The Curiosity
Personality Spectrum

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A Note to Stella Marrone
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     Birth, the Great Equalizer
     Toddler Scientists Finally Determine
          Number Of Peas That Fit Into Ear Canal
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Multiple Filters in Play
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Offered by David Apollo

Author's Note
[ Curiosity on Mars tree ]
Curiosity rover selfie on Mars, compiled from many images -
which is why the mech. arm holding the camera is not visible.
Click pic for more info.
This chapter is Version #1.

The impact of the Curiosity Personality Spectrum Tapestry, depending on how effective its "setting" is, will be seen as enabling a spectrum of behaviors leading to interest, identification, characterization. Basically, curiosity-oriented behaviors are "What Is this?" oriented exploration behaviors. Curiosity is itself made up of an ensemble of influential components and traits.

ConserveLiberty suggests that Curiosity is primarily invoked when things or elements of things are encountered (detected) for which no memories have been made. This is perhaps a little different than the way many are accustomed to thinking about Curiosity. In other words, Curiosity is invoked in order to commit new learning of things not remembered into memory.

This chapter is currently offered "as is" to get introductory information out to the ConserveLiberty audience for their review.
→ The Author's Note was last updated 15 Nov 2017 21:30 PST ←

multiple filters picture
We start each Personality Spectrum Filter discussion by reminding the reader several things about the filters, ensembles, and tapestries. Click there.
By no means is it implied or should it be construed that the Curiosity Personality Spectrum Tapestry is the result of a single gene. Rather, several genes, many expressed differently for each individual, work together to determine an individual's Curiosity Tapestry phenotype.
In fact, with regard to the Curiosity Tapestry it is probably a bit more clarifying to reiterate the statements above in a more declarative manner:
There is no single gene (whose expression or structure is variable and can be altered,) or for that matter a single event, that is causative of "actually wanting to understand what a new thing is". The Curiosity Tapestry is a system. It's mechanism of action (MOA) cannot be understood as the result of a single genetic variation, environmental influence, or random fluctuation resulting in a recognizable clinical impact.

The explanation for why we become interested in, explore, characterize or actively remember that which we are attracted to lies within the system ConserveLiberty refers to as the Curiosity Tapestry.

[ Apollo 17 at Shorty pic ]
Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt at the edge of Shorty Crater.
Eugene Cernan and Schmitt are still the last to walk on the Moon.
Click pic for more info.
ConserveLiberty will elaborate within this chapter those aspects of Curiosity that it believes may be validatable through credible experimental design and careful, scientifically skeptical observation (either now or in the future). However, it is also the case that many other perspectives on Curiosity have been written, and focus on similar attributes describing the behavior.

While not all of these approaches are validatable per se, they are a source of insight. And someday these insights may serve to influence the development of additional creative approaches to Curiosity that actually may be verifiable as "highly likely to be factual."

A couple of examples of "observational / imagined / philosophical" approaches to defining and understanding Curiosity are given below:
About Curiosity from Wisdom Commons.

The Wanderlust Gene: Why Some People Are Born To Travel

How does ConserveLiberty use the term Curiosity? Curiosity is primarily invoked when things or elements of things are encountered (detected) for which no memories exist. From a tapestry perspective, when the following are online, active, and available: ... then these all together, as an ensemble, result in the execution (manifestation) of a behavior that ConserveLiberty refers to as Curiosity.
Note   → ConserveLiberty uses the terms Memory, Recall, and Forgotten in a specific and consistent way and defines them here. Make sure you are familiar with ConserveLiberty's usage.

For example, if someone has an intact Curiosity Tapestry, and truly forgets something that they had been curious about before (and had learned it before forgetting it) then it would be expected that they would be curious about it again once exposed to the "element that they have no memory of." It is as if the memory had never, ever existed.

Remember, Curiosity is primarily invoked when things or elements of things are encountered (detected) for which no memories have been made. ←   Note

The path to uncovering the various genes, functions, filters, ensembles, and tapestries that together either generate the manifestation of curiosity or influence it will be exceptionally complex.

From ConserveLiberty's perspective, the Curiosity Tapestry is composed of a variety of Ensembles. One of those, for example, could be the Critical Thinking Personality Spectrum Ensemble. Why? The critical thinker is often interested in coming up with novel ideas that can either explain something not yet factually understood, or that can exploit something for advantage that may not yet have even been invented. Humans have innovated their understanding and use of the world around them throughout all of its written history, and likely for quite a while before that. Those innovators were likely also understood to be "Curious."

ALL humans possess Curiosity to one degree or another, a result of the Curiosity Tapestry that we are all born with and the default "dial settings" that differ among us due to variation in All That Is. Both men and women express and experience curiosity as a core driver of their interaction with reality. However, it is also true that Curiosity is manifested differently by men than by women. This is true both from a sexual orientation and interpretation perspective as well as the driven interactions with reality from other perspectives. Thus, it may be that one or more of the Libido Personality Spectrum Ensembles is also involved.

[ gauges pictures ]
Numerous genes are involved, functioning together as a tapestry of ensembles of filters, which together under the right circumstances result in our ability to be attracted or drawn to others or other things, manage how strongly and to whom (or what) we are attracted to, and manage the timing and intensity of how we respond to the activities that unfold. We refer to all these together as the Curiosity Personality Spectrum Tapestry.

"Some want to examine and explore further, if any do. Some are only curious about some of it, if any are curious about some of it. The rest are not." - David Apollo
→ The Preface was last updated 09 Nov 2017 15:15 PST ←

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