The . . .
Dimorphism Prerequisite (Section 1) ![]() Select the section that interests you. |
How fundamentally entrenched is Dimorphism throughout All That Is?
In this section we will give examples (with very little explanation) of Dimorphism manifesting itself through all the successive ensembles and tapestries from the Big Bang to this very day from the perspective of a human living on Planet Earth in 2018 A.D.
→ Please note the abbreviation notations used for "years." ←
Feel free to skip through or meander slowly through this "Introduction" section. What follows are simply examples of Dimorphism, from the beginning until now.
What follows below is not a complete picture.
"Paired Tapestries" are found throughout the universe, at all levels of complexities, from the very basic (or fundamental) to the most complex.
Which came first? Or, did they both unfold together? (3:43)
"All exist in relationship with another." From another perspective, "all exist as two." All exists paired with another.
Check out the fundamental example nearby → →
For those interested in a more detailed synopsis of The Unfolding from the Big Bang up to the our own current status, peruse ConserveLiberty's Ensemble Organization within Creation.
While for some it offer's too much detail, for others it may offer just enough. In any case, one need not be a "math genius" in order to appreciate the basics being discussed.
A very brief, and rough synopsis from The Beginning to Today:Summing up from a "perspective" point of view ...
- At the very Beginning the notions of "before," "after," "then," or "had" had no meaning. "Time" (the notion) didn't exist. Nothing existed. "Then" ... at the moment of the Big Bang before any time "had" passed ... everything existed. At that instant, the universe went from a status of "nothing exists" to "everything exists".
→ The Original Dimorphism ←
With The Big Bang (which at its very beginning represents a singularity point of "most minimum" entropy,) All That Is was blown apart with the "most maximum work" available. (Recall the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, and the definition of entropy.)
From this moment on, everything interacts with every other thing, one way or another. All That Is never ceases to interact. Relationship is a Fundamental Prerequisite.
- Matter / Antimatter a few Planck moments after The Origin
Antimatter matters too.
Since All That Is is attracted to All That Is (a Fundamental Prerequisite referred to as Gravity) then for anything to exist as it does today ... a "significant" amout of Matter and Antimatter wound up separated from each other.
You are of that which is "significant." Too!
- A brief synopsis of the stages (epochs) of unfolding All That Is transistioned through right after The Big Bang up to the current moment can be found here → [The Chronology of the Universe].
- Hydrogen gas to star formation, then stars and gas to galaxy formation.
- From galaxy formation to galaxy mergers. Gravitational attraction among All That Is operates ubiquitously across all distances.
- Merging galaxies NGC 2623 (aka Arp 243) with their cores unified into one active galactic nucleus (AGN).
- Stellar Nucleosynthesis is responsible for creating all the atomic nuclei heavier than hydrogen, helium, and lithium - Different atomic nuclei have different atomic chemical properties.
Check out → The Archaeology of Stars for an example of additional information.
- Supernova explosions from 1st generation stars distribute the newly synthesized atomic nuclei ... leading to the creation of solar systems having differing chemical make-ups.
- This cycle repeats for subsequent generation stars and their solar systems.
A simulation of star and solar system formation as interstellar gas condenses upon itself.
Simulation of "The Formation of Stars and Brown Dwarfs ..." by
M. R. Bate, I. A. Bonnell, and V. Bromm. Starts with cold dust
cloud 1.2 light-years in diameter, and simulates 265,000 years.
Gravity is the manifestation of the Fundamental Rule that drives All That Is to a (re)unification with itself.
- It is natural for one to take the perspective that it is the attraction of All That Is to itself that generates the creation of new results ... eventually including ourselves. The "creative" aspects of gravity, attraction, relationship. However, "The Unfolding" can also "take things off the table", so to speak, in the creation if black hole singularities. Again, all due to Gravity, a Fundamental Prerequisite. For example, check out → Giant Black Hole Swallows a Star and Belches Out a Superfast Particle Jet
Note that while The 2nd Law states that "all closed systems tend towards increasing entropy, unless they are "ideal" (and there are no ideal systems) ..." it is also true that a Fundamental Prerequisite exists (manifested by gravity) which draws All That Is back together (decreasing entropy.)![]()
Cross-section of neutron star.
- A brief mention taking stars to increasing degenerate star density starting from supernovae to neutron stars to magnetars to quark stars to electroweak stars all the way to black holes and the singularities at the black holes' centers.
Planet's sizes, but not distances, are to scale- Gravity leading to differing planetary compositions depending on distance from their 2+ generation star.
