Gratitude, Rebirth,
Moving Forward

The Credible & Consistent
Sense of Reality
Personality Spectrum

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Author's Note
    # 0 - and The Accident
The Phases (Part 1):
    # 1 - Room 1 (Intensive Care Unit)
    # 2 - Room 2 (Surgical Trauma Unit)
    # 3 - Room 3 (Acute Care Unit)
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Yonder (Part 3):   ← You are here
     Cascades (continued)
     Word Recall
     Olfactory Deficit
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Multiple Filters in Play
Moving Forward

Offered by David Apollo

Please take note:
This section, Part 3, has not been officially released to the ConserveLiberty resource. In fact, it doesn't even rank as a "scratch draft". What you may see here is simply a "stub out" of some of what might be developed for the official release. And, some of what you see here may actually be deleted altogether.

This "pre-scratch" is here to give you an idea of what "may" be coming next. If interested, come back later and see if I've made any progress on this section.

Part 3 will not be released until after Part 2, Back Home is released.

This section (Libido) is considered by ConserveLiberty to be released. It is no longer a rough draft.

Interestingly, at some point (once home for a few weeks) I realized that my libido was not what it had been. It's not something I generally thought much about. However, it is also true that before the accident, if I went a few days "without any", I generally had begun contemplating when might be the next time we'd "interrupt the pause." Now, I realized that even after more than a month, I really wasn't "looking ahead to next time." At all. More accurately, I wasn't actually thinking about it. At all.

Even after "much more" than a month.
Please note: The topic of sexual attraction is one that for many reasons can be controversial or "sensitive" for various different people and cultures. Keep in mind that ConserveLiberty is simply interested in the Filters that govern our perceptions and behaviors. We are built with what we are built with.
oldest profession pic
My wife and I have a good relationship. We're friendly and supportive. We have had our issues from time to time, but not more after the accident than at any other time during our 30+ years of marriage. Thus, a change in the relationship really had nothing to do with the decrease in my sexual libido. It just wasn't there. And, since it wasn't there, I didn't actually long for it to be there.

On the other hand, had a decrease in my sexual libido resulted in a change in the relationship? Don't know. And, I really didn't think much about that either.
Note → If Sexual Libido is offline, because it hasn't yet rebooted, then one isn't concerned about missing something that one isn't missing. Get it? ← Note
I did think about it, but only long enough (not long) to decide I wasn't interested in thinking about it much. My Memory Recall function (i.e. recalls what has been remembered, often without much intentional effort) had returned enough by mid-December that I was aware there was a difference. That there was a difference was something that was interesting for me to realize or comprehend. But I had no anxiety about it.
While I may get into trouble with my wife for mentioning this, I will anyway because it reflects reality. Probably reality for most "normal people" (whatever that means). And, I can vouch for most "normal males" (I say.) And with regard to using my experiences to understand what really was (is) happening with my Cognitive Reboot, it is important that various aspects of how I experience (and experienced) reality be documented.

Truth → Normally, when I meet other women that I find attractive, I am also aware of the sexual component that is a part of that. I am never moved to act on that (although others, dialed up differently, are.) I simply recognize their sexual appeal as such. I don't just notice it. I am usually moved by it. I understand that if situations were much different, if things were otherwise comfortable, I would be compelled to enable a "likelihood of a sexual encounter sometime in the future" to move forward. However, because I am wired the way that I am wired, while I may recognize "the natural attraction", I don't do anything about it. I've always regarded that as a rational decision that falls out logically for any number of reasons. But it is a decision I do make, and I've made it so many times by now that it is often done by rote without much thinking. ← Truth
There are many who might disagree that (the Truth above) is a natural reality for many males (or people in general) ... but at the very least it is how I perceive and interact with reality as I experience it. And, it has worked out great. All know that they can trust me. And, I know that I can be trusted. It all works.

Yet, at some point I noticed that even other women who would have certainly elicited that response within me were not eliciting that response within me. As for my wife, she had always seemed to elicit that response within me, and yet I noticed that that response was not happening. And, it wasn't because something about "the other" had changed. Something about me had changed.
Important → Sexual Libido was offline. ← Important
Getting back to the notion of "subroutines", the sexual portion of my libido subroutine, the Libido Personality Spectrum Tapestry, was apparently not executing, and hadn't been executing since the accident, And since it wasn't firing, I wasn't missing anything. Sexually.

[ Love pic palm tree ]
At some point I either recognized or understood there was a difference in libido. And, I wondered if it would come back, and if so, how long until it did? But since it was offline, I was like, "Whatever." And, my wife didn't advocate "for any" either.

Now, at some point after the beginning of the New Year, the sexual portion of my libido did come back. As with all the other subroutines, the Sexual Libido Personality Ensemble reboot didn't result in the return of full libido all at once. It came back gradually. And, all has come along nicely.

No stories need be told. (TMI)
Since this "journal" is about the various cognitive subroutines as they come back on line, one after the other, each the prerequisite for the next coming back online first ... some interesting issues come to mind.

What components make up the Sexual Libido Personality Spectrum Ensemble? This ensemble is part of the Libido Tapestry. Is the Sexual Libido Filter (for short) also something that has multiple components like the other filters, each component likely dialed a little differently with each individual (or a lot?)

And what might those components be?
Also note: I released, revised, and re-released versions of a more comprehensive description of The Libido Tapestry before releasing Part 3 (Yonder) of this chapter. I do believe it is True that not all the parts that make up the Libido Tapestry were offline for me. The way "Ensemble" works, you need all its components to be working for the Ensemble to be working normally. If just one part is offline, the entire Ensemble may not be functioning at all. On the other hand, an ensemble of Ensembles make up a Tapestry. One or more of those Ensembles can be offline and whatever is left of the Tapestry of Ensembles remaining will function as it can.

