Gratitude, Rebirth,
Moving Forward

The Credible & Consistent
Sense of Reality
Personality Spectrum

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Author's Note
    # 0 - and The Accident
The Phases (Part 1):
    # 1 - Room 1 (Intensive Care Unit)
    # 2 - Room 2 (Surgical Trauma Unit)
    # 3 - Room 3 (Acute Care Unit)
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Yonder (Part 3)
Multiple Filters in Play   ← You are here
Moving Forward

Offered by David Apollo

Multiple Filters in Play
frog smileys picture
As a reminder, like all the other Filters discussed (i.e. the instincts, behavioral preferences, default ways of interpreting our environment and the way we interact with it, etc.), the Credible & Consistent Sense of Reality Personality Spectrum Tapestry, is not at all likely to be understood as a trait solely via the expression of one gene. Rather, multiple genes, in concert with multiple other filters are likely necessary to understand completely the Sense of Reality Ensemble. It is the result of an ensemble of components - their presence and their expressions. Including the environment itself.

Specifically, increasing evidence suggests that varied susceptibilities and anticipated outcomes are genetically heterogeneous. ConserveLiberty suggests that such findings would be expected for the reboot order and time to come online (or more generally full cognitive formation).

Which is exactly what a "system composed of an ensemble of parts" means.

As would be expected for the mechanism of action generating something as complex as behavior, perception, and mood, many components are required for the assembled system. Just like something as complex as the engine of a car. The individual contributions of each of the components of the Sense of Reality Ensemble, each brought online by their own separate biological MOA subroutines, are apparently small. Yet each quite significant. When genetic variations occur that alone would significantly alter the functioning of the Ensemble, often these mutations can be compensated for by other components that are around. In addition, the role of environment appears to play an even larger role with the expression of "Memory and Recall" and others, vs. other of the Ensembles dealt with earlier (e.g. Reality Discernment, Habit Formation.)

Thus, except for a very few components, it will be difficult to identify many of the actual players in the Credible & Consistent Sense of Reality Personality Spectrum Tapestry.

This section, Multiple Filters in Play, has not been officially released to the ConserveLiberty resource. In fact, from this point on down it doesn't even rank as a "scratch draft". What you may see here is a "stub out" of some of what might be developed for the official release. Some of what you see here may even be deleted altogether prior to posting.

This "pre-scratch" is here to give you an idea of what "may" be coming next. If interested, come back later and see if I've made any progress on this section.

This section will be officially released with when Part 3 is released. Similarly, Part 3 will not be released until after Part 2, Back Home is released.

The following filters were pointed out as observed coming online in this chapter
Among these "ensembles of ensembles", the most significant I observed (usually in retrospect) which make up the Cognitive Me are:

(Note, this section will be updated for synchrony with the entire posted chapter, and links will be added back to the narrated timeline when they significantly manifested themselves.)
The following filters will be elaborated on later
Dealt with for now
→ Multiple Filters in Play was last updated 29 Jun 2017 17:25 PDT ←

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