Gratitude, Rebirth,
Moving Forward

The Credible & Consistent
Sense of Reality
Personality Spectrum

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Author's Note
    # 0 - and The Accident
The Phases (Part 1):   ← You are here
    # 1 - Room 1 (Intensive Care Unit)
    # 2 - Room 2 (Surgical Trauma Unit)
    # 3 - Room 3 (Acute Care Unit)
Back Home (Part 2)
Yonder (Part 3)
Multiple Filters in Play
Moving Forward

Offered by David Apollo

Room 1 (ICU - Oct 6 thru Oct 15)
I ended the afternoon sedated, intubated, unconscious, and significantly swollen and bruised facially. I was now in what I refer to as "Room 1," which I have no memory of. Repeating for clarity: zero memory of anything that happened in Room 1, mostly. This room was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU.) At this point, due to the head injury sustained, it was not understood whether I would survive, and if I did, whether or not I may be paraplegic, or, if lucky, something less so, and thus with more function.

My wife was also now with me, as was my oldest son, Son_1. My other two kids lived out of the area, and were on their way. My wife's sister was also on her way from the midwest. Insight Note -
It is probably a good idea to set up how the "reboot" was actually experienced by me. Of course, since Me starts this whole journey from here basically "offline" and then gradually, in stages, comes back "online", stage by stage, or level by level, or function by function, whatever ... it should also be kept in mind that I may not really know (or remember), or even have been able to comprehend the accurate facts of what I was experiencing at all during this time. Skepticism is important, and always warranted for truth seekers.

The picture I am putting forth in this Insight Note is intended to be an abstract literary device that, if successful, very closely describes how "coming back online" unfolded and was experienced by me. Cognitively.

The Cognitive Reboot

So, in this narrative, consider the mind as like a computer.

Repeating just a few particulars from "The Cognitive Reboot" link above ...
Why do I discuss a Cognitive Reboot as such? Because that is what happened to Me, the Cognitive Me, perhaps even elsewhere, but certainly cognitively as a result of the accident. ... And, as I was "firing up", a process that took time (e.g. days and weeks, depending on the relevant subroutines and functions,) I was actually unaware of what I had been, what I was capable of, and what I was progressing to. Until I was. Step by step ...

Important → And by the way ... I did not think my way through the reboot. ... It was what it was. And, it was an intrinsic part of the machine that is me. I was built with it. It was, in other words, a.) Instinctive. And thus, genetic. ... And in my case, The Instinct Engine got invoked as a result of my accident. ← Important

... Would we consider this a full 100% reboot? Probably not. Full Start probably occurs at the time of conception, and from there, yada, yada, yada. For me, I was a 57 year old adult. So, rather than a full 100% Start and Boot Up, using our narrative I probably experienced a full "restart." A Reboot.

At some point ... I acquired (probably reacquired) the ability to observe other of my cognitive functions coming back online. I had no idea what was coming back online until it came back online. ... I had no thought about specific functions at all until those specific functions began to come back online.

One function that took about two weeks before it began to come back online was the ability to create and store Long Term Memory (LTM). ... Until then, I apparently had Short Term Memory, which would evaporate after 10-20 seconds or so. More or less.
OK, so keep that in mind. What I experienced was fully consistent with the execution of a cognitive reboot as described in the link above. I say. Which is not how one might imagine it. Especially if one has never experienced for themselves a Cognitive Reboot that has unfolded in this way.
Back to the journal: Insight Note -
Later in Part 1, I will discuss the notion of d-2.) The Ability to Distinguish between the Real and the Imaginary, and what is Perception (a combo of the two.) Including a descriptive definition of what ConserveLiberty means by those terms. Suffice it to say for now that the ability to make these distinctions is a function of the Credible and Consistent Sense of Reality Personality Spectrum Tapestry. (The CCSR Filter.) It is this tapestry, made up of many of its executing subroutines, that is coming back "online" during The Reboot. The CCSR Filter is an ensemble of ensembles which themselves are ensembles of various functions (subroutines) that are among the most significant in priority making up the Cognitive Me that I had been and was now getting back to.

At this point, not many of the subroutines making up my CCSR Filter were either executing, or if some were, executing fully. In our biology-based jargon, the impact could be described as "for now, the phenotypic dial of my CCSR Filter was set low, although before the accident, its default setting had been much, much higher."

Some definitions:
  • The Real - There is only One Real. Abstractly speaking, there is only One Fact. "The Real" and "The Fact" are synonymous. There are not multiple Reals that depend on the various perspectives that exist. There is only One Real. There are various (perhaps billions) of different perspectives about The One Same Real that all are exposed to. The Real is the Actual Factual that Is. It is up to us to perceive it, if we can, and what we can perceive and how it is interpreted will depend on our Filters and what they enable us to perceive.

  • The Imaginary - What is Not Real, or may be Real but Not Known and Validated to be Real. Sometimes people get lucky, and what they imagine is actually Real as well. Often, its Not Real. Many times, people are more comfortable with what they imagine than what is actually Real. However, our Imagination and our Perception does not impact at all what is actually Real. The only thing that may be impactable is our Imagination and our Perception.

