The Libido
Personality Spectrum Tapestry ![]() Select the section that interests you. |
The Big PictureSince each of the components of the Libido Personality Spectrum Tapestry is either its own ensemble, filter, or component, we will assume that they all operate independently. While they may appear to operate synergistically, since they are independent (if they are independent) then in different individuals different synergies may be in play. It is possible that some readers may not have thought of these as independent components at all. For others, this notion may be regarded as obvious. Either way, lets let a partial list serve as a helpful introduction to the actual components or factors likely making up the expression of and experience of Libido.
Filter as ensemble of
Ensemble as ensemble
of filters
In biology, we generally study the biochemical mechanisms underlying traits (e.g. phenotypes) by looking for "differences". Thus, we study one thing compared to another thing via differences in the phenotypes and underlying genotypes. Often, one is called "normal" or "wild type" and the other is called "mutant" or given another label such as "blue eyes" or "brown eyes." In this way, we investigate how and why something actually is the way it is.The terms "normal" and "mutant" are generally not regarded by scientists and non-scientists in the same way. As such, perceived connotations for these terms are also different between various demographic groups. To avoid all unintended misinterpretations, ConserveLiberty will simply refer to the differences observed between ensembles or any of the components making them up simply as differences. In reality, there really is no specific expression of Libido that one could label "normal". Among them all, there are many, many "differences". Statistically speaking, one may be able to group experiences of libido together into groups. However, even within similar groups, all will find "differences" among each other. Differences that together describe the ensembled expression of a particular expression of "libido".The biochemistry underlying behavior is complex. As mentioned in the Preface, there is not "one gene" for a particular behavior. For most behaviors, it is likely that hundreds of genetic products come together to generate the expression of a particular phenotype. Change one and the phenotype is altered in a way that is repeatedly observable.For Libido, the issue is no different. Hundreds of genes are expected to be involved. An ensemble of filters. A tapestry of ensembles. Change one and a change in the expression of libido changes. Perhaps a dozen different genes might be altered (a different one for each person) and result in phenotypic differences that look similar among all of them. Certainly, everyone has differences between each other in one or several of the genes functioning to create the Libido Tapestry. Thus, everyone experiences and expresses their libido a little differently.For one reason or another, a general, stereotypical libido phenotype has been generally embraced as "normal for males" and another as "normal for females". Yet, what is considered "normal" is not only up for debate (depending on who is making the call) but the latitude within the "normal" definition is somewhat broad.
Trust me. Mine is the one that is normal. (I say.)
→ The Introduction section above was last updated 27 Sep 2017 12:45 PDT ←
It turns out that Libido is much, much more important than I initially considered with regard to its contribution to Human behavior, perception, reaction, etc.
Why might that be?
I don't really "know for sure". However, my own experience of uncovering "what I had so taken for granted that I had never considered it" ... until I started thinking about it mindfully ... is a hallmark of what ConserveLiberty refers to the Filters That Are Core.In this regard, there are two types of filters - Non-core Filters and the Core Filters. The Core Filters are those that are so ingrained in us genetically (so irrevocably and unchangeably part of who we are) that we do not experience them as variable or changing throughout our lives. They are so unchangeable, so Normal, that they are nearly entirely taken for granted. Unless of course something varies significantly from Normal, such as an illness.Libido may very well be a Core Filter. One so inextricably linked up to who and what we are and how we see the world that we just take what we are for granted and never imagine it has anything to do with Libido.
For example, all of us breathes, but we are not usually aware of our breathing. Until something goes wrong. All of us have hearts that are beating, but we are not usually aware of our beating hearts, nor do we ever consider that we might control or manage the beating of our hearts through cognitive means.Important → ConserveLiberty often uses the term "Filter" generally. In reality, many of the "behavioral filters" will be found to be made up of multiple filters functioning together as an Ensemble. And, in reality, many of the "behavioral ensembles" will be found to be made up as multiple ensembles functioning together as a Tapestry. ← ImportantOthers may disagree. And, since all of us are "wired differently" it may actually be that for some, their Libido may be a more variable function for them, and they can manage it cognitively (rather than it managing them!). For many of the Libido subroutines that together make up the Libido Ensembles, or perhaps the Libido Tapestry, some of those may actually be Filters (likely, ensembles of filters). However, many of them may be Core Filters (likely, Core Ensembles.) Could it be that Libido, for many, is a Core Tapestry?
Ensemble as ensemble
of filters![]()
Tapestry - ensemble of Ensembles
Libido is so important that topics related to it come up again and again and again through all of written history, and before that, art. Archeologically, thousands and thousands of sculptures made tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago (along with other implements used as tools) depict humans from both sexual and reproductive perspectives. And from conquest and submissive perspectives. As far back as written history goes, there is mention of prostitutes and tyrants. The ancient religious texts discuss both sexual behavior and "favored" behavior among the relatively few other things discussed. Obviously, libido generated behaviors took a priority over more common behaviors which may or may not have had "rules" associated with them that were important enough to have been chiseled into stone.
