The . . .
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry (Section 2 XX by XX & XY) ![]() Select the section that interests you. |
Quite often within this chapter, credible thoughts on the topic have been influenced by The Silent Muse. The reader of this chapter will need to get over (and past) that.
Two things (at least!) have become clear:
- Thing 0:
The initiating author of this chapter is male. A known XY. That presents a problem.
Of course, if the initiating author were a woman, a known XX, that would also present a problem.
There is no way to get cleanly past the challenge manifested by the fact that the author(s) of The Dimorphism Chapter sections will be of either one or the other of the Sexual Dimorphisms (at the extremes) and actually a composite resulting in nearly anything "in-between". We are all (in the end) as individuals a Tapestry of the components that make us up. And, consistent with the The Fundamental Prerequisites, we are all different.
None of us can communicate what we think to be true or credible absolutely clearly to another, nor can we understand absolutely clearly what another may be attempting to be communicating truthfully and credibly.![]()
The best that we can do is to Understand the Misunderstanding. And ... be Amused.
As one or another highly regarded philosopher may have said, "It's all relative!" At another time, he may have intended us to understand, "A complete understanding of All That Is comes down to Gravity. The closer we are pulled together, the closer to Two becoming One we get."
And yet, we cannot get that close and remain two separate individuals. "The Singularity defies one getting there any way we might attempt to get there."
The Yin and Yang.
- Thing 1:
To begin to get a contribution from a female perspective on The Dimorphism Chapter it has been recommended that I ask questions. Implied (I say), "Then listen." (A great recommendation!) I couldn't generate any questions that might lead to something relevant until a "starting draft" of this section was written (from my perspective.) Enough of a "starting draft" is now done. I'm rolling. A little significant female perspective has begun to drift in.
This chapter cannot be considered dimorphic (e.g. two sides of the same coin) without both significant male and female contribution / inspiration.
- Thing 2:
Interestingly, acquiring female contribution requires questions. Which implies answers. Q&A implies relationship. Thus, a female contribution will be generated as a manifestation of relationship. Back and forth. Written and/or verbal communication.
It occurs to me that this is how "bell curve" females write as opposed to "bell curve" males. Males tend to write "action" or "whatever," oftentimes from an observational point of view "communicating something". Females tend to write from a relationship point of view. ConserveLiberty hypothesizes that this is just one of many aspects of cognitive dimorphism that describes differences between "bell curve" males and females.
Get the challenge?
All chapters are written from a spontaneous perspective (enabling innovative ideas, discoveries, and realizations to occur.) It may not be important that questions be formulated with a plan in mind.![]()
Thus, these questions have no plan in mind. They simply come from a perspective of wanting to comprehend differences between male and female perceptions, instincts, responses, (e.g. the filters, ensembles, tapestries!). Since I lack knowledge, I also do not understand what I will ultimately find out.
My huge misunderstanding most likely seems obvious to females as "understandable." Yet females know that I am male, and if I fit the common pattern of most "bell curve" males that they know, then females understand I need "coaching" ... to put it nicely.
Congenital Dimorphism Blindness is probably a more accurate way of describing it.
By the way, what is written above and below here will not likely survive into the 1st posting.
Feel comfortable ignoring any questions asked. Please offer any additional questions you think would have been a good idea to ask ... and answer those!
Women are asked these questions by women differently than men might ask these questions to men. And, they will perceive these questions and respond to these questions differently as well.
THE QUESTIONS! (for females)
Note: Sophia Nine addressed many of the questions below. Check out Sophia Nine's answers to them.
Q 1: What happened today that you would be interested in talking about? Anything that comes to mind.
Q 2: Imagine that no one knows you, and won't! Especially no females will (no males will either.) Now you can say anything that comes to mind and have no care that anyone will comprehend that it was you that said it.
Question: What do you think of when you think about yourself? When Alone? When with Others? When with Males? When with Females? Consider any Males or Females that first come to mind.
