Gratitude, Rebirth,
Moving Forward

The Credible & Consistent
Sense of Reality
Personality Spectrum

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Author's Note
    # 0 - and The Accident
The Phases (Part 1):
    # 1 - Room 1 (Intensive Care Unit)
    # 2 - Room 2 (Surgical Trauma Unit)
    # 3 - Room 3 (Acute Care Unit)
Back Home (Part 2)
Yonder (Part 3)
Multiple Filters in Play
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Moving Forward

Offered by David Apollo

With regard to personality, ConserveLiberty's primary interest is to focus on the biological (and thus genetic) components that have responsibility for the mechanisms of action (MOAs) leading to the behavior and perception phenotypes that the Filters, Ensembles, and Tapestries enable.

Importantly, all living organisms that interact with and adapt to their environments are "learning organisms". (And they all do or else their lineages perish.) Thus, all of "What We Are" is influenced to some degree by the environments we find ourselves within. We adapt.

With regard to behavior and perception, the importance of learning and adaptation is particularly important. And, depending on the Filter, the Environment plays more or less of a role in the total Ensemble that comprises it.

With the Credible & Consistent Sense of Reality Personality Spectrum Tapestry, Environment plays a very significant role. More so than with, for example, the Reality Perception Personality Spectrum Ensemble.

Two things (and a third) fall out of the fact that Environment plays a greater roll with the Sense of Reality Ensemble than with some of the others: Regarding my dietary and fitness practices - if they did help me out (who knows, maybe they did) then my experience disproved the last 40 years of nutritional, weight, and fitness recommendations we are all encouraged to follow to improve my medical karma. I mention this because all my adult life I've been told most of my "infractions" would lead to unhealthy outcomes. I was 57 at the time of the accident. I was not rendered so unhealthy by my past behaviors that I could not rehab as well as I did so quickly. I blew The Bell Curve away. It is what it is.

What did help me out? Well, I can say two things. Firstly, by the time I got home I was down 20 lbs from my normal weight. The hospital had given me no dietary recommendations. I comprehended on my own that I was healing neurologically, and I did not want to inhibit that by being underweight. I also knew that the insulating sheath around those neurons requires fat. So, I decided to regain weight by focusing on chocolate for snacks. Chocolate has been very good to me!

What else helped me out? Well, I regard the following as also true. The mental "me" I and all know began coming back, and was well on its way back by my release. I still had a way to go before I got to the place I am at now. I don't understand why it worked, but my understanding that so many friends and family were concerned about me, and pulling for me, and me thinking about who they were and the relationships we had shared had a positive impact on me. For those who did not know of my injury, I even went back and read their old Christmas cards and newsletters, and that would bring back memories. And of course, my therapists were extremely candid, friendly, and demanding (!) of me, and that helped. So what I'm saying is that whether or not you believe it is true, thinking about and interacting with friends and family and acquaintances throughout my rehab period generated significant impacts that brought "me" mentally back online.

Now, of course the quick surgery, done well, certainly set me up for good results if I was going to have any. As did the treatments that kept me medically balanced my first two weeks. But it is very important to also understand that the surgery was done to relieve dangerous pressure and to reset skull fragments only. The treatments were temporary, just to get me through to the point that I could resume retaking care of myself. All the rest was healing that I had to do myself, as we all do. And my healing had components beyond the initial medical interventions. And those metaphysical components included other people who cared about me, and the chocolate!

Really, or I actually could not have written this chapter, or those that have come after it.

My Take Home Message is not meant to be a Take Home about myself. I am doing great - way, way better than anyone ever dared to hope for. Rather, the Take Home is that a huge part of the reason for my recovery (My Rebirth) is that the people in our lives help make us who and what we are, and for whatever reason, are able to help bring us back to who and what we are built to be. Be Thankful about all those special people in your lives, and all the foods you enjoy now that give you the opportunities to enjoy your meals and the people you are having them with.

Conserve Your Liberty.

There will be another revision to this chapter. Watch for it if you find you are interested.

→ The Section above was last updated 24 Jun 2017 16:30 PDT ←

Moving Forward
bridge forward picture
The development of this chapter on the Credible & Consistent Sense of Reality Personality Spectrum Ensemble is ongoing. There is so much more to elaborate on that would be helpful for understanding how we are built to engage others and our environment appropriately and productively ... if we can. And so much more that those with strong empirical research experience in this area could contribute to this chapter that is not well understood or possessed by this chapter's author.

That said, what little has been portrayed does offer some value until additional updates to this chapter are written. As new versions are created, the title's version number will continue to be updated (see Author's Note.)

Comments are encouraged.

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