The . . .
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry (Section 2 XY) ![]() Select the section that interests you. |
Are we who others believe we are,ConserveLiberty takes the approach that many of the personality traits that humans (or other animals) possess have organic roots. Our behavior - the way we detect, perceive, interpret, and react to things - is rooted in the way we are built. The way we are "wired up and connected" determines "The Device That We Are".
Who they want us to believe that we are,
Or are we who and what We Are?
Evolutionarily speaking, survival behaviors (required for The Lineage to persist) are biologically selected instincts. Selected not for the individual, but for the team (e.g. "related gene pool", family, etc.)
Since the persistence of a lineage requires reproduction, there is a tight correlation between people, families, and teams that survive and thrive AND "Gender-influenced traits."![]()
Due to the Asymmetry of the Filters, none of us fully understands where another is "coming from" because the various filters that we each have are set differently for each one of us. We don't, by default comprehend our environment in quite the same way.
Thus, all of us will, in one way or another, misunderstand each other. Always.
Paradoxically, it also follows that in a variety of insignificant and significant ways, all of the readers of ConserveLiberty's chapters will misunderstand all of ConserveLiberty's contributing authors. And they will misunderstand themselves. But we'll all do our best.
The root generator of The Misunderstanding is built into the Fundamental Prerequisites.![]()
Janus the Roman God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time,
duality, doorways, passages, and ending.
This "Uncertainty Principle" as it relates to relationships is a behavioral manifestation of The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle!
- Male homo sapiens have an easier time concluding credibly that males will not ever "adequately" understand the females of their species. Females often do recognize that males don't "get" them.
- Females often believe both that females can and do "get" males well enough, and that males could understand females better if they simply agreed to learn a few more things. (Things that are obvious to females.) For many Females, the fact that males apparently do not get them "yet" is a setup for the "Duh!" moment when those Males finally do. They won't.
The Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry.
Ahead of introducing some of the ensembles that are a part of the Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry, a brief introduction including some thought provoking questions from both the male's and female's perspective can be found below:![]()
In addition, check out:
- From a Male's Perspective
- From a Female's Perspective
(by XX & XY)
- Wikipedia's definition of sexual dimorphism, and
- Wikipedia's discussion of gender influenced cognitive function and behavioral differences.
Discussing and comprehending Gender related Personality Dimorphisms in a meaningful way comes with its challenges. Multiple filter differences and filter settings are at play which complicate an understanding of the Tapestry. Among the most important challenges comes with the the "default" sexual dimorphism settings of the Sexual Dimorphism Tapestry itself. The Tapestry is made up of a variety of subcomponent Gender Ensembles. Their scope includes the:
- Reproductive Gender Ensemble - Reproductive "Mechanism of Action (MOA) Functions" that differ between the two genders
- Personality Gender Ensemble - Gender-specific (instinctive) perspective differences that manifest themselves
- Physical Gender Ensemble - Physiological differences (shape, structure, etc.,) making the consistent identification of the two sexual dimorphic demographics easy
- Cognitive Gender Ensemble - Cognitive differences (not personality), such as intelligence, memory function, communication, etc., that are related to brains from different genders being developed and built differently.
Reproductive Gender EnsembleThe various subcomponent ensembles making up the Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry are interelated. Components of each make up the others. Rather than stand alone, they intersect. The ensemble group names are intended to indicate their predominant functional domain. However, they are used within other domains as well.
Physical Gender Ensemble
Personality Gender Ensemble
Cognitive Gender Ensemble
ConserveLiberty has organized the various ensembles as subsections below and can be gotten to using the links nearby.
The Reproductive Gender Ensemble
- Development of Gender Identity
- Sexual Behavior
- Attraction to Youthfulness and Cuteness
- Family
- The Gaming Filter
- The Bravery Ensemble - The ensemble of filters that enables one to overcome various of the fears and avoidance instincts that we have either been born with or indoctrinated with (and that often make sense!) and "Do What Needs to Be Done."
Resiliency (a part of bravery) is rooted in the Interactive Dimorphism.
Consider the iceberg. As the portion seen is melted, the source of the ice rises from below.
Resilience is often seen. The source of the resilience (and bravery) is often far greater ... and Unseen.
Related structures:
- Amygdala
Related articles:
- Harem formation - ConserveLiberty refers to harem arrangements as "Assymetric Polygamy".
