The Humor
Personality Spectrum

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A Note to Stella Marrone
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     Short Alleles, Bigger Smiles?
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Offered by David Apollo

Getting It All Together
<b>uncertainty pic</b>
In the final analysis (i.e., so far, more to come as more is understood), humor (which we enjoy) seems to be about "getting it." Thus, irony is important (if we "get" it.) Challenge is important. Discontinuity is important. Expectations are important. Even absurdity is important (i.e., is there any way we can "get" it?) In most cases, what was expected, or preferred, is in the end NOT MET. But we think it could/might have been met. Our own hope may have had us believing that it could be met. And it was not met.

And now we understand we have to deal with that. Tension abates. Whether the outcome was preferred or not, tension abates.

And we chuckle. We are amused. We are drawn a little further in.

Where we laugh is where we want to be.

We are home. Or, we are where we want home to be. Just for now. Before we move on. And we will move on ... having been for a moment where we are amused.

Sometimes, when ShIT happens, many people do not get the Joke.

"I got it!

Golf grabs our interest. (I can get it).
Politics grabs our interest. (Who will get it?)
Religion grabs our interest. (Will we get it someday?)
Friendship grabs our interest. (Can we get it together?)
Science grabs our interest. (Do we get it truthfully?)
Dating grabs our interest. (Will I get it?)
Tragedy grabs our interest. (Somebody got it.)

"Drama, and all its double entendres, and conflicts and bonding ... draws ... us ... in."

With regard to personality, ConserveLiberty's primary interest is to focus on the biological (and thus genetic) components that have responsibility for the mechanisms of action (MOAs) leading to the behavior and perception phenotypes that the Filters enable.

The Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry is apparently a very, very, basic (implicit) and essential Cognitive Function brought on by: leading to: We signal that we are experiencing Humor many times with Laughter. However, we often will respond silently, with one of several kinds of smiles.

Note   → The smiles associated with Humor are often used for other reasons, also consistent with Humor's correlation with irony or incongruity. ←   Note

Humor brings "that which is apart" together.

It functions much as we would observe gravity to function.

Humor attracts us to each other in a way that would bring us together, to join "what is in common" and yet appears separate.

It is often used to touch on topics which one party may have experienced and understood which another party cannot:

<b>skydivers last drop pic</b>
"Did I tell you about the time my parachute didn't open?

Yes, well, what happened was Better Than The Alternative!

As I emerged from the field at the end of the airstrip, the jumpmaster in the next plane lifting off was shouting at me, "Case of beer, case of beer!"

Any skydiver who's main chute didn't open owed the club a case of beer."

Is the Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry a manifestation (at a higher level of complexity) of a Fundamental Prerequisite? All are, of course. But is this a more direct manifestation?
Gravity is basically observed as the tendency among all that is real to be drawn together. If "It" has Mass, then it is drawn to other things that have mass, and all things have mass. Even photons (considered energy only) have mass. Considering that All That Is may have issued forth from The Big Bang, gravity draws ALL BACK TOGETHER.

The Big Bang was (is) The Beginning. When All is drawn back together, that is completely The End. In The End, nothing has ended. Rather, it has all come back together as One. Or, as None. The One of None. A "singularity" representing both/either/ zero or infinity (everything). Nothing was lost. "It" is all there. Now as None (since zero is considered the starting point.)
Once back together, all is as it was and as it always has been, other than that it is now as the One. The One None. The Singular.

Is that "attraction," which we see manifested simply as "Gravity" pulling all that we can observe together, what is manifested at a more complex level as "Humor" among humans?

Big Blank
The instant "before" The Big Bang
(The None was actually smaller)
Let's take this "full circle" narrative on The Beginning through to The End through an additional human perspective, relevant to this chapter, all the way through the "full circle."
Let's imagine (the reality of it would be impossible, this mental construct is simply used as an illustrative aid) that you were around for the Big Bang. And actually observed the Bang (from what just earlier had appeared to be Nothing, Zero, Nada).

Assume you understood that what just happened was so manifestly significant that the entire universe had just been created. All That Is would now from this very "First Moment" keep unfolding from what you just saw "come into existence" where Nothing had been before (apparently.) Whether or not you would live long enough to see what you now comprehend to be All That Is unfold eventually into what it was going to unfold to, you did know that you had just seen The Beginning. And Pow! that was Huge.