I don't know which other part or parts of my Libido Tapestry were online or not at the time that my Sexual Libido Ensemble was offline.

→ The Libido section was last updated 28 Sep 2017 18:15 PDT ←

Cascades (continued, Part 3)
Check back. I will address this section as Part 3 is gradually released. While sections above ARE released, this section is currently in a non-released (rough draft) status. Among anticipated topics:
→ This Cascades section was last updated 23 Jun 2017 16:10 PDT ←

Word Recall
Check back. I will address this section as Part 3 is gradually released. While sections above ARE released, this section is currently in a non-released (rough draft) status. Among anticipated topics:
→ The Word Recall section was last updated 23 Jun 2017 16:10 PDT ←

Olfactory Deficit
Check back. I will address this section as Part 3 is gradually released. While sections above ARE released, this section is currently in a non-released (rough draft) status. Among anticipated topics:
→ The Olfactory Deficit section was last updated 23 Jun 2017 16:10 PDT ←

Spirituality (continued, Part 3)
Check back. I will address this section as Part 3 is gradually released. While sections above ARE released, this section is currently in a non-released (rough draft) status. Among anticipated topics:

Click for a reminder of Spirituality (from Nov-Dec 2015), Part 2, (Back Home).
→ The Spirituality section was last updated 21 Mar 2018 15:45 PDT ←

Global Time
Global Time - The Ability to Recognize Local Time (to know the time simply by looking at the sky).
Remember, this function is separate from:
  • A Sense of Time
  • A Sense of Order (with Time, chronology)
...which may require them to be working before The Ability to Recognize Local Time can come online.
For a preliminary introduction to a "normal" experience of this function when it is "online", and its "lack of manifestation" when it is "offline", from the perspective of The Cognitive Reboot, click here - the reminder (from Nov-Dec 2015), Part 2, (Back Home).

My ability to discern "local time" "intuitively" simply by having a view of the sky DID come back sometime in February 2016. On suspecting that, I asked a friend to randomly (sometime "out of the blue" within the entire afternoon we would be spending with each other) ask me for the time. I did not tell him why I wanted him to do that. When he did, I answered, and I was within 12 minutes. I was 12 minutes early! (a few months earlier, my errors had always been 3-4 hours too early!)

On seeing that I had estimated so correctly, I proclaimed to him that this now felt like the best day I had had in months!

Over the next several months, my ability to discern local time, even without access to clocks for the entire day, continued to improve. As of July 2017, my accuracy is consistently within 5-10 minutes. Even while traveling.

I have had additional insights into my general ability both to have an innate comprehension of local time regardless of the time zone I am in, but also my distinct lack of jet lag regardless of when I have traveled, my direction of travel, where I have traveled to, or how long it has been since I have traveled.

The explanation has to do with the notions of: Much of the "living domain" has can be observed to behave and manifest itself biochemically within the context of a Circadian Rhythm. These rhythms are generally synchronized to a 24 hour cycle. That cycle corresponds to the length of a day on the Earth (where ALL LIFE (so far) has been observed.)

From an evolutionary perspective, a circadian rhythm is useful. The environment around us changes in a manner that also follows a general cycle, and those many cycles also approximately follow a rhythm in synch with the day/night cycles that occur every single day on the Planet Earth.

Everything we do is adapted our environment. Changes in environment require changes in what we are able to do. The entire living process on this planet is thus impacted diurnally. Being able to recognize those changes and anticipate them with regard to the biochemical, physiological, and cognitive responses that may be required can often be critically selective.

Thus, most of the living have diurnal cycles. Most humans have diurnal cycles. I HAVE DIURNAL CYCLES.

Since "jet lag" can be associated with the "diurnal cycles" we are manifesting at the current moment, and I have "diurnal cycles," then why do I not experience Jet lag?

I am able to shift my diurnal cycles quickly, however they need to be shifted relevant to where I actually am. Others have more difficulty shifting their cycles. While it may take others days, my shifts occurs in moments! My diurnal cycles shift so quickly that I simply have no experience of "Jet lag" even though others that I am traveling with do.

Jet lag seems normal to others. Not having jet lag seems normal to me.

Another way of considering the same phenomenon is that perhaps others become more strongly habituated into their diurnal cycles than I do. Or ... perhaps others are addicted to their diurnal cycles, and I am not.

When my time zone shifts, I readily shift my circadian rhythm. Naturally. The only thing that shifts is the timing. The rest of the actual rhythm stays the same. The cycle itself simply shifts. It turns out that I can do this in at least two ways: Question: I have now described a "difference". Some might see this difference as a "defect", meaning a loss of a function that most normally experience. So, which demographic has lost (or gained) a function. Is not having a jet lag due to a loss of function? Or, is having jet lag due to a gain of function (diurnal cycle addiction)? Or is THAT due to a loss of function (the ability to be diurnal cycle flexible, unaddicted?)

Where one comes down on this is likely subjective, if one comes down on this from this perspective at all. For ConserveLiberty, its simply a difference.
→ The Global Time section was last updated 21 Mar 2018 16:30 PDT ←

Notable Others
Check back. I will address this section as Part 3 is gradually released. While sections above ARE released, this section is currently in a non-released (rough draft) status. Among anticipated topics:
→ Notable Others was last updated 31 Jul 2017 14:00 PDT ←

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freedom to be pic Consider thoughtfully.