The . . .
(Section 2 XX
  by XY)

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The Muses
    Notes to Stella Maronne
    Notes to Sophia Nine

Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Main Page (Section 2 XY)
     Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Author's Note
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Preface (Section 2 XY)
          From a male's perspective
          From a female's perspective   ← You are here
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Introduction (Section 2 XY)
          From a male's perspective
          From a female's perspective
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Big Picture (Section 2 XY)
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Articles
          Dimorphic Human Evolution - Essays, articles, lookups, including:
          Offspring of a Neanderthal Mother and a Denisovan Father
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Essays
          Lessons from Strange Brains
          The Biology of Bravery - and Fear
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Commentaries
          Getting Smarter All the Time
          Examples of Humor
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Multiple Filters in Play (Section 2 XY)
Getting It All Together
Moving Forward

Other sections:
     The Dimorphism Prerequisite Main Page (Section 1)
     Living / Non-living Dimorphism Main Page (Section 3) -
          (not yet released)

Offered by David Apollo, Stella Maronne

"Dimorphism Spectrum" Tapestry Preface (Female's Perspective)
The current version of The . . . Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry (Section 2 XY) (v 0.3) was released without sufficient female input to credibly reflect even close to a female's perspective in this section. That will be modified in subsequent updates as more relevant (i.e. female) feedback and contributions becomes available.

For the purposes of writing and making sense of this chapter, ConserveLiberty has found it necessary to use certain terms in a more consistently defined way than may be understood generally. To make sure we are all on the same page, a few of those terms are called out.

When manifested within the domain of gender cognitive differences, ConserveLiberty defines: A few behavioral Filters and Ensembles deserve mention ahead of future updates. The following, possessed by both genders, tend to be manifested differently between the genders. These differences in personality, perception, reaction, and driven urges are commonly associated with either female or male demographics: In each case, both genders are protectionist, seek favorable outcomes, and are drawn to interaction. They often view themselves as maternal/paternal, compassionate, and focused on building good relationships. Yet each gender, generally (variations within their bell curves do exist), view these terms and traits differently.

Ah, the Assymetry of the Filters!

Articles by The Onion (includes video):
NFL Urges Pass Rushers To Try Reaching
Peaceful Resolution With Quarterbacks
Before Resorting To Tackling

Should The NFL Do More To Protect
Quarterbacks From Themselves
? (2:04) video
For example, compassion and protectionism. Consider how females and males may view competitive objectives (one dimension in which relationships manifest themselves.)

→ The Preface (female's perspective) was last updated 20 Jan 2019 14:00 PST ←

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freedom to be pic Consider thoughtfully.