So with respect to Corrupted Indoctrinations, meaning those that will not support in actual results the positive narratives that they are marketed with ... the intentional enemy engages truly likeable and well intentioned others, through indoctrination, to be the unintentional enemy. And ironically, the likeable and well intentioned unintentional enemy, who we may regard as a friend, is in fact our worst enemy.![]()
Why? Because we tolerate their mistakes that harm. Because we compromise to try to keep peace through tolerance. But the harm is intentional, orchestrated by the intentional enemy who has indoctrinated those we consider our "friends." And those "compromises" are not actually compromises at all when considering the progression to the end result. The "compromises" given, when considered as a serial progression, are actually simply a slow, unceasing, erosion, again orchestrated by the intentional enemy who has made the incremental steps seem reasonable to our indoctrinated "friends." And they to us.
The Indoctrinated lose something. The Leadership advocating the Indoctrination gains something. Quite often, what is lost is our Liberty to Be Fully Who We Really Are Built to Be.
We put up far less resistance when our worst enemy is our unintentional enemy, our friend, than we ever would to a much more visible and apparent intentional enemy. And the Leadership advocating the Corrupted Indoctrinations know that. Oh yes, they very much understand "The Math" governing successful indoctrination.
And thus we actually allow the erosion of our Liberty when it is mediated through our duped friends that we want to be tolerant with. And yet, the erosion of our Liberty is exactly counter to everything in Harmony with All That Is.
And so we have a paradox.We can use the Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Ensemble to more quickly nurture more of us to a state of harmony by embracing truthfully that which Conserves Liberty.What to do?
And the Indoctrination Ensemble can be used against us to reduce our Liberty so that we may be exploited by those who want power over us for their own goals.
→ The section above was last updated 12 Oct 2017 20:50 PDT ←
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Consider thoughtfully.