Check out → The Nebular Theory of the origin of the Solar System for an approachable and fascinating narrative explaining of the formation of solar systems like ours.
A better retelling of the solar system formation addressed above will be posted by ConserveLiberty in a subsequent revision.
In case you are wondering, there are other planet-like bodies in our solar system with solid ground, liquid lakes/oceans, and atmospheres with weather.
Titan: Saturn's Largest Moon - An Alternative Earth? (13:15)
Just not like our own.
- Once our Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, the next step in its evolution was the emergence of life. Life on earth. A fascinating development (perhaps first via an RNA dependent mechanism).
The emergence of "living systems" becomes interesting.
Plants absorb specific radiation energies (photons with defined energy packets, identified by their wavelengths). They then utilize the photonic energy to catalyze chemical conversions that increase organization, meaning decrease entropy. This decrease in entropy can then be used to drive chemical processes resulting in "work" as the entropy within living systems is allowed to increase.
Living systems also metabilize chemical "fuels", leading to "work" being performed. They are drawn to increasing entropy, as is every other process in the universe. However, living systems are also drawn to anabolizing (building) those chemical fuels (decreasing entropy) through other processes so that they have stores of fuels to metabolize later for the various outcomes living systems require.
Living systems are drawn both to decreasing entropy and increasing entropy. They are local systems that decrease entropy in order to store energy for later use, and increase entropy as the energy is used. Note → Dimorphic Tendencies.
Reproduction requires energy for work, increasing entropy. However, the result of reproduction is a new "ordered" collection of atoms which is now alive. The resulting "ordered collection" is a localized decrease in entropy.
Among the earliest life forms discovered.
Stromatolites in Sharkbay.
Evolutionary tree showing divergence of
modern species from common ancestor in
center. Bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.- LUCA - The most recent common ancestor of all current life on Earth. Our first mother/father. The Last Universal Common Ancestor is estimated to have lived some 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago in the Paleoarchean era.
Astoundingly, our human natures (we are Of The Living) tend both towards:
- Increased entropy - that which seems easiest (less effort) and what we "want" to do, and
- Decreased entropy - that which requires effort, discipline, and leads to "desired results or impacts" in the future (e.g. moments, years, or generations later.)
Evolutionarily selected traits for persistence of The Lineage either promote enthalpy or enable entropy.
Life is a tug of war between the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (trending towards increased entropy) and Gravity (which increases enthalpy.)
Trait changes are due to gene replication "errors" that are due to the cosmological tendency towards increased entropy. Yet the Living Lineage persists because evolutionary selection often decreases entropy.
The author realizes that the phenomenon of Life (on Earth or other locales not discovered) brings up another issue for the curious - the meaning of "life."
ConserveLiberty will post a chapter on The Meaning of Life at a later date. For those wanting a brief synopsis regarding what to expect from the posting (in the future), I'll offer a brief "spoiler alert." - Duh!
The chapter on The Meaning of Life will be both comprehensive and one of the shortest ConserveLiberty chapters ever written.
- A note about virals - The Dimorphism chapter (i.e this 1st version, once Section 2 is released) will feature Sexual Dimorphism as a Life example. It is currently beyond this chapter's intended scope to discuss viral reproduction.
Viruses (which have evolved to exploit the replication machinery of their hosts) are in fact "living" if one allows for their dependency on various host functions. They evolve, they reproduce, and so forth. Viruses have taken advantage of sexual reproduction to aid in their survival.
- Prokaryotic replication.
- Eukaryotic (sexual) replication.
Paired homologous chromosomes within a diploid zygote (2n) are separated into their full unpaired haploid complements (n) in meiosis to form gametes.
During "fertilization", haploid gametes come together to reform a diploid zygote. The 2n number of chromosomes is restored.
Check out the origin and function of meiosis.
The appearance of eukaryotes about 2 billion years ago (bya) occurred during the Proterozoic era and sexual reproduction arose roughly 1.2 billion years ago.
- Life survived the most severe glaciation known in the geologic record during the Cryogenian, when ice sheets may have reached the equator, forming either "Snowball Earth" or "Slushball Earth" about 650 million years ago (mya). The oldest fossils found date from afterwards during the Ediacaran Period but are scarce.
- During the Ediacarian Period (635 - 541 mya), which began at the end of the Marinoan glaciation (Snowball Earth), easily fossilized hard-shelled animals had yet to evolve. However, the first macrocellular animals did.
For a nice review of this discovery and confirmation, [click here].
