Bullshit Detection

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Offered by David Apollo

The Bullshit Detection Filter can be a very helpful and very important Filter for those who place a high value on understanding the Truth of a thing.

An Illustrative Example:
Most will say that they do hold "truth" in high priority. However, all one has to do to ascertain whether or not that is actually true for the individual asserting it is to assess the priority that individual actually places on truly validating that what they say they believe is true ... is actually True. If focused efforts at validation appear rare for an individual, then their actual assertion that they place a high value on understanding the Truth of a thing is actually Bullshit! It may be Type B, but, it could also be Type A. If it is Type B Bullshit, and you have a strong enough Bullshit Detection Filter to pick up on it, then it may actually follow that what is actually important to the individual is, "that they believe that they place a high priority on the Truth of a thing."

Thus, the individual offering Type B Bullshit in the example above has in fact actually revealed something they did not actually say, and may not have actually intended to imply it.
For the person with a strong enough Bullshit Detection Filter, "What one actually "understands" may not always be what has been offered In Plain Sight."
Oftentimes, Bull can be used in order to make a serious point by wrapping it in humor, sometimes delicately.

Other times, Bull is used to purposefully interfere with or obscure a more positive narrative around a topic, and to support the indoctrination of a more negative view. For example: Be careful. Understand your limitations. Be skeptical of your understanding of what is going on. And if you actually have a strong Bullshit Detection Filter, use it.

→ The Section above was last updated 11 Oct 2016 15:15 PST ←

Moving Forward
It turns out that most of the most important advancements made by human societies, at least since all of the written recording of human history began if not earlier, have been made by people with strong Bullshit Detection Filters.

Why does ConserveLiberty assert that? Because "advancements" by definition, occur when something different is utilized either for a purpose that had been achieved by another preexisting means or for a new purpose that had until then never been done at all.

Generally, before the "innovation" appeared, most people developed habits consistent with "making do with what they already had." And most would communicate with each other that "this is the way we should be regarding things" in whatever particular instance was relevant. People generally adapt into perceptions that enable them to be relatively happy and contented (except for the people who don't) and often find that trying to do things differently can lead to mistakes, and seem like a waste of time. And for many, they are!

In that context, the innovator generally finds resistance, and may lack support for trying something different ... until whatever is being tried and improved upon demonstrates its value.

You will have encountered examples of this hundreds of times during your own lifetime.

Sometimes the putative innovator is shown to have established something new of value over time.

Other times the putative innovator is not establishing something of value at all despite assertions otherwise. Time, and often great losses demonstrate that as well.

How can we tell the difference?

A strong Bullshit Detection Filter can help.

Examples of advancements that came with great resistance, or after a great deal of time was spent doing things differently follow. Most were likely pursued by those with strong Bullshit Detection Filters that pressed on despite being encouraged to "stick intelligently with the preferred status quo which was adequate."
Question with Boldness. Hold to the Truth. Speak without Fear. Conserve Liberty.

→ The Section above was last updated 06 Oct 2016 16:45 PST ←

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