The Critical Thinking
Personality Spectrum

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A Note to Diana Collins
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Moving Forward

Offered by David Apollo

The Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble is an essential Cognitive Function enabling Aptitude (comprehension), Innovation (out-of-the-box invention or improvement), and Likelihood Recognition (the full examination of multiple alternate ideas without the limitations of indoctrinated preference.)

With regard to personality, ConserveLiberty's primary interest is to focus on the biological (and thus genetic) components that have responsibility for the mechanisms of action (MOAs) leading to the behavior and perception phenotypes that the Filters enable.

However, all living organisms that interact with and adapt to their environments are "learning organisms". (And they all do or else their lineages perish.) Thus, all of "What We Are" is influenced to some degree by the environments we find ourselves needing to survive within. We adapt.

With regard to behavior and perception, the importance of learning and adaptation is particularly important. And, depending on the Filter, the Environment plays more or less of a role in the total Ensemble that comprises it.

With the Critical Thinking Ensemble, Environment plays a very significant role. More so than with, for example, the Reality Perception Personality Spectrum Ensemble. After all, Critical Thinking's primary role is to enable additional positive adaptation to the current environment. In other words - improvement.

Multiple things fall out of the fact that Environment plays a greater roll with the Critical Thinking Filter than with some of the others: Be careful. Understand your strengths and limitations. Be skeptical of your understanding of what you think you want to be doing, and why. Be very cautious to avoid exposures to dramatic situations if you have an unpredictable and variable Critical Thinking Formation Ensemble. Especially if you have a lower functioning ability to discern what is Real from what is Imaginary. And be grateful for the advantages your Critical Thinking Formation Ensemble endows you with when it is appropriate and stable.

Conserve Your Liberty.

There will be another revision to this chapter. Watch for it if you find you are interested.

→ The Section above was last updated 11 Jul 2017 12:10 PDT ←

Moving Forward
There are many who have told me and reminded me and advised me over and over again of the importance of forgetting in order to make living easier. All types of things are bound together with "forgetting" in their narratives:
bridge forward picture
I embrace all of those. But I am here to tell you that "forgetting" has nothing to do with any of the above if they are to be considered "Real." And it has nothing to do with Critical Thinking.

Memory, and remembrance, are absolutely essential to Living. Remembrance is absolutely essential to Truth and Understanding and Rational Thinking and Harmony. Forgetting is what a mind does as it degrades. Forgetting is simply a low effort way (once it is accomplished) of irreversibly censoring the past. And, as with all censorship, truth evaporates with it. Irreversibly. Can't do it? Won't do it? No problem, really. Soon enough, that from which you unfolded from, you will return to.

If you want to Comprehend and Innovate, then Remember. And Consider Alternates. And move toward The Real.

The development of this chapter on the Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble is ongoing. There is so much more to elaborate on that would be helpful for understanding how we are built to appropriately and productively comprehend and innovate upon that which we already have access to ... if we can.

That said, what little has been portrayed does offer some value until additional updates to this chapter are written. As new versions are created, the title's version number will continue to be updated (see Author's Note.)

Comments are encouraged.

Conserve Liberty!

→ The Section above was last updated 12 Jul 2017 21:45 PDT ←

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