    It is possible that scientists who believe they have an understanding of Quantum Mechanics may disagree with me on this point. I understand their misunderstanding, if they do disagree. They simply need to think harder on the topic if they do. There is only One Real. However, it is true that the act of observing it will change what it will do next as a result of that, even if only slightly.

  • Perception - Abstractly speaking, this is basically another word for "Detection". We are exposed to The Real, and we "detect" it with whatever we are built with (or build ourselves) to detect it. However, since we can't build something that will detect everything that may be in our environment, we actually only detect a part of it. And, since we thus only have limited information about what is actually "here or there, whenever" then to make sense of it (depending on what type of sense we need) we use our Imagination Facility. Often, Imagination is important if understanding more of the picture than we can detect is important. And, it often is. And, if Imagination is going to be of any practical use at all, one might often need to act on the imagined narrative as if it is fact. This leads to issues of judgement, etc., and we are not going to get into that here.

    In short, Perception is an amalgam of what is Real, and what is Imagination.
What is interesting is that apparently in the "memories" above, there are both elements of the The Real and The Imaginary. It is also true that the ability to distinguish between the two was offline, either at the time they got stored, or as a perspective that could get stored with them. All the aspects of the "memories" were remembered as if they were all Real. There is no question in my "recall" whether any aspect of them was Not Real at all. It never occurred to me to consider what was Real and Imaginary regarding anything. In fact, it was only after more of my CCSR Filter came back online (weeks later) did I ever find out that it was impossible that what I "recalled" above had occurred at all.

On analysis of these and other of the "memories" that will be detailed below, even though they did not and could not have occurred as recalled, and thus were significantly Imagined, in fact there were Facts contained within them. And, the Facts were all consistently of the same type. What were those facts?

It turns out that the People were not imagined. In no case did I ever save a memory of a Person who did not actually visit me. (Even though I have no memory of the actual visits!) And, the People who are recalled as being parts of these memories did actually visit me at the time that the "memories" I have were formed.

Important → Let me be more precise. My b.) Sense of Time and c.) Sense of Order functions were actually also offline as far as I can tell. The abilities those "subroutines" give us, that most of us take for granted, were not operative on Day 3, and not operative for several of the days afterwards. Thus, I cannot tell you which memories occurred at which times, or in which order, with respect to the others. ← Important

A "chronological" dimension of occurrence was not stored with these "memories" nor did it ever occur to me at the time that Chronology or Time was actually something at all. And yet, the activities that I "recalled" I executed or tried to execute with the People in my "memories" were activities that I was known to attempt when in the various of the Rooms I was located within during the moments that I "recalled" being visited by these people.

Thus, within these "memories," what was Real were:
  • the People who visited me, and
  • the activities I attempted to execute during the times that I was in the Room that they actually did visit me in, or activities I imagined I wanted to execute.
  • Note that while the people and the activities were real, or that I had actually imagined that the activities were factually true (i.e. the activities may or may not have been true, but that I had imagined they were true), the association of said activity with a person (both remembered as happening together and in relation with each other) were not true. Again, the association was not true. Thus, imagined. And yet, I recall them as if the People, the activity, and that they are relevantly associated with each other were true and fully credible. Just fascinating.
The rest was apparently fully Imagined. And, I had no capability at the time to discern what was actually Real, and what was Imaginary. Nor did the notion that there was a distinction between the two ever occur to me. For me, it was all Real. Or, importantly, if I did understand the difference at the time, whatever I understood about that was not remembered.

Important → d-1.) Visual Processing and Interpretation Functions beginning to come back online. The occipital portion of the brain houses various visual functions. Damage here can result in hallucinations (if visual function comes back at all.) Thus, that there are visual images remembered suggests that some visual functions (subroutines) were coming back online, although the ability to comprehend or distinguish between the Real and the Imaginary (hallucinations) may not be online yet.← Important

Important → d-2.) The Ability to Distinguish between the Real and the Imaginary was not online at this time. At all. I believed everything was real. Meaning, it never even occurred to me to consider notions of whether anything was real (it all was!), or whether I was dreaming or hallucinating. No credibility. For additional information about the Reality Perception Ensemble ← click here. ← Important

Important → Note, the fact that I recall these "memories" at all implies some e.) Long Term Memory (LTM) Formation ability. At the time, that function was not online much at all, and for the most part, I have no memories of anything that those who were conscious with me in Rooms 1 or 2 have memories of. I have zero credible memories of their actual visits. None at all. ← Important

All who were there agree that whenever we did have discussions in either Room 1 or 2, and even during the early days of Room 3, I had forgotten even having had the discussion within 10-30 seconds.

So, there are insights in here somewhere into how the CCSR Filter is rebooting.
Back to the journal:
→ Room 1 was last updated 05 Dec 2017 19:45 PST ←

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