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     Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Author's Note
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Preface (Section 2 XY)
          FROM:   A Male's Perspective | A Female's Perspective
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Introduction (Section 2 XY)
          FROM:   A Male's Perspective | A Female's Perspective
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Big Picture (Section 2 XY)   ← You are here
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Articles
          Dimorphic Human Evolution - Essays, articles, lookups, including:
          Offspring of a Neanderthal Mother and a Denisovan Father
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Essays
          Lessons from Strange Brains
          The Biology of Bravery - and Fear
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Commentaries
          Getting Smarter All the Time
          Examples of Humor
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Multiple Filters in Play (Section 2 XY)
Getting It All Together
Moving Forward

Other sections:
     The Dimorphism Prerequisite Main Page (Section 1)
     Living / Non-living Dimorphism Main Page (Section 3) -
          (not yet released)

Offered by David Apollo - "Pardon me, I have a Y chromosome. I am unable to see what the other side looks like."

The ... Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Big Picture
[ be obsessively grateful pic ]
Life is Good.
On both sides of The Coin.
Attempting to understand Dimorphism issues credibly is certainly a very complex undertaking. We'll focus in Section 2 on a generally interesting topic - human gender dimorphisms. We'll comment on their impact in the physical and cognitive instinctual areas.

First and foremost, we are on The Human Lineage Arm of the Living Lineage.

And, if the concept of Lineage and our place within it was not insightful enough, there are the interesting issues of communication and relationship. Among them, Mansplaining.

Getting to the Truth of the Matter
How can we understand The Misunderstanding? Consider The Asymmetry of the Filters. "Filter Differences". Each of us is built differently, cognitively and physically.

<b>wisdom misunderstanding 18300953 pic</b>
Then, consider the phenomenon of Perception. We all perceive differently.

Continuing, there is a huge difference cognitively, physically, perceptively, and instinctually between males and females even of the same species.

It all gets down to genetics.

Back to the brain, or the mind: there is the foundational physiology that enables the cognitive brain to understand what it's status of doing whatever it is doing is in the first place. That differs too.

Let's deal with The Misunderstanding strictly within the Human Cognitive Domain. The domain where the Cognitive Me exists.

The concept of "misunderstanding," in the abstract, is equivalent to the concept of "sin." The term "sin" has found common usage in both religious and non-religious contexts. ConserveLiberty does not approach ANY of its topics from a religious perspective. Ever. Thus, ConserveLiberty uses the term "sin" solely from a non-religious perspective.

ConserveLiberty (and a few others) defines "Sin" as the "Separation or Alienation or Estrangement from Truth." In other words, "Misunderstanding" and "Sin" are equivalent.

One apparent Fundamental Prerequisite is that "Nothing ever is the same as anything else anywhere anytime." No two "things" have ever been observed to be exactly the same (assuming one looks deeply enough.) Thus, (back to the Human Cognitive Domain) no Filter Tapestries are ever the same. For that reason we will always misunderstand each other. And in fact, we will always misunderstand The Truth.

[ patience to listen pic ]
There is evidence suggesting that the concept that we will always Misunderstand anything and anyone that we ever interact with ... was understood thousands of years ago. Once writing was developed, some attempted to communicate it to others. Some of those intended that these thoughts and writings would be conserved permanently so that they could be communicated to others over as many generations as possible.

Examples - attempts (and failures) to Understand the Misunderstanding of actual Truth: For example, it is from these perspectives (and The Fundamental Prerequisite of Variation) that ConserveLiberty understands the abstract concept of Original Sin.

Consider "the story of Adam and Eve." Interestingly, their "original sin" event is referred to as "Eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." → Think about that. ←
Important → Recall ConserveLiberty's definition of "Sin" as the "Alienation or Estrangement from Truth". If we all have Original Sin, then we all also misunderstand the story about the meaning of Original Sin.

In other words, we misunderstand the story of The Original Human Cognitive Misunderstanding!

Amusing. ← Important
How is the story of Adam and Eve relevant to an understanding of the Sexual Personality Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry?

Think of Adam and Eve as the "source" male and female for the human species. (Do not focus on whether they truthfully were the first humans at the time. Rather, focus on the narrative (if you can) and the underlying message being communicated by "the story teller.") Consider, for this narrative, that Adam and Eve represent the cannonical Two Sides of the Human Coin.

In the narrative, it is implied that the "separation from Truth" (by attempting to discern the notions of Good and Evil) was the serpent's fault. The excuse given: the Sin wouldn't have happened if it were not for the snake.

Yet, the "separation from Truth" would NOT have happened if both Adam and Eve had not purposefully decided to "do what they hadn't ever done before." They decided together to embrace making decisions based on what they believed may be Good and Evil. Two sides of the same Human Coin making the same decision - each for slightly different reasons.

An intentional decision framed as an unintentional mistake. Another dimorphism - actions and innacurate explanations for them are two sides of the same coin.

They blamed the snake! The original, "Devil Made Me Do It!" excuse!

