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     Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Author's Note
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Preface (Section 2 XY)   ← You are here
          FROM:   A Male's Perspective | A Female's Perspective
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          FROM:   A Male's Perspective | A Female's Perspective
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Big Picture (Section 2 XY)
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Articles
          Dimorphic Human Evolution - Essays, articles, lookups, including:
          Offspring of a Neanderthal Mother and a Denisovan Father
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Essays
          Lessons from Strange Brains
          The Biology of Bravery - and Fear
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Commentaries
          Getting Smarter All the Time
          Examples of Humor
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Multiple Filters in Play (Section 2 XY)
Getting It All Together
Moving Forward

Other sections:
     The Dimorphism Prerequisite Main Page (Section 1)
     Living / Non-living Dimorphism Main Page (Section 3) -
          (not yet released)

Offered by David Apollo

The ... Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Preface
[ gauges pictures ]
We start each Personality Spectrum Filter discussion by reminding the reader several things about the filters, ensembles, and tapestries. Click there.

Neither The . . . Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry nor its components are the manifestations of single genes. Rather, several genes, many expressed differently for each individual, work together to determine an individual's Dimorphic Tapestry phenotypes.

In fact, with regard to The Sexual, Instinctual, Cognitive, Physical, . . . Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestries it is probably a bit more clarifying to reiterate the statements above in a more declarative manner:
There is no single gene (whose expression or structure is variable and can be altered,) or for that matter a single event, that is causative of "the thousands of phenotypically common physical, instinctual, cognitive, and gender differences" manifested dimorphically in any species. The . . . Dimorphism Tapestry is an interconnected system. It's mechanism of action (MOA) cannot be understood as the result of a single genetic variation, environmental influence, or random fluctuation resulting in a recognizable physical, motivational or behavioral impact.

The understanding of how we are dimorphic (played out with respect to our physical, sexual, and reproductive functions) lies within the system ConserveLiberty refers to as the The . . . Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry.
The impact of the . . . Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry (aka The Dimorphism Tapestry), depending on how effective the "settings" of its individual ensembled filters are, will be seen as enabling a spectrum of behaviors, perceptions, and responses.

Using Dimorphisms that manifest as Gender-related as examples
"All enigmas make sense. So what sense does this enigma make?" - David Apollo
ConserveLiberty will elaborate within this chapter those aspects of Gender that it believes may be validatable through credible experimental design and careful, scientifically skeptical observation (either now or in the future). However, it is also the case that many other perspectives on Gender have been written, and focus on similar attributes describing the behavior.
Important → "Sexuality" is apparently a very big deal. ← Important
male symbol blue picture female symbol blue picture
How might we have gotten here? A few introductory thoughts:

    From a Male's Perspective (by XX and XY)

    From a Female's Perspective (by XY)

How evolution works - an appreciation of the various parts: Since Dimorphism (a Fundamental Prerequisite) acts with evolution (a Fundamental Rule) to enable the Lineage of the Living to survive in ever changing environments ... an intricate Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry has evolved.

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When it comes to The ... Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry, the behavioral, perspective, and response differences between the genders are legion. They extend far beyond the cognitive filters into the remainder of the biological domain: The path to uncovering the various genes, functions, filters, ensembles, and tapestries that together either generate the manifestation of Gender or influence it will be exceptionally complex.

Often, the genetics underpinning the biological differences between a species' dimorphic genders are so different that one can discern immediately the gender being examined simply by examining the chromosome structures present.

From a biological perspective, ConserveLiberty defines Gender as:
"One of the Two Paired Sides of a reproductive species that is required for reproductive success to manifest itself."
Men and women have evolved differently physically and behaviorally because we have different biological roles dimorphically fulfilling our two sides of the same coin.

Gender is defined by ConserveLiberty from the perpective of an evolved inherited collection of biological traits (both physical and instinctual) that support the reproduction and the raising of offspring. Gender is NOT chosen.

"The very essence of instinct is that it's followed independently of reason." - Charles Darwin

Click here →  for Wikipedia's extensive description of Gender.
Human sexual dimorphism

Reproductively advantageous sexual dimorphism

and other sections within The Wikipedia Sexual Dimorphism chapter are fascinating.
As with all tapestries, the filters and ensembles that make up The ... Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry will often be incorporated within other ensembles and tapestries as well.

From an evolutionary perspective, survival of a lineage occurs strictly via random mutation, successful trait selection, and reproduction. Thus, variables that ensure the continuing reproductive success of a lineage will be "preferred" with regard to the mathematical selection determining species survival.

This is true across all animal species which are dimorphic. And they are all dimorphic.

→ The Preface was last updated 29 Jan 2019 20:40 PST ←

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