Note: Check out Stella Marone's answers to this question.
Q 3: Do you ever consider your self, The Me that is you, separate or distinct from you as a woman? Or, is "female" an intrinsic "definition aspect" of how you regard yourself. If you do consider yourself differently than an "intrinsic woman" then how do you consider yourself? What is important to you about you?
Q 4: When with your male friends (pick any) do you consider them as something separate or distinct from the dimension within which they are "intrinsic males?" If so, how do you regard them? Anything goes.
Q 5: When you have had a big day, one that took a lot of energy, etc., and now it is time to chill out, what do you consider would be a great thing to wind up doing? Relax by yourself, with another, or with others (multi?) Would you wind up most chilled out if you spent your "time out" with another woman, another male, a dog, whatever, doesn't matter?
Q 6: While it is true that I (an XY) have often found you (an XX) inspirational, practical, powerful, positive, and often bringing on unexpected epiphanies (a perfect muse!) it is also true that we do not know each other well. Though I may believe I "get you good enough" ... perhaps I don't. It is highly likely that I don't. Which is where I "stumble" without even knowing it.
Do you experience me as "not aware" of the emotional messaging that either you and I are communicating with each other? This is a perceived "Emotional / IQ " question.
Q 7: Do you have any questions for me? For other males? For other females?
Q 8: Do you find that either you or your female friends / acquaintances either wait or delay or postpone asserting their comments / points / positions until you / they feel "allowed?" "Allowed" may not be the correct word, but what I am getting to is perhaps "permitted" or "acceptable" or "the right time." Why or why not? What is nearly the first reaction that came to mind?
Q 9: We are 40-50 years into the "gender equality" movement that began in the 60's. That movement was a continuation of a women's right movement that began perhaps a hundred years earlier. Why do you think we are where we are today? Where do you think we are today? Are we where you would like us to be today? Where do you want "us" to be?
Q 10: Probing misunderstood (or ignored) communication - Does "Yes" mean "Yes" or does "Yes" mean "Maybe?" Does "No" mean "No" or does "No" mean "Maybe?" How often each?
Q 11: What has been on your mind this past few weeks? Pick three.
Q 12: How've you been? Great? Me too. Pretty good. ... What has been concerning you lately?
Q 13: As a woman, what questions would you pose that are more relevant than these?
Note: Check out Stella Marone's answers to these two questions.
Q 14: Do you consider your hair (how it looks, etc.,) as an integral part of The You? The Me?
Q 15: Are there other traits or aspects of your body that you consider to be important components that "define" or "feature" or "brand" who or what you are?
Q 16: Do the last two questions (above) seem like they are ridiculous questions to even ask?
Q 17: When you encounter someone or a group that wants what you have, and insists on having it, and you disagree, is your instinct to try to work it out, talk it over, or to let them have it? Do you take a different approach, or have a different goal? When "negotiating", is your strategy one that emphasizes "fairness", or one that emphasizes "control?" A different emphasis? Do you look for the "win-win", or are you more interested in "I win."
Q 18: What are you actually communicating when you smile? What are you thinking? Do you think about it? Is it where you are, where you want to be, or is it where you want who you are interacting with to be?
Q 19: How do you perceive harassment? Often? When you are aware of harassment towards you, is that significant to you? How do you react / feel / cope? Examples?
Q 20: Let's turn to intoxication. For this question, alcohol consumption. Drinking. Answer considering the question asked from your own perspective or habits. Only.
Let's say you have your choice of various drinks. Beers. Wine. Mixed drinks (cocktails). Even hard liquors, such as bourbons, etc. Your choices are solely anything you prefer. Its sometime during the day where intoxication is AOK. End of the day, whatever. It is possible that when you decide to have a drink, multiple aspects are going on at the same time. You may or may not be thirsty. You may want to relax, "take the edge off", and alcohol may help move things in the right direction. You may simply enjoy the taste, texture, temperature of the drink. And, of course, the differing drinks represent differing amounts of alcohol in the mix you are enjoying.
