Engagement Formation
Personality Spectrum Filter;
Example - Bipolarization

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A Note to Diana Collins
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Multiple Filters in Play
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Moving Forward

Offered by David Apollo

The Engagement Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble can be a very helpful and important Filter both for those who are enthusiastic about consistently and productively self-managing moods they consider to be high value (e.g. leading to a strong engagement formation behavior type) and for those who are proud of their ability to "respond appropriately with changing circumstances" (e.g. leading to a stable mood type that is consistent with circumstances.)

With regard to personality, ConserveLiberty's primary interest is to focus on the biological (and thus genetic) components that have responsibility for the mechanisms of action (MOAs) leading to the behavior and perception phenotypes that the Filters enable.

However, all living organisms that interact with and adapt to their environments are "learning organisms". (And they all do or else their lineages perish.) Thus, all of "What We Are" is influenced to some degree by the environments we find ourselves within. We adapt.

With regard to behavior and perception, the importance of learning and adaptation is particularly important. And, depending on the Filter, the Environment plays more or less of a role in the total Ensemble that comprises it.

With the Engagement Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble, Environment plays a very significant role. More so than with, for example, the Reality Perception Personality Spectrum Ensemble.

Two things fall out of the fact that Environment plays a greater roll with the Engagement Filter than with some of the others:
For those examples of Depression where an outlook change is possible that can improve outcome, the video nearby may be something you will enjoy.

Now, it is clear that Paul Joseph Watson has a less heterogeneous view of the origin and explanation of mood than ConserveLiberty. It would be difficult to imagine that he believes that genes or biology has anything to do with it. ConserveLiberty would suggest a more balanced, or forgiving, interpretation be entertained.

I would not be qualified to tell you what PJW actually believes if he has not overtly stated it. However, it may also be true that PJW believes that much of mood is within the control of people who are endowed effectively to manage their moods. And, he is probably also aware that much of the psychiatric and psychology profession believes that the mood disorders typically diagnosed as Depression quite often have their origins with environmental influences, and often people can be counseled through their episodes of these.

If one believes that this is the case most of the time (and I have no idea whether or not that is true), then one can imagine that PJW may have produced this video with the intention of reaching and influencing the most people effectively. No single video limited to 6 minutes would be able to reach everyone accurately, relevantly, or effectively.

The "take home message" - If you can, take control of your moods. Effective adults can, and ineffective adults cannot (without medicine.) Way more of us can than we may think. And, way more of us can than an industry that wants to sell us something to manage our moods wants us to think. Take control. You do not need a guardian, nor someone who will give you attention when you are grieved, in order to get you through your life productively. In fact, if you really do need any of those, you will not ever get through your life productively. Be careful. Understand your strengths and limitations. Be skeptical of your understanding of what you think you want to be doing, and why. Be very cautious to avoid exposures to dramatic situations if you have an unpredictable and variable Engagement Formation Ensemble. And be grateful for the advantages your Engagement Formation Ensemble endows you with when it is appropriate and stable.

Conserve Your Liberty.

There will be another revision to this chapter. Watch for it if you find you are interested.

→ The Section above was last updated 05 Jan 2017 14:45 PST ←

Moving Forward
bridge forward picture
The development of this chapter on the Engagement Formation Personality Spectrum Ensemble is ongoing. There is so much more to elaborate on that would be helpful for understanding how we are built to engage others and our environment appropriately and productively ... if we can. And so much more that those with strong empirical research experience in this area could contribute to this chapter that is not well understood or possessed by this chapter's author.

That said, what little has been portrayed does offer some value until additional updates to this chapter are written. As new versions are created, the title's version number will continue to be updated (see Author's Note.)

Comments are encouraged.

→ The Section above was last updated 21 Dec 2016 21:30 PST ←

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