Note the list of animals that form harems. Harems can be found across many, many animal species. Among the primates:
- Baboons, Monkeys, Langurs
- Gorillas (genus Gorilla). Note, as great apes, gorillas are very closely related to humans.
- Humans (genus Homo)
Not all primates form harems. For example, chimpanzees and bonobos are generally polygamous but not assymetrically so. They are the closest primates evolutionarily related to humans, having split from the last common ancestor with the human line approximately 6 million years ago.
Evolutionarily speaking, why might assymetric polygamy develop in the direction of one male having several mates rather than the other way around?
That reason is unknown at the moment. However, when one looks at the experience human cultures have with non-monogamous sexual relationships leading to childbirth a few phenomenon are observed:
- When a female is polygamous with multiple men and becomes pregnant, none of the men can be certain which one of them is the father. This discourages paternal devotion to caring for the mother and child. This in turn reduces acquisition of sufficient food, shelter, and protection. The selection of behavioral instincts are in play. Over time multi-male relationships among females (polyandry) would be selected against on an instinctual basis.
- In polygyny, (a male having polygamous relationships with multiple females who themselves mate with just that man) both partners "know" who the child's father and mother is. Paternal devotion is encouraged in this instance.
- Across most mammalian species (polygamous or monogamous), males who actually will acquire and provide sufficient food, shelter, and protection while females nurse their offspring are selected for. Male loyalty to family, wealth, strength, talent, etc., is valued. Not just "any male will do."
- Generally, forming and maintaining harems in most mammalian species involves continuous competition between males for being chosen and retained by the female (or her parents.)
- Note to author - Trace down and thru the chordates.
- The Assymetric Valuation of Males
Multiple statistically robust polls taken continuously over the last 60+ years consistently indicate a preference for a male child if they could only have just one. The primary question is, "Why?"
Both male and female mammals within a dimorphic species share all the autosomes (the non-sex chromosomes) plus the X sex chromosome. Only the male possesses the Y sex chromosome. If all of a family's Genetic Lineage is going to survive, the Y chromosome propagates only if a male child is produced.
Males that either do not mate or that do but only produce females essentially are the terminal end of their Y chromosome Lineage. It will be the end of the line for his Y.
Selfish DNA theory (applied to chromosome transmission) may offer an insight. Chromosomes (or DNA itself) don't "care." Rather, dimorphic species that produce a very low frequency of males are more likely to go extinct (and may have!) An instinct to produce males may counter that (and may have!) In other words, the instinct to have at least one male child may have been selected for (randomly) as one route that succesfully postpones the extinction of a Living Lineage. I certainly postpones the extinction of a Y chromosome lineage.
It is not known whether or not the instinct to propagate the Y chromosome (produce a male) is itself linked to genetically to the Y chromosome.
The Physical Gender Ensemble
- Attractiveness - Male and female perceptions of attractiveness differ.
- The Touch Filter - Who have you touched today?
- Breast Attraction (e.g. value, significance, instinct)
The primary function for breasts in all dimorphic mammalian species is for the feeding of the newborn until they are able to feed on their own. Since their evolutionarily selected role is to insure the survival of the infant, they provide a complete nutritional source as well as immune system supplements until the infant's ability to acquire and consume nutrition from its environment matures.
In most species, the breasts don't become prominant until they are needed by the female for feeding her children. They become much less prominant once the newborn has been weaned.![]()
Humans are different. Female human breasts enlarge during adolescence long before they are needed for feeding. They do not lose much of their prominance after weaning.
Male humans find female breasts attractive independently of their nutritional function. Women often regard their breasts as an important aspect of their body image. While both regard breasts as attractive, it is likely that their perceived appeal is different for men than they are for women.
The Personality Gender Ensemble
Let's introduce a few other interesting examples of behavioral Filters, Ensembles, and Tapestries:
Pay attention!
Adult supervision required.- Childhood play - Male and female children often manifest their preferences for "play" differently.
- Emotion - Males and females experience various "emotions", but experience them differently.
- Narcissism and gender differences in the manifestation of narcissism.
- Aggression - expressed or manifested differently.
- Empathy - Men and women manifest what they may understand as "empathy" differently.
The term is itself understood by many differently. Check out ConserveLiberty's definition of Empathy.
- Mental health - None of us are fully "normal", whatever that is. Put another way, if not being normal is "crazy", then we're all a little bit crazy (or a lot!) in different ways.