Examples would be the Jewish Ten Commandments (e.g. "You shall not commit adultery."), The Buddhism Five Precepts (e.g. "not to engage in wrong sexual behavior"), and various of the Hindu shastras (e.g. " the Hindu Dharmashastras do not permit any act of sexual union outside the socially sanctioned marriage system") or here.
Important → While not advocating for or discouraging any particular type of behavior, ConserveLiberty presents information from sites (below) that contain information enabling one to better understand the differences in behavior among people and their origins. They are provided so that we may better understand the ensemble of characteristics that are in play resulting in the variety of behaviors and instincts we see.It is when one's libido phenotype is sufficiently different to have drifted outside whatever "Bell Curve" range is considered "normal" that one's phenotype receives a label, a distinction, that is defined to better reflect the phenotype we are seeing.
ConserveLiberty has no influence regarding the biases portrayed on the web resources linked to below. Nor (of course) does ConserveLiberty advocate agreement or disagreement with them. However, the articles and essays offered are a source of insight into the variety of facts, perceptions, behaviors, and responses seen in the broad expression of Libido phenotypes. ← Important
The Paraphilias
Among the various expressed or experienced properties of libido is sexual attraction to "whatever." Sexual "attraction" differences that are outside of "the Bell Curve normal range" are referred to as the paraphilias.
There are hundreds of recognized paraphilias that "deviate from the norm". These are often not simply small variants from normal manifestations of sexuality libido. However, since our libidos are all manifested through the tapestry of ensembles of filters that together make up our own Libido Personality Spectrum Ensembles, and we differ from each other simply by the differences in "dial settings" for our component filters ... then we can learn something about our own Libido Ensembles by studying the paraphilias. Click here to see a partial list of examples.![]()
Among anticipated functions (components, filters, subroutines) that may make up the Sexual Libido Personality Spectrum Ensemble:
- Preferred Gender Attraction - Some are attracted to males. Others females. Most often the default attraction is to the "opposite" sex. But not always. Apparently, the Preferred Gender subroutines, the Preferred Gender Attraction Sexual Libido Filters, exist independently from the genetic sex of the host.
Gynephilia refers to attraction to females. Androphilia refers to attraction to males.
Since the appearance of sexually dimorphic animal species during the Cambrian explosion 541 million years ago, many animals emerged which only could reproduce sexually via the mating between individuals of opposite sex. For these animals (which include humans), from an evolutionary perspective, a "sexual attraction" to the opposite sex has selective advantages. If a high percentage of like sexes are sexually attracted to each other (referred to as homosexual attraction), not as much reproduction will occur vs. populations where a high percentage of opposite sexes are attracted to each other.
When reproduction is of high value for the continuance of a lineage (before it is eaten, killed, or dies naturally), then species with too high a percentage of homosexual attraction in the population will go extinct. In other words, after hundreds of millions of years of sexual reproduction, generally, populations with a high percentage of heterosexual attraction are selected for. For reasons that are explained in no other rational terms than the biological reality and the math involved.
If you are to reproduce, go find someone of the opposite sex. If you are "built" instead to mate only with the same sex, then for the lineage you are a part of to survive to the next generation encourage your brothers and sisters to find someone of the opposite sex to mate with. Or don't. Others will. Been happening for hundreds of millions of years.Important → When more information has been organized for the Preferred Gender Attraction Sexual Libido Ensemble you will be able to access it [by clicking right here]. ← Important- Age Attraction - The chronophilias. Some are sexually attracted to older individuals. Others younger. As with the other filters, one can imagine variation in what that age range (or, age appearance range) is for different individuals. For those with the chronophilia "dial" set higher, they will prefer older individuals. For those set lower, they will prefer younger individuals.
While it is common within certain cultural or clinical groups to regard the definitions of some of the chronophilias as "dysfunctions", ConserveLiberty takes a more abstract approach and regards them as preferences. The hypothesis is that from a common Age Attraction Sexual Libido Ensemble, different preferences are determined by different default dial settings.![]()
Our interest is in understanding the explanation for the preferences from a biological mechanism of action point of view. Thus, they either are fully instincts (genetically determined) or are preferences derived partially from instinct and partially from environmental influences and factors..
Thinking again from an evolutionary perspective, consider the independent fact that fertility seems to decrease with age, more so with woman than with men due to the biology involved. Understanding that, then there will be selective advantages for sexual attraction (resulting in mating behavior) towards younger men and younger women. For somewhat different reasons.
