The Libido
Personality Spectrum
Note 1 to Diana
Note 2 to Diana

Written by David Apollo
Note #1:
Dear Diana,
Oh man, I thought the Critical Thinking Ensemble, release was tough, but I have stumbled upon an even tougher one as I went back to dig through more cognitive aspects of my Reboot that I need to deal with in Part 3 of that one.

This one is intrinsic to everyone. It might even set you back and you might decide never to interact with me again. Oh well.

The link to the "not yet posted" Libido Ensemble is in the bottom of the Libido section of Part 3 of The Credible and Consistent Sense of Reality Personality Spectrum Ensemble.

Neither are in a finished state. The one that is going to really hard to work on credibly is not Part 3, but rather the Libido Ensemble itself.

I am totally open to your insights, truly.


→ Note #1 to Diana Collins was last updated 05 Aug 2017 09:45 PDT ←

Note #2:
Dear Diana,
Well, if you did get a chance to check out my earlier "not even rough draft ready" start of the Libido Filter Ensemble, then you will already have some comprehension of the problem I am going to have with it.

I don't even have to know what your thoughts are on it (but I do want to know!). Whatever instinctive or natural reservations that you might have initially had about my ability to even pull this off marginally ... are the issues I am going to have dealing with this credibly.

In fact, My Issue is likely bigger than those that first occurred to you. Anything that initially caused you reservations are not only Real (credible and reflective of the truth). They are also just a subset.


Because Men and Women are wired up differently with regard to how their actual experience of Libido (sexual drive) unfolds for them.

In fact, since Libido is such an intrinsic aspect of how we experience what we believe is Real for us, then the different sexually dimorphic unfoldings of Libido between men and women is one of the first order reasons why we'll never really understand where the "other gender" is coming from. Even when we think that we do!

(I know, you are probably thinking, "Slow learner!")

All this fascinates me. I know that in the abstract all our filter differences impact attempts to describe and define any of the filters. This is no different. However, in this case, I don't think I have any chance at all for getting intuitively close to understanding Libido for half the population (women). I usually figure its "good enough" if I hit somewhere "in the ballpark." I may not even be swinging within the same city that the ballpark is in when it comes to trying to reflect the way the Libido Ensemble actually works for women.

Now, as you know, I am AOK with you reacting (or not reacting) to anything you read that I might write. You don't even need to even get around to reading anything I post or send to you, and that is AOK by me. Really. I mean, I'm the guy who is creating the ConserveLiberty resource that doesn't advocate for anything other than the Liberty to be Whatever It Is that one has been Wired To Be.

At the same time, I am always interested in any thoughts you might have about whatever I am working on. I trust you to cut through the bullshit, however that shows up for you. You are honest with me. I respect what you have to say. And, in this case, you are a woman. So, I may have a leg up on you with regard to how Libido may work in men (at least I may get in the ballpark for most.) But, with regard to women ... you have got me pwned!

I know a few other women that I trust (honest, and credible) that I can go to for insights. But in this case, I can't even judge their credibility on this issue because ... I don't have the capacity to judge their credibility on this issue.

I have no idea why I have any belief that your thoughts on this would be an awesome asset for this chapter. But, I do. Even if it is impossible for me to validate it.

Of all things, some things I just believe. And, I believe in you,


→ Note #2 to Diana Collins was last updated 07 Aug 2017 14:50 PDT ←

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