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          The Biology of Bravery - and Fear
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Offered by David Apollo

The ... Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Introduction
Are we who others believe we are,

Who they want us to believe that we are,

Or are we who and what We Are?
ConserveLiberty takes the approach that many of the personality traits that humans (or other animals) possess have organic roots. Our behavior - the way we detect, perceive, interpret, and react to things - is rooted in the way we are built. The way we are "wired up and connected" determines "The Device That We Are".

Evolutionarily speaking, survival behaviors (required for The Lineage to persist) are biologically selected instincts. Selected not for the individual, but for the team (e.g. "related gene pool", family, etc.)

[ Characteristics of life pic ]
Since the persistence of a lineage requires reproduction, there is a tight correlation between people, families, and teams that survive and thrive AND "Gender-influenced traits."

Due to the Asymmetry of the Filters, none of us fully understands where another is "coming from" because the various filters that we each have are set differently for each one of us. We don't, by default comprehend our environment in quite the same way.

Thus, all of us will, in one way or another, misunderstand each other. Always.

Paradoxically, it also follows that in a variety of insignificant and significant ways, all of the readers of ConserveLiberty's chapters will misunderstand all of ConserveLiberty's contributing authors. And they will misunderstand themselves. But we'll all do our best.

<b>Janus1 pic</b>
Janus the Roman God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time,
duality, doorways, passages, and ending.
The root generator of The Misunderstanding is built into the Fundamental Prerequisites.

This "Uncertainty Principle" as it relates to relationships is a behavioral manifestation of The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle!


The Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry.

<b>man_vs_woman pic</b>
Ahead of introducing some of the ensembles that are a part of the Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry, a brief introduction including some thought provoking questions from both the male's and female's perspective can be found below: In addition, check out:

Discussing and comprehending Gender related Personality Dimorphisms in a meaningful way comes with its challenges. Multiple filter differences and filter settings are at play which complicate an understanding of the Tapestry. Among the most important challenges comes with the the "default" sexual dimorphism settings of the Sexual Dimorphism Tapestry itself. The Tapestry is made up of a variety of subcomponent Gender Ensembles. Their scope includes the:
Reproductive Gender Ensemble

Physical Gender Ensemble

Personality Gender Ensemble

Cognitive Gender Ensemble
The various subcomponent ensembles making up the Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry are interelated. Components of each make up the others. Rather than stand alone, they intersect. The ensemble group names are intended to indicate their predominant functional domain. However, they are used within other domains as well.

ConserveLiberty has organized the various ensembles as subsections below and can be gotten to using the links nearby.

The Reproductive Gender Ensemble

The Physical Gender Ensemble

The Personality Gender Ensemble
Let's introduce a few other interesting examples of behavioral Filters, Ensembles, and Tapestries:

The Cognitive Gender Ensemble

How were our sexually dimorphic behavioral trait differences selected for? Note that it is Dimorphism (a Fundamental Prerequisite) that insures the manifestation of The Misunderstanding. Sexual dimorphism is but a subset of Dimorphism.

The evolution of sexual (eukaryotic) reproduction from what was initially a prokaryotic reproductive mechanism represented an extraordinary advancement in the ability of life on the planet to adapt, survive, and evolve at a higher level of complexity and function. However, it also enabled the two sexes to evolve different roles that complemented each other, thereby making the "pair" stronger and more adaptive than the either of the individual players. The first "team" were the team of parents creating an offspring. Very powerful.

Ironically, the Tapestry responsible for the differential functions manifested between sexually reproducing organism teams ALSO results in the most difficult barrier to understanding each other either physically or cognitively.

Males and Females do not "get" each other very well at all ... no matter how hard they try. The Ultimate Asymmetry of The Filters!

Humans often consider "sexuality" and "sexual behavior" in terms of "morality", whatever that means. ConserveLiberty suggests one consider this:
All behaviors considered "moral" actually are focused on building and maintaining relationships. (Lowering entropy.) We often are drawn to these behaviors, instinctively.

Many behaviors considered "immoral" (not a good idea) increase disorganization and/or break relationships apart. (Increasing entropy.) We are also often are drawn to these behaviors, instinctively. Doing what we feel like doing without regard to what we believe we should be doing.

Morality and Immorality . . . two sides of the same coin.
Thus human nature is drawn to decreasing entropy and increasing entropy. Both. In other words, human nature is drawn both to the "moral" and the "immoral." The "State of Being Drawn to Both" Is a manifestation of what it means to be alive. Country-western music and poetry captures this wonderfully. Though not so scientifically!

The Sexual Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry.
Did selective evolution (which terminates that which has not had the good fortune to find itself persistent) generate the manifestation of Sexuality and Sexual Dimorphism through a mechanism of Randomly introduced Change?

ConserveLiberty advocates for all to "be what they were built to be." Within the context of this section - embracing the manifestation of the perceptions, instincts, and behaviors which unfold as a result of the dimorphic influences of sexual genetics - in mammals, usually XX or XY.

The Conservation of Liberty to Be What We Have Been Built to Be recognizes that The We has been built Sexually Dimorphically.

→ The Spectrum Tapestry Introduction section above was last updated 31 Jan 2019 16:10 PST PST ←

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freedom to be pic Consider thoughtfully.