Providence Relationship Filter (v. #1) Select the section that interests you. |
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:PrefaceWhatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.- William Hutchison Murray.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!
This chapter's filter does NOT refer to the ability to bring about events or outcomes, or even to willfully control them. It is, in other words NOT about the ability to willfully influence Providence.
The Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter confers the ability to recognize the relationship that All That Is, including oneself, has with Providence. Or, in other similar words, the relationship that All has with All That Is as It unfolds.
Of course, many people do attempt to willfully influence Providence. That behavior is most often observed to emerge at the moment of birth, and may have been in play before that. For many, that is what "Prayer" is all about. ConserveLiberty does not advocate for the existence of a God which many define or regard as an all-powerful, all intelligent being that transcends All That Is, can hear our prayers, and answer them. But for those that do, often what all their prayers are about is basically communicating requests to their God in the hope that He/She/It will grant them. In other words, their prayers are the result of a desire to have a certain outcome, and to use their God to get it. Put more simply, their prayers are an attempt to manage or control God. If such a God actually does exist (and ConserveLiberty does not believe that one does, or at least it has never been empirically shown that one does) then ConserveLiberty imagines that such a God would be amused. But, not managed.
The use of prayer to willfully influence the unfolding of Providence, while understandable, most certainly displays a complete misunderstanding of the Real relationship that All has with All That Is. Hope and Intention and Deception easily displaces the recognition of and relationship with Truth that surrounds us without interruption and is with us fully in plain site.Lots of people do not want to see what they see In Plain Sight.ConserveLiberty does embrace the concept of "Providence" however. And, as Providence is generally understood as something divine (of God) in origin, which ConserveLiberty does not, then it would be helpful to define Providence from ConserveLiberty's perspective:
"Providence" is the unfolding of All That Is, in the way that All That Is unfolds due to the Fundamental Rules and Fundamental Prerequisites that govern the existence of All That Is.The Providence Relationship Filter confers the ability to recognize Providence in The Reality With and Among Us, and to respond to and with it cognitively and organically as if in relationship with it. This Filter enables an understanding that the way Providence unfolds influences and/or is influenced by the way All That Is unfolds. Both. Providence is of All That Is, and All That Is is of Providence.
Providence can be understood to the degree that All That Is and the Fundamental Rules and Prerequisites can be understood. Two issues are important to keep in mind regarding Providence:
- Firstly, it may not be possible that a full understanding of Providence can ever be achieved by humankind. This is simply due to the limitations of our cognitive abilities and the extraordinary cognitive requirements needed to understand the breadth of All That Is and the Fundamental Rules and Prerequisites that describe it.
- Secondly, no Real Fundamental Rule or Prerequisite is ever broken. They are after all fundamental rules and prerequisites. The desire by humans that they be broken, or exceptions made to them, or the belief that they have been broken on occasion, is simply a result of the limitations of human nature and our ability to understand and embrace reality.
→ The Author's Note was last updated 02 Nov 2016 13:00 PST ←
IntroductionWe start each Personality Spectrum Filter discussion by reminding the reader what ConserveLiberty means by a Personality Filter. ← Click there.
Now that the declaration that "our personality filters have an organic, genetic basis" is out of the way ... it is also important to keep in mind that since authors are endowed with their own foundational filters, these posts are always written from an unavoidable perspective and expression personality bias.
Finally, we continue to remind that ...The biological and genetic basis underlying human personality is expected to be quite complex, with many component parts. By no means should it be construed or implied that the The Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter is the result of a single gene. Rather, an ensemble of biological parts are necessary to be expressed and put together just right so that a person's individual place on the The Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter is determined.→ The Preface was last updated 25 Oct 2016 17:10 PST ←
The Big PictureThe pic nearby was taken 4 weeks after surgery to remove a 3.2 x 1.8 x 0.4 cm elliptical patch of skin from my chest. Afterwards, the excision was sewn together linearly. Two weeks later, the stitches were removed. Before the surgery I received the standard caution that while the surgery was routine, healing often results in scarring, and in some, keloid formation. I acknowledged the caution, and to encourage the team, mentioned that generally I healed well.
Of course, I had no factual knowledge of how I would heal. Factual knowledge only comes when it arrives. Before that is only imagination and anticipation. Of course, past experience is informational, but I'd never had this type of surgery before. So a factual understanding was going to have to come empirically, and thus with time and evidence.
Yet, prior to the surgery I had no concern regarding outcome. While I certainly would be content to deal with whatever I would have to deal with, I knew I'd also be happy with a great result. Like that shown in the pic nearby. And, I have a strong Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter. Being aware of my Providence Relationship does not imply that I can intentionally influence or control outcome. But it does mean that I "go with it." It does not mean I go with whatever it is that I imagine I would prefer. It does mean that I go with wherever the unfolding of Providence as it relates to me proceeds. My mind might note the outcome it would desire, but my mind also accepts the outcome that actually unfolds. And I Move Forward.