- During the Cambrian Period (541 - 485.4 million years ago (mya)) to readily fossilized organisms became common. Metazoa (animals) evolved monophyletically from a single common ancestor: flagellated colonial protists similar to modern choanoflagellates.
The Ordovician followed from 485.4 - 443.8 mya.
- The first evidence of animal sexual dimorphism, and motherhood
Materpiscis is the oldest known vertebrate to show viviparity (giving birth to live young.) It lived 380 mya.
Materpiscis was a ptyctodontid placoderm. The Ptyctodontida were the only known group of placoderms that were recognizably sexually dimorphic.
Placoderms were among the first fish with jaws, pelvic fins (evolved into hindlimbs in later lineage species), and teeth. They lived during the Late Devonian period (approx 380 - 360 mya). During the Late Devonian extinction (372.2 mya) almost all fossil fishes disappeared.
A few of the placoderms made it through the extinction event, and from them the first tetrapods appeared 367.5 million years ago.
We have evolved, over hundreds of millions of years, from the tetrapods. As have the amphibians, reptiles (including dinosaurs and birds), the mammals (including primates, humans), as well as earlier extinct groups.
When you celebrate Mothers Day, think of Materpiscus, and raise a glass to her!
- → Note: Need to develop the "dimorphic We" concept within the concept of the most primitive brains. ←
A good starting point ...
- The Triune Brain
- The Dimorphic tug of war between:
- Evolution (which resolves all adaptation and lineage survival challenges assuming sufficient reproductions (all different due to mechanisms of replication) to "beat the odds"). In the game of chance, multiple attempts will eventually lead to a winner.
- Nuturing (maternal and caring instincts), which is both necessary to ensure protection of the immature until they are ready to fend for themselves and yet is anti-evolutionary, enabling maladaptive traits to reproduce rather than be selectively eliminated.
- Ahead of getting to humans, let's explore how we got from mammals to primates to humans first.
Evolution of mammals
From the amniotes, the synapsids and the sauropsids (includes all existing birds and reptiles) arose. The synapsids were composed of the pelycosaurs (the mammal-like reptiles) and the therapsids, from which all mammals derived. The ancestral synapsid occurred about 312 million years ago, during the Late Carboniferous period. By the end of the Permian-Triassic extinction (252 mya), all the pelycosaurs were gone, and the therapsids remained. The cynodont group Probainognathia, which includes Mammaliaformes, were the only synapsids who outlasted the Triassic.
Of course, the archosaurs also proliferated during the triasic, from which all birds and crocodilians derived as well as the dinosaurs which went extinct at the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. After the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction (65 mya) event, the synapsids became the largest land animals.
The Mammaliaformes arose from the probainognathian cynodonts. Mammalia arose from the Mammaliaformes. The Placentals arose from the mammalia (as did the marsupials and monotremes.)
From the placentals arose the Boreoeutheria (as well as the Afrotheria and the Xenarthra). From the boreoeutheria arose, among other things, the Rodentia and the Primates.
The primates arose 55-58 mya (perhaps sooner). From the primates arose the anthropoids (simians) about 60 mya.
The simians split, and the catarrhine clade formed 25 mya, giving rise to the Old world monkeys and the apes (Hominoidea).
The apes eventually split into the gibbons and the hominids ... the lesser apes and the great apes.
The Hominidae (great apes) eventually split into the orangutans, the gorillas, the chimpanzees, and the humans (Hominina).
Check here for even more detail on the Evolution of primates
- Human males and females will be discussed in greater detail in The "Dimorphism Spectrum" Tapestry (Section 2).
The constant among all these examples - Change. Nothing is ever the same as what came "before" it. And nothing leads to the production of the same thing as before.
Even galaxies millions (and billions!) of light years apart are drawn to coalesce together!![]()
Arp 271 (galaxies NGC 5426 & NGC 5427) imaged
by VIMOS on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT).
← Arp 271 - VIMOS's Final Image - Interacting Galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427.
While the competing "apparent truths" of both the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and Gravity may seem an unresolvable paradox, it is also a paradox that men and women coexist sustainably with each other ... even though they can never "understand" each other.
- From The Big Bang all was produced. All, via a series of Relationships, has manifested itself as everything, from the largest to the smallest, that we can see and detect today.
Check out → Powers of 10 - an illustration, credibly factual, although somewhat hypothetical at both ends, of "Perspectives", and how simply changing distances alter the impression of what one is actually seeing.
The Conservation of the Liberty of All That Is to Be What it Has Been Built to Be has led to its continued existence for billions of years with no end in sight.
Go with it!