Big Blank
The instant "after" The Big Bang
All That Is still too small to be
seen. A second later ... Bigger!!
No other "explosion" ever would be bigger than that. None. You had just witnessed the biggest. (Of course, so far, it was the Only, but still, you understood that there would never be a bigger "explosion".)

From the first 10-36 second to the end of the 10-32 second, All That Is increased 1026 fold to approximately 10 centimeters in diameter. (One interpretation of one current theory, none of them validatable)

By the 10-12 second, the universe was approximately 200 million miles in diameter. (Again, on interpretation, not validatable)

At the end of the 1st second the universe was approximately 20 light years in diameter! (Note   → Give or take. While various models suggest so based on "what we think we know", this hypothesis is not possible to validate FACTUALLY. But, go with it. ←   Note)

Note   → For more detail of the first moments after The Big Bang [click here]. ←   Note

How would you react? What would you say?

I know what I would say.

I'd say, "HOLY SHIT!!"
Important  →  You've just witnessed the highest degree of Novelty (by definition, literally) anyone can ever experience. That's going to hit the Reward Center AND register as addictively euphoric! And, recall the euphoria manifested by morphine interacting with these very neural pathways.  ←  Important
And then, let's say you happened to be around for The End. The End where All That Is has now come back together (e.g. remember - gravity) into one huge Black Hole so big that it now includes All The Universe of All That Is. So big that what was the hugest Black Hole ever now goes through another transformation that no one had ever seen, because for some reason it takes all the mass of the Universe assembled within One Black Hole for the transformation to occur. The Next Thing.

golden spiral creation image
Perhaps the last thing entering short term memory
before the Next Thing takes All That Is to Nothing
And that Next Thing is that it all simply appears to self-annihilate itself, and nearly instantly becomes Nothing. The End. Again, sort of. Like, a "reverse Big Bang".

(Note   → The End as described here is solely a ConserveLiberty hypothesis, intended as credibly offered, based both on "what we think we know" and "what we think and don't think we don't know." If it ever was validated FACTUALLY, there would be nothing to receive the validation. An unrequitable validation, as it were. But, go with it. ←   Note)

It didn't happen completely in an instant because "instant" takes no time, and "no time" doesn't occur until All That Is is gone. But the Next Thing that occurred that took "everything" through to The End (and thus, to Nothing) got as close to instantaneous as it could in terms of the time it took to go from The Biggest Black Hole ever to Nothing.

And you saw it. (Remember, literary device.) How would you react once you saw that? What would you say?

I know what I would say. I'd say, "HOLY SHIT!!"

"In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances,
profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer."   -   Mark Twain, 1835 - 1910

"The most profoundly Spiritual and the most profoundly Practical are actually united at both The Beginning and The End.

We wonder what the "Why"? and "How?" may be. We are built to wonder.

Transient irony, misdirection, and the absurd result. The Truth remains Unsaid, and yet In Plain Sight.

And THAT is rather amusing."   -   David Apollo

OK, maybe the whole "Big Bang was amazing to watch" thing is just a "guy thing." We can move on.

Please note: If here after clicking on "The Big Bang Essentials" link,
Please use your "BACK" function to return to the previous page.

→ The Issues section was last updated 07 Aug 2018 19:50 PDT ←

Moving Forward
This section will have content posted to it in subsequent revisions of this chapter (The Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry). The current version as of this writing is v #1.0.

Pink Floyd picture
"All that you touch, All that you see,
All that you taste, All you feel.

All that you love, All that you hate,
All you distrust, All you save.

All that you give, All that you deal,
All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal.

All you create, All you destroy,
All that you do, All that you say.

All that you eat, And everyone you meet,
All that you slight, And everyone you fight.

All that is now, All that is gone,
All that's to come, and everything under the sun is in tune

... but the sun is eclipsed by the moon." - Pink Floyd

bridge forward picture
The development of the Humor Personality Spectrum Tapestry chapter is ongoing. There is so much more to elaborate on that would be helpful for understanding how we are built to appropriately and productively manifest Humor in and within our environment.

There are several areas that haven't been more thoroughly explored in this version. Among them: That said, what little has been portrayed does offer some value until additional updates to this chapter are written. As new versions are created, the title's version number will continue to be updated (see Author's Note.)

Comments are encouraged.

Conserve Liberty!

→ The Moving Forward section was last updated 08 Jan 2018 22:20 PST ←

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freedom to be pic Consider thoughtfully.