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Offered by David Apollo

The ConserveLiberty Essays

There are so many topics that I could choose from to demonstrate "Out of the Box" views or perspectives on issues that are both important today, and are seen differently by many others thinking about those issues today. Please keep in mind a few things: It is important to understand where the "Bat Shit Crazy" (BSC) aspect comes into all this. These essays will describe perspectives that are understood at the level of Critical Thinking and Cognitive Aptitude. The understanding of Facts In Plain Sight. They have been arrived at rationally. Oh yes, they have been! To get these, the ability to go Out-of-the-Box (OTB) was leveraged. An OTB based on Truth, and not an OTB based ultimately on fiction, make believe, and self-comfortable narrative. Fact. What is right in front of us In Plain Sight.

The BSC part is none of that: Thus, the essence of this type of BSC:

Example "Out of the Box" Comprehension Essays
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When thinking Outside-Of-The-Box, Conserve Liberty.

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