So, what does that pic mean? Is it evidence of something? Does it prove anything?
Well, that picture cannot prove a thing.
And, that picture also brings everything we need to know in plain sight!
Ever notice how most pessimists you know wind up with outcomes that support their mindset, and optimists wind up with outcomes that support theirs? How people who believe they are owed subsidy wind up being dependent, and people who decide to make it on their own ... wind up independent. How people who step up to their challenges often overcome them? How folks who are more interested in drama ... wind up with more drama in their lives? Innovators seem to innovate. Runners seem to race.
It's not that we can imagine ourselves into the results we'd like. Yet, our approach does wind up skewing us in the direction of the results we often wind up with. It's a statistical thing. There will still be failures, and unexpected luck. However, our attitudes, perspectives, experience, and training will skew the statistical curve representing the likely outcomes we can expect from our activities in one direction or another.
And, most importantly, the skew is NOT in the direction of Intention. The skew is in the direction that is consistent with the "math" describing All That Is. We often hope that our intentions and the outcomes that are influenced by our actions are consistent with one another. And when they are, that is wonderful, and satisfying. But in reality, the unfolding of Providence occurs without regard to intention. Our minds are so creative that we basically can intend Anything at All. And hope for Anything at All. We even pray for Anything at All. However, "Anything at All" is not compatible with the Reality of All That Is. What is compatible with All That Is, and can happen, is Anything Consistent with the Math That Falls out of the Fundamental and Prerequisite Rules.
It is within this realm that Providence unfolds. And it is within this realm that Providence only unfolds.
- Those with a strong Providence Filter (set near one extreme,) "get this".
- Those with a weaker Providence Filter (set a bit more midway,) recognise Providence "in play" in their lives and the lives of others, but recognize it less realistically, and often let their imagination "fill in the gaps" with "faith-based" narratives that offer "meaning" but are not ever validated, or able to be.
- Those with very weak Providence Filters (set near the other extreme) often regard themselves as atheists or agnostic. While they may be accurate in their assertion that a "supreme being" doesn't exist or hasn't been validated, it is also true that they also either do not or cannot recognize the actual intrinsically essential impact Providence plays in the existence and unfolding of All That Is
For this reason, Harmony does not fall out of Imagination, Intention, and the narratives that support our beliefs in what we imagine and intend. Harmony falls out of an emersion and relationship with the Truth. It is only within the realm of Truth that Providence unfolds.
Remember, ConserveLiberty intentionally defines "Providence" asthe unfolding of All That Is, in the way that All That Is unfolds due to the Fundamental Rules and Fundamental Prerequisites that govern the existence of All That Is.All That Is is only and always Real.".
How does the Providence Relationship Filter impact our reception and perception of the truly Real? Does this filter, and the understanding that our actions may influence (but cannot determine) "the unfolding", impact our commitment to "move forward"?
Does this filter give us insight into the skew, consistent with "the math", should we decide to act, or not act?
Because we cannot know outcome, we often believe we act on "Faith", hoping for the outcome that we believe our actions may help bring about. Is that a truly unknowing Faith, simply based on belief or Intention without validating proof? Or is it a Faith that is paired with insights made possible by a sufficiently strong Providence Relationship Filter that may understand the skew that can result from action?
For some, their Faith is built simply upon unverified belief and hope for an intended outcome. Nothing more, although they may believe that their Faiths are much more rationally and credibly founded. For others, having a stronger Providence Relationship Filter, one or more of their Faiths may be based on perspectives enabled by their filter, which unfortunately, also cannot be verified until they actually unfold.
An uncorrupted Providence Relationship Filter can understand likely action-influenced skews to outcomes that cannot be empirically verified beforehand. Those with a strong Providence Relationship Filter do not know the actual outcomes (even if they desire it), but they understand that they are moving forward along a path that is consistent with desired outcomes in the way that Providence unfolds. In other words, one acting in concert with their Providence Relationship Filter is "in the groove." Outcome is not actually known or guaranteed, but the skew is in the right direction, and one will take what unfolds in any case. Importantly, if the skew is Real, and thus truthful, then the Providence Relationship Filter is influencing Factually.
How can a truthful insight as a result of the Providence Relationship Filter be distinguished from an insight arising from an imaginary thought, hope, or narrative?
Is a strong Providence Relationship Filter required to enable a more successful embrace of The Truth, and thus fuller experience of Harmony between our lives and the environment around us?
