The Reality Perception
Personality Spectrum Ensemble

Example - Schizophrenia (v. #3)

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Offered by David Apollo

Multiple Filters in Play
empathy brains picture
As a reminder, like all the other Filters discussed (i.e. the instincts, behavioral preferences, default ways of interpreting our environment and the way we interact with it, etc.), the Reality Perception Personality Spectrum Ensemble, is not at all likely to be understood as a trait solely via the expression of one gene. Rather, multiple genes, in concert with multiple other filters are likely necessary to understand completely the Reality Perception Ensemble. It is the result of an ensemble of components - their presence and their expressions. Including the environment itself.

Specifically, increasing evidence suggests that schizophrenia is genetically heterogeneous. And, recurrence risk data are also consistent with monogenic inheritance of large-effect alleles in a proportion of people with schizophrenia, but with different alleles for different families.

A few identified genetic variants have been seen also to impact schizophrenia, and thus the Reality Perception Personality Spectrum Ensemble. Selected links to representative research on these and others will be added in the next version of this chapter:
Supplementary Discussion genes of particular interest (from the "Biological insights from 108 ..." Nature article above) (for the full discussion of supplementary information, click here):

"Genes within associated loci are highlighted here where we identify them to be of particular interest with respect to current hypotheses of schizophrenia aetiology or treatment. However, we stress that association only implies the existence of one or more risk variant at the associated locus rather than that a specific gene is responsible for the association."
- - - End of Supplementary Discussion section. - - -

It is worth noting that as part of the normal mechanism of brain maturation, a significant amount of synaptic pruning occurs, especially during a period that extends from late adolescence through to early adulthood. The microglial cells in the brain are involved in carrying this process out. They are related to immune system cells called macrophages, and carry out a similar function. They also migrate to parts of the brain that have been damaged by stroke or disease, eating up dead neurons through a process called phagocytosis, and clear away any cellular debris left behind.

Because the brain apparently produces more neurons than it needs, more synaptic connections are formed than are required as well. Eventually, the excess connections are removed via synaptic pruning, reducing the number of synapses by as much as 40% normally. The microglia are involved in this pruning. How they determine which synapses to eliminate and which to leave is unknown at this time. However, what has been observed is that under conditions where synaptic pruning is occuring at a greater level than normal, reducing the remaining synapses to a level below normal, various cognitive deficits are seen, including the observation of schizophrenia in affected patients. Schizophrenia is also known to often begin during this stage of life. Thus, aberrant pruning may be at play in the development of the disease.

Another way to regard this is that in addition to the genes coding for the individual components involved in the organically implemented ability for us to discern the Real from the Unreal, how these are used in the creation of the brains is important (obviously). And thus, the architecture of the structures they are used to create is important. Remove too much of it, and the ability to discern the Real from the Unreal, implemented in the way our brains are wired, becomes degraded.

A very consequential paper, "Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci" is reproduced here and further enhanced (organized) by ConserveLiberty to emphasize an appreciation for the number of potential individual components that may be involved in schizophrenia. Check it out if you haven't already and your level of scientific interest takes you there.

→ The Section above was last updated 13 Dec 2016 10:10 PST ←

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