We observe this in all our cultures. For example, both men and women (when they are interested in being considered attractive) engage in exercise and styling behaviors that have the impact of making them appear younger rather than older. Beauty is quite often equivalenced with youth. Not completely, of course. We all know attractive people who are older. Often, much older. However, within the Bell Curve, people do what they can to appear younger when they want to be regarded as attractive, especially sexually attractive. And, when they are looking for someone they believe they may find sexually attractive, while they may scan everyone, they very likely take more time to regard those that appear younger within the population they are selecting from.
While the Age Attraction Sexual Libido Ensemble "dial" setting most often found for individuals is normally within the Teleiophilia (16 - 35 year) age range, there are dial settings that are found preferring people younger or older.
The dial settings:In order to focus more scientifically on the Age Attraction Sexual Libido Ensemble, we will look further (in the Research Articles and Summary Essays sections) into just one of these dial settings, pedophilia, which has been studied more in depth from a biological and psychological perspective.
- Infantophilia or Nepiophilia - infants and toddlers to age 2-5.
- Pedophilia is regarded as default sexual attraction to people who are prepubescent (13 years or younger, and generally 10-12 or younger) by someone who is at least 5 years older than the individual they are attracted to. Ages 3-10?
- Hebephilia is regarded as default sexual attraction to people who are early pubescent (typically 11-14 years).
- Ephebophilia is adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 17-19.
- Teleiophilia - A sexual preference for adults. Basically 18 to late 30s.
- Mesophilia - A sexual preference for middle aged adults, pre-menopausal or peri-andropausal, 40 - late 50s
- Gerontophilia, a sexual preference for the elderly. 60 and older.
Important → When more information has been organized for the Age Attraction Sexual Libido Ensemble you will be able to access it [by clicking right here]. ← Important- Appearance Attractions - A few (of many) areas regarded as sexually attractive (for some more than others):
- Homeovestism (wearing clothing emblematic of one's own sex)
- Morphophilia (particular body shapes or sizes)
- Nasophilia (noses)
- Oculophilia (eyes and activities directly relating to them)
- Podophilia (feet)
- Pygophilia (a highly atypical sexual interest focused on the buttocks)
- Sthenolagnia (muscles and displays of strength)
- Stigmatophilia (body piercings and tattoos)
Sexual libido expression differences- Attitude Attraction.
- Availability Attraction.
- Scent Attraction - Olfactophilia
- Unclothed Attraction.
- Sexual Organ Attraction.
- etc. Point made.
→ The "Paraphilias" Section within The Big Picture was last updated 27 Sep 2017 13:15 PDT ←
The Libido Personality Spectrum Tapestry is so instinctually enabled/imbedded (primary root instinct, coming on early during cognitive boot sequencing) with humans that the desire to communicate effectively and privately (insuring control) is very strong.
- Hundreds of sexual text messaging (sexting) codes ← are detailed here. In our current culture, an entire set of "code words" are used by texters to quickly get their points across "in plain sight" while potentially remaining undetected due to demographic communication differences.
- A discussion of adult and child-oriented sexual behaviors considered "out of the norm".
- A Sexting review article - text messaging sexual content.
- Kik Messenger - a social messaging app that kids use (and abusers use to find them).
- Secret photo vaults.
→ The Communication Section within The Big Picture was last updated 19 Sep 2017 06:45 PDT ←
Other General Areas
In this version of the Libido Personality Spectrum Tapestry we have focused more on the sexually related Libido Filter expressions. However, ConserveLiberty doesn't intend the term "libido" to be synonymous with "sexual energy, drive, impulse, interest, etc." Rather, ConserveLiberty uses the term "libido" to refer to a generalized "instinctive energy, drive, impulse, interest, etc." The sexual libido is but one aspect of how the libido manifests itself. Other aspects in which libido manifests itself are in the areas of:![]()
Thus, in ConserveLiberty's view, is it any real surprise that if one encounters someone with a generally increased libido "above average" that we may also find that correlated with, for example, both an increase in sexual libido and an increase in ambition libido? Or, an increase in sexual libido and an increase in aggression or destruction libido? Or, since the libido ensembles may share component parts, that if we find someone, for example, with a competition libido that is at variance "outside of the Bell Curve", we may also find them with another type of libido (e.g. relationship, control) which is also at variance "outside of the Bell Curve."
- Satisfaction
- Pursuit
- Acquisition
- Possession
- Competition
- Expression
- Relationship
- Acceptance
- Advantage
- Power
- Control
- Conquest
- Aggression
- Destruction
In this version, ConserveLiberty has not explored the other libido areas to the same extent as the sexual libido area. Until we do, please consider the links below as examples of other relationships between the various libido ensembles as they are expressed within the entire Libido Tapestry.Additional insights:
- Passion for Life = Masculinity = Sex Drive
- Sociobiological theories of rape
- Lovemaps - One's "internal blueprint" for their ideal erotic situations.
→ The Other Areas Section within The Big Picture was last updated 24 Sep 2017 16:40 PDT ←