The Critical Thinking
Personality Spectrum

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A Note to Diana Collins
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Multiple Filters in Play   ← You are here
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Offered by David Apollo

Multiple Filters in Play
empathy brains picture
As a reminder, like all the other Filters discussed (i.e. the instincts, behavioral preferences, default ways of interpreting our environment and the way we interact with it, etc.), the Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble, is not at all likely to be understood as a function or trait solely via the expression of one gene. Rather, multiple genes, in concert with multiple other filters are likely necessary to understand completely the Critical Thinking Ensemble. It is the result of an ensemble of components - their presence and their expressions. Including the environment itself.

Specifically, increasing evidence suggests that the various components enabling Critical Thinking (e.g. Intelligence, Cognitive Flexibility, Reality Discernment, etc.) are genetically heterogeneous. ConserveLiberty suggests that such findings would be expected for the various components of the various components. And, while Critical Thinking would be an advanced (higher complexity) function, something simpler (still advanced) such as Cognition is likely a "behavioral" trait that extends through the lineage of life all the way to the very beginning of the phenomenon of "the living". Thus, in the abstract, "fundamental cognition" prior to the evolution of Mental Cognition. For example, from the very beginning, it would have been absolutely essential that the living process: It is not known what would have driven those earliest of "appropriate responses to relevant detections." Without whatever those drivers were, even as randomly accidental as they may have originally (or not) occurred, then whatever was the "first" arrangement of chemistry that constituted the first example of "alive" (either within the universe or upon the earth) would have eventually expired sometime afterward, and probably sometime 3.5 billion years ago or before. Thus, anything here alive today is in part due to the fundamental cognition that unfolded very early on. Cognition (detection and execution of a decision (or, detection / response)) selected by sole virtue of its rendering of a tendency to continue. Anthropomorphically speaking - "driven."

[ habits make you picture ]
As it is, The Living on this planet, taken all together as one very complex and extended lineage with its start in the very beginning, and extending onward through time and location to the millions of extensions in existence today, has been very resilient through all sorts of environmental changes, ranging from gradual to catastrophic. Quite a bit of extinction has occurred, but the variance with which the Living Lineage is able to generate within itself, and its nearly irresistible fundamental cognition or pragmatic drive for living and reproducing, has resulted in the living lineage continuing on Earth for at least 3.5 billion years.

That's quite a Habit! The manner in which identifying and establishing which behaviors should be maintained (selective for survival) has evolved as well. Some of these behaviors eventually established themselves as biologically developed and genetically maintained instincts.

Eventually, in more complex life forms with a mental decision control architecture, we find Critical Thinking.
An interesting look at an example of a human Cognitive Reboot sequence, essential for reestablishing the prerequisites for the return of Critical Thinking [can be found HERE.]
- All emerging in order, naturally, when the time is right.
For many "higher" organisms, (e.g. humankind, others,) the behaviors selected for Critical Thinking may or may not actually be selective for survivability at an individual level. While individually helpful, the real advantage is seen when individuals with Critical Thinking traits are integrated within larger communities that can take advantage of the benefits of the traits without everyone having the traits themselves.

Focusing (for brevity) here just on one of the components enabling Critical Thinking - Intelligence - a few identified genetic components impacting Intelligence, Behavior, Perception, or brain development have been identified, and thus are candidates as part of the Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble. Selected links to representative research on these and others will be added in subsequent versions of this chapter:

Many of the filters that we have already discussed, or may discuss in the future, may actually be filters that contribute to the Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble discussed in this chapter. Examples of such filters are:
→ The Section above was last updated 10 Jul 2017 18:50 PDT ←

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