Overall, what seems to govern how much of your drink that you consume. Thirst? Taste? Fullness due to volume consumed? Fun with friends? The degree of intoxication you may feel? What determines how much you will actually drink? Do you think about it at all?
Q 21: Do you wait until allowed? Why?
From a male's perspective, consider a football game between two opposing sides that respect each other and want to play the game with each other. Which side waits for permission of the other? If one side feels compelled to wait till allowed, which side wins? Which behavior generates respect?: The one waiting to be allowed before doing, or the the one that is simply doing?
What is "The Bell Curve" female's perspective? Your perspective? Is yours the default female perspective?
Q 22: Approaching motherhood in a few different ways - Regarding your relationship with your child (one that you either became pregnant with or adopted):Q 23: Who have you touched today?
- How do you perceive the relationship?
- Are you two different people, mother and child?
- Are you a "We"? , Separate but One Together. A "We"?
- When making decisions for your child, are you making them as if making them for you? Do you see yourselves as separate, or as one?
- When you were pregnant, Separate or as One?
- Many women insist that decisions regarding pregnancies belong solely to them as a right to manage their bodies. Is the symbiotic relationship between woman and embryo perceived as essentially one body?
The basic discovery about any people is the discovery of the relationship between men and women.
- Pearl S. Buck, 1892 - 1973
"I have an idea that the phrase 'weaker sex' was coined by some woman to disarm the man she was preparing to overwhelm." - Ogden Nash, 1902-1971
Areas to introduce from a female perspective (David Apollo thinks he can start these, but he is probably actually clueless):
- Collaboration and/or/vs. Competition -
- Evolution and the Mechanisms of Reproduction - Host, symbiosis, combiner of two into one, unconditional sustainer. Her instinct "has one's back."
- Maternalism (e.g. has one's back) is an awesome mechanism that keeps the Lineage of The Living going, despite enormous and unexpected challenges and changes.
- The Self - "Her" perception of her "Self."
- Athleticism. - Uniquely valued aspects of athleticism to females for females.
- Location and product descriptions (an example):
The "style" of narrating locations, products, direction to locations, etc., is not gender unique. However, often a particular "style" is "gender stereotypical". The ability to comprehend the narrative styles is often dependent on the dimorphic "default gender dial settings" for the component tapestry filters. Which Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry gender style do you think is represented below?
- "To get to the brewery, just head north on the road at the corner just before you get out of town. Proceed west past the big tree but before you get to the grade school and keep going until you get to the Slaughson Avenue cutoff. Stay to the left and look for the Dairy Queen. Just before you get to the DQ (you will see the old DQ on the right first) there is a driveway on the left. Don't turn in there, but go to the next one on the right and go all the way down toward town. The highway entrance is on the right so merge into that lane and continue for a few more miles west. You're not real close yet, but watch for the Old Bridge Road turn-off. That exit is closed but the one before it is still good. You can get off there, or take the second right after the 3-way intersection and bear left after the Clown Alley hair place, but maybe not. In any case you should stay to the right until you get to the second stop sign. Pull into the right lane and park - because you'll have to walk back three blocks. You should be able to see the Brewery from there."
- Maternal Instinct "Forever" -
Female Posting:
11 years anniversary. Never a day goes by that I don't think about him. I feel lucky he was my boy for 30 years.
Male Reply:
I try getting how non-harmonious this remains for you. I say "try" because to be honest, I am a guy. That makes a big difference even if saying so is not thought of as PC. What it is is truthful. As a guy I will never share the "oneness" that a mother forms with her child. And that oneness stays forever. It is a "true marriage" that can not be split. Ever. Understanding the truth is the closure. But closure is not always comfortable. Sending my love.
Female Reply to Male:
Thank you. It's all part of being a human animal. The bond is cellular.
The Conservation of Liberty to Be What We Have Been Built to Be recognizes that The We has been built Sexually Dimorphically.