ConserveLiberty does not consider differences from "normal" to be either "good" or "bad". Rather, as any legitimate scientist would, we consider alternate manifestations of traits and behaviors as "differences."
- other Personality traits - check it out.
- The Noticed as Significant Filter - (Hey look at me!)
A behavioral manifestation of social creatures (e.g. fish, fowl, insect, mammal, etc.,) is that they instinctively gravitate towards "whatever" they find gets them noticed and "valued." Note: "value" in this usage is equivalent to "consequential". "Value" is independent of positive, negative or neutral connotation. The operative word - "noticed." The operative implication - "significant."
For many humans, humans are the most significant natural interest!
How does the "Noticed as Significant" filter manifest differently in males vs. females?
How does this ensemble manifest differently when the target audience is males vs. females and when the object manifesting is males vs. females?
Politicians, Porn Stars, children from birth through adulthood, Selfie takers, and more. The genetically selected instincts, physical phenotypes, and environmental indoctrinations that give rise to the addictions to "being looked at, admired, wished for, and prized" are profound. They are so prevalent that they are often simply taken for granted ... and embraced.![]()
The endeavor to "convince another that what is factual is what one wants another to believe" has been going on ... as long as "detection," and later "cognition" became possible.
Check out How to Get Instagram Famous - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 122 (4:30)
- The I Am Owed Privilege Filter -
The desire and belief that one most certainly deserves the "privilege" of having their desire(s) met.
For example, check out: 11 Scoops or 12? Coffee Wars Come to the Office
- The Way I Communicate is the only Reasonable Way to Communicate Filter:
Relationships are "dimorphic" by definition. Yet, is the comprehension of "sufficient" "mutual" "understanding" verbal?
Alexa adapted to special circumstances (2:40)
Note that although males and females may perceive and interpret many things differently there are several areas of similarities that enable us to get along with each other throughout all our stages of maturity.
- The Timing Filter - is and sets the timing "metronome" that creates the perception of the elapse of time. Folks with a "faster" clock perceive that the elapse of time is "slower." Folks with a "slower" clock perceive that the elapse of time is "faster." Various environmental and biological issues can and do influence the dial setting on the Timing Filter:
- Developmental age
- Chemicals (e.g. nutrients, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
- The Born to Bond Filter - Separate but synergistic with Relationship Filter. The default setting for the Born to Bond Filter determines how strongly one wants to form relationships.
Resiliency is being able to operate and thrive in a
constantly changing environment. The environment
constantly changes ... Constantly.- The Relationship Filter The fascinating thing about the dimorphically generated Cognitive We (which we all exist with) is that it cannot exist alone. There is always an "Other" which is always interacted with. Relationship = Interactive Dimorphism, which is a Fundamental Prerequisite. There is always Relationship. Out of Relationship is derived Resilience (a Fundamental Rule). Even in cognitive loneliness, one finds a way to at least communicate with oneself.
Think about the impact that Solitary Confinement is intended to have. Schizophrenic on Demand (SOD) may be a protective mechanism that can be used to protect against the cognitive erosion that loneliness can result in.
In the evolutionary (Living Lineage) dimension, Interactive Dimorphism pairs both Competition and Nurturing. Throughout ALL.
In the End, and the Beginning, its all about Relationship.
Fun pushing "anticipated" limits,
then past them!- The Belief that You will Solve an Issue Filter - some people just go with the flow, and consider innovation not at all interesting unless someone else is doing that, and in that case don't even care what is being attempted until it is actually invented and released.
Others see a deficit that could lead to an asset if the deficit were met, and will work stridently and faithfully to address and solve it, having no idea in the beginning what the ultimate solution will be, but believe they will find the solution if they just keep working at it, and do, and do!
Required for The Solution Orientation Filter (below).
The Cognitive Gender Ensemble
- Intelligence
- Memory
- Ethics and moral orientation
- Cognitive control of behavior
- The Reality Grounding Ensemble -
Enables The Belief that the subset of factual reality one is able to perceive is Factually Real.
The Assymetry of the Filters operates such that those with a sufficiently active Reality Grounding Ensemble naturally are drawn to distinguishing between what is factual and what is not. What is Real and What is Imaginary. What is Truthful and what is Bull (whether intended (e.g. duplicity, ironic humor) Bull or unintended (misunderstood as Truth) Bull.) Those with an active filter are naturally scientific skeptics.