→ The Introduction was last updated 19 Dec 2016 14:15 PST ←
Multiple Filters in Play"Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold." - Leo Tolstoy
How is it that one can portray credibly to another how the Providence Relationship Filter works factually? How can the unfolding and action-influenced skewing of Providence be recognized ... factually.
Well, it can't be done. ConserveLiberty most assuredly understands, and means to convey to the reader, that Providence, while real, and implicit within All That Is, is something that is perceived in the non-verifiable (meaning non-empiricle) realm.
Much that is the result of the manner in which Providence unfolds can be understood, measured, and manipulated empirically. But Providence itself cannot be manipulated, and thus cannot be understood empirically or via the scientific method. Put another way, while Providence is rational (no rules are ever broken, and all occurs within the domain of the Fundamental and Prerequisite Rules), the understanding of Providence is beyond the limited ability of humankind to ever be capable of achieving. We therefore consider this aspect of Providence within the Spiritual Realm, even though both the Spiritual and Scientific Realms are of one and the same. They are both Real. They are both of and implicit with Providence. They are of All That Is.
The empiricle verification of Providence (the unfolding of All That Is, in the way that All That Is unfolds due to the Fundamental Rules and Fundamental Prerequisites that govern the existence of All That Is) is also impossible to actually acheive.
Why? Firstly, we are all built with differently adjusted ensembles of Filters. Since the filters influencing our instinctive mechanisms for perceiving and responding to Providence are set up differently for each of us, each of us will not perceive the it in exactly the same way. And thus we will respond to it differently as well.
We may try to help one another understand Providence by sharing and attempting to make sense of Providence as it shows up to us through our own filtering. However, usually the aim of that is to bring "The Other" more closely into our own perspective. Which really never actually happens. For example, lets return to the concept of "God" for a moment to illustrate. How many people have you actually spoken with who understand "God" in the same way? ConserveLiberty may not embrace the concept of "God" as truthful, but in our example above, Providence, which Is truthful, is understood differently by each of us for the same reasons that our notions of "God" are.
While the Providence Relationship Filter cannot be described accurately for each of us, those with stronger Providence Relationship Filters can get closer to recognizing and participating in a productive relationship with Providence as it unfolds than those with weaker Providence Relationship filters.
What insights can be communicated regarding the truthful recognition of and integrated relationship with Providence?
Not so finally (there will be a later revision), there is confusion among some who believe they have comprehended Providence when in reality what they have recognized is nothing more than "an incredibly unlikely, but statistically possible chance occurence."
How does one tell the difference? We'll save that narrative for another day.
→ The Big Picture section above was last updated 01 Sep 2018 13:40 PDT ←
IssuesAs a reminder, like all the other Filters discussed (i.e. the instincts, behavioral preferences, default ways of interpreting our environment and the way we interact with it, etc.), the Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter, is not at all likely to be understood as a trait solely via the expression of one gene. Rather, multiple genes, in concert with multiple other filters are likely necessary to understand completely the Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter. It is the result of an ensemble of components - their presence and their expressions. Including the environment itself.
Among those other Filters and components are:Among the approaches
- The Attachment Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble
- The Compatibility-Seeking Personality Spectrum Filter
- The Pattern Recognition Personality Filter
- The Analytical Personality Filter (includes the requirement for verification)
- Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Filter
(indoctrination tendency)- The Bullshit Detection Filter
- The Requirement to Believe Filter
- An ability to surpress our own Embrace of Indoctrinated Preferences Personality Spectrum Filter, such that alternate perceptions aren't dismissed, and can be engaged with as if they are believed.
- Sufficient creatively oriented skepticism enabling one to distinguish between hope, narrative preferences, interpretations influenced by misunderstandings, and favored hypotheses on the one hand, and the actual facts of an observation on the other.
- Others to be listed in subsequent updates.
→ The Section above was last updated 02 Nov 2016 14:30 PST ←
The Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter can be a very helpful and very important Filter for those who place a high value on understanding the Truth of circumstances as they unfold.Moving Forward
Be careful. Understand your limitations. Be skeptical of your understanding of what is going on. And if you actually have a strong Providence Relationship Filter, use it.
→ The Section above was last updated 02 Nov 2016 14:10 PST ←
The unfolding of this chapter on the Providence Relationship Personality Spectrum Filter has not been completed. There is so much more to elaborate on that would be helpful for those with a strong filter. And so much more that those with strong filters could contribute to this chapter that is not well understood or possessed by this chapter's author.
That said, what little has been portrayed does offer some value until updates to this chapter are written. As new versions are created, the title's version number will be updated from v. #1 currently.
Comments are encouraged.
→ The Section above was last updated 02 Nov 2016 14:30 PST ←