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(Section 1)

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"Dimorphism Prerequisite" Main Page (Section 1) ( ← click here for full ConserveLiberty menu access)
Dimorphism Prerequisite Author's Note
Dimorphism Prerequisite Preface
Dimorphism Prerequisite Introduction   ← You are here
The Dimorphism Prerequisite Big Picture - to be released soon
Examples of . . . All That Is Dimorphism - to be released soon
Dimorphism Prerequisite Research Articles - to be released soon
Dimorphism Prerequisite Commentaries - to be released soon
Getting It All Together
Moving Forward

Other sections not yet released:
     "Dimorphism Spectrum" Tapestry Main Page (Section 2)
     Living / Non-living Dimorphism Main Page (Section 3)

Offered by David Apollo

"Dimorphism Prerequisite" Introduction
How fundamentally entrenched is Dimorphism throughout All That Is?

In this section we will give examples (with very little explanation) of Dimorphism manifesting itself through all the successive ensembles and tapestries from the Big Bang to this very day from the perspective of a human living on Planet Earth in 2018 A.D.

→ Please note the abbreviation notations used for "years." ←

Feel free to skip through or meander slowly through this "Introduction" section. What follows are simply examples of Dimorphism, from the beginning until now.

What follows below is not a complete picture.

Which came first? Or, did they both unfold together? (3:43)
"Paired Tapestries" are found throughout the universe, at all levels of complexities, from the very basic (or fundamental) to the most complex.

"All exist in relationship with another." From another perspective, "all exist as two." All exists paired with another.

Check out the fundamental example nearby → →

For those interested in a more detailed synopsis of The Unfolding from the Big Bang up to the our own current status, peruse ConserveLiberty's Ensemble Organization within Creation.

While for some it offer's too much detail, for others it may offer just enough. In any case, one need not be a "math genius" in order to appreciate the basics being discussed.

A very brief, and rough synopsis from The Beginning to Today: Summing up from a "perspective" point of view ... The constant among all these examples - Change. Nothing is ever the same as what came "before" it. And nothing leads to the production of the same thing as before.

The Conservation of the Liberty of All That Is to Be What it Has Been Built to Be has led to its continued existence for billions of years with no end in sight.

Go with it!

→ The Introduction section above was last updated 20 Nov 2018 14:25 PST ←

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