Their (our) Misunderstanding aided and abetted by their (our) own mutual relationship with each other. Not stated, but quite obviously In Plain Sight was that they continued believing they were justified making decisions based on their own sense of Good and Evil long after they clearly had lost their harmonious relationship with Paradise. Having "eaten the forbidden fruit", it was impossible for them to ever "stop eating it" and return Home. Nor could their children, or their children's children, etc. It is as if the newly possessed urge to judge actions based on their own notions of Good and Evil became an addiction so intense and communicable that it could never be given up. And never has been given up to this day.

The Misunderstanding! was going to happen, did happen, and actually happened long before the story narrates that it happened ... because of "Big Math".

Narratives that make it into "scriptures" and survive for thousands of years aren't simply random stories that were "lucky by chance only" to survive. They were judged to be extremely important to pass on and repeat and pass on again by those who initially communicated (and edited) them.

That the "forbidden fruit" generating the "Alienation from Truth" was the "Seeking of and Attempt to Comprehend Good and Evil" was not simply some randomly chosen "fruit!"

The judgement of Good and Evil was seen as the most primary (and sinister) cognitive consideration that would generate alienation between anyone and anyone else, etc.

Why? Consider the questions, "What is Good?" and "What is Evil?" Different people are going to have different answers to those two questions. You've experienced that. From there, the misunderstandings flow like a river.

[ men deal with women pic ]
Ironically, the impulse to judge Good and Evil may often be made by someone wanting "Truly to Do the Right Thing!" That intention would be viewed as justified. A Good Intention! And yet, the assessment of Good and Evil begins the generation of misunderstandings.

Alienation from each other. From Truth.


The narrative comes with nearly 100% Irony. The perpective most have while reading the narrative (i.e. they judge good and evil from their own perspectives) ... generates the Misunderstanding of the narrative and its meaning.

So much so that most who believe they are familiar with the story of Adam and Eve believe that the transgression that led them being evicted from their home was the eating of an apple.

→ The narrative intended to inform us where the Root Generator of our universal Misunderstanding of each other comes from is misunderestood. ←

Go figure. Amusing. Think about it.

[ men are crazy women are stupid pic ]
The relevant narrative - Two Sides of the Same Coin. None of us understands each other well. Yet, we have to get along at some level in order, at minimum, to procreate and sustain The Lineage. So now what? Two sides of the same coin have got to come up with a way to "attract" each other enough to want to "get" each other. That would not be an intentionally cognitive solution, but rather an instinctive solution that evolved. The instinct evolves. We may wrap a cognitive reasononing around it. (e.g. thousands of other mammalian species.)

XX may misunderstand XY (and does) but XX knows how to attract XY and it thinks it knows what XY is attracted to. XY may misunderstand XX (and does) but XY knows how to attract XX and it thinks it knows what XX is attracted to.

Who is right? Is anyone right?

There may be many interpretations, however there is ony One Truth of the Matter.

How do we get closer to the truth and know we are getting closer to the truth?


Back to Understanding (and Misunderstanding) Sexual Dimorphism ... there is a lot of marketing surrounding this topic. Necessarily so. A lot of indoctrination. A lot of belief! A lot of unvalidated belief!! A lot of validatable facts are known. A lot more unvalidated imagination is believed. Much more imagination is believed than validated facts that are known.

ConserveLiberty will try to walk this path as truthfully as it can. It will call out theory and hypotheses as differentiated from validated facts as it can. As ALWAYS, it will be up to the reader to shoulder the burden of distinguishing fact from imagination. In other words, approach this chapter skeptically. Always. Amused.

Let's Misunderstand this chapter together.

Our sexual dimorphisms are truthfully what each of us are all about. Each a side of The Human Coin. Facing in different directions. Together.

The behavioral and physical dimorphisms observed are beyond those that can be defined simply by X/Y genetics. The X and Y allosomal chromosomes are certainly very, very important (so far as humans and other mammals are concerned.) However, many of the behaviors and physical phenotypes that are influenced by X and Y are actually coded for and regulated on other non-X/Y chromosomes (the autosomal chromosomes.)

In all cases, phenotypes show statistical distributions. For example, while males may have 80% of a particular phenotype (e.g. 80% of men may be taller than 80% of women) there still is the fact that women may manifest 20% of that particular phenotype (e.g. 20% of women may be taller than 80% of men.)

How do we go from:
<b>Family Meals photo 01 pic</b> <b>Dont bother yet pic</b> <b>basil pesto pasta broccoli mushrooms pic</b> <b>romance novel 01 pic</b>
The way to a woman's heart ...

<b>food barbeque 36280459 pic</b> <b>Seemed like a good idea pic</b> <b>food bacon 30261896 pic</b> <b>female 30688663 pic</b>
The way to a man's heart ...

Or vice versa?

Examples abound. It is important to distinguish between components, traits, filters, ensembles, and tapestries that may correlate at some frequency with each other statistically (due to various selective reasons and outcomes) but are in fact different from each other.


Physiological and neurological issues

The Spiritual (just blessed that way, instinctively)

The Conservation of Liberty to Be What We Have Been Built to Be recognizes that The We has been built Sexually Dimorphic.

→ The Big Picture section was last updated 13 Dec 2018 17:00 PST ←

← Previous: Spectrum Tapestry Intro   conserveliberty  Articles, etc.  conserveliberty   Next: Spectrum Tapestry Multiple Filters

freedom to be pic Consider thoughtfully.