Those with a sufficiently inactive Reality Grounding Ensemble seem naturally to actually believe that what they are perceiving as Real is not actually the only Real. Rather than the suspension of disbelief that one with an active Reality Grounding Ensemble would recognize asnd understand (in order to enjoy fiction, for example) ... one with an much less active Reality Grounding Ensemble naturally suspends belief. That suspension is so natural to them that it is comfortable. It is part of their Cognitive me. For them, they are Home while (AND) embracing their suspension of belief. Those with a sufficiently inactive Reality Grounding Ensemble are naturally attracted to fiction in its many forms. They "believe" based on compelling rhetoric. Rather than scientific sceptics, they are quite gullible. They don't see themselves as gullible as they are, although they recognize that they are fooled more than they would like to be. Rather, they see themselves as tolerant, open minded, balanced, friendly.
- The Spectator Filter - Many watch, some do. Many listen, some tell. Many follow, some lead.
- The Property / Territory Ownership Filter - tends to see locations and items as an integral aspect of their Me. As their Cognitive Home. For example, "I am from xxx", or "I went to XXX school and I am an avid fan", or "that is my home/car/friend/idea/etc."
- The Solution Orientation Filter - why some folk decide to avoid instinct driven behaviors that have a risk of bringing them harm, or modify instinct driven behaviors that have a risk of bringing them harm, while others do not adapt their instinct driven behaviors despite having information that they be harmed, often mortally. (Examples: ceasing smoking to avoid cancers and heart disease, monogomy in order to minimize acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV, dietary modifications in order to manage various physiological issues better (e.g. weight gain, diabetes, etc.), protective safety measures that are not extraordinary in order to avoid accidental injury (e.g. motorcycle helmets, etc.)
- The Augmented Reality Filter - related to the desire to perceive what we want to believe, or that we believe we are perceiving, as Real. The more we believe that what we are perceiving is real, the more Fun we perceive we are having. Fun stimulates the Cognitive Reward Center, and can be habituating and addictive. Related to gaming, generally manifested differently in males and females.
- The Need for Religious Comfort (with or without belief in an unknowable "God") - Complex. Related to relationship attraction, desire for certainty (and that what one is certain of is actually the truth, Real), devotion to that which approves of you, etc.
How were our sexually dimorphic behavioral trait differences selected for? Note that it is Dimorphism (a Fundamental Prerequisite) that insures the manifestation of The Misunderstanding. Sexual dimorphism is but a subset of Dimorphism.
The evolution of sexual (eukaryotic) reproduction from what was initially a prokaryotic reproductive mechanism represented an extraordinary advancement in the ability of life on the planet to adapt, survive, and evolve at a higher level of complexity and function. However, it also enabled the two sexes to evolve different roles that complemented each other, thereby making the "pair" stronger and more adaptive than the either of the individual players. The first "team" were the team of parents creating an offspring. Very powerful.
Ironically, the Tapestry responsible for the differential functions manifested between sexually reproducing organism teams ALSO results in the most difficult barrier to understanding each other either physically or cognitively.
Males and Females do not "get" each other very well at all ... no matter how hard they try. The Ultimate Asymmetry of The Filters!
Humans often consider "sexuality" and "sexual behavior" in terms of "morality", whatever that means. ConserveLiberty suggests one consider this:Entropy:Thus human nature is drawn to decreasing entropy and increasing entropy. Both. In other words, human nature is drawn both to the "moral" and the "immoral." The "State of Being Drawn to Both" Is a manifestation of what it means to be alive. Country-western music and poetry captures this wonderfully. Though not so scientifically!
All behaviors considered "moral" actually are focused on building and maintaining relationships. (Lowering entropy.) We often are drawn to these behaviors, instinctively.
Many behaviors considered "immoral" (not a good idea) increase disorganization and/or break relationships apart. (Increasing entropy.) We are also often are drawn to these behaviors, instinctively. Doing what we feel like doing without regard to what we believe we should be doing.
Morality and Immorality . . . two sides of the same coin.
The Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry.Did selective evolution (which terminates that which has not had the good fortune to find itself persistent) generate the manifestation of Sexuality and Sexual Dimorphism through a mechanism of Randomly introduced Change?
ConserveLiberty advocates for all to "be what they were built to be." Within the context of this section - embracing the manifestation of the perceptions, instincts, and behaviors which unfold as a result of the dimorphic influences of sexual genetics - in mammals, usually XX or XY.
The Conservation of Liberty to Be What We Have Been Built to Be recognizes that The We has been built Sexually Dimorphically.