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(Section 2 XY)

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     Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Author's Note
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Preface (Section 2 XY)
          From a male's perspective
          From a female's perspective
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Introduction (Section 2 XY)
          From a male's perspective   ← You are here
          From a female's perspective
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Big Picture (Section 2 XY)
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Articles
          Dimorphic Human Evolution - Essays, articles, lookups, including:
          Offspring of a Neanderthal Mother and a Denisovan Father
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Research Essays
          Lessons from Strange Brains
          The Biology of Bravery - and Fear
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Tapestry Commentaries
          Getting Smarter All the Time
          Examples of Humor
          ... others
Dimorphism Spectrum Multiple Filters in Play (Section 2 XY)
Getting It All Together
Moving Forward

Other sections:
     The Dimorphism Prerequisite Main Page (Section 1)
     Living / Non-living Dimorphism Main Page (Section 3) -
          (not yet released)

Offered by David Apollo

"Dimorphism Spectrum" Tapestry Introduction (Male's Perspective)

[ on feet vs knees pic ]

The XY ... needs a "battle."
A battle to resolve a challenge of any type.

For XY, competition is embraced.
It is → Fun. ←

The XX ... is drawn to building mutually insightful relationships that unify.
Common goal collaboration based on trust and caring.

For XX, collaboration is embraced.
It is → Fun. ←

The XY ... needs a "win." The identification of "one better than the other."
Unless he's "metro". Or more. Or less. Maybe.

The XX needs a "win, win." The identification of "a jointly chosen goal."
Unless she's "cosmo". Or more. Or less. Maybe.

Both XY and XX draw upon competition, winning, collaboration, caring. These dimensions are not unique or alien to either gender. Either can emphasize any of the behaviors and outcomes to achieve their goals. However, by default, if only 2 out of the 4 above can be chosen, the XY will elect to compete to win. The XX will elect to collaborate and nurture.

Men are asked these questions by men differently than women might ask these questions to women. And, they will perceive these questions and respond to these questions differently as well.

THE QUESTIONS! (for males)

<b>female humble is sexy pic</b>
The Misunderstanding
<b>males acting like bros pic</b>
Q 1: Have fun today? Tell me about it.

Q 2: Between you and me, what do you think of when you think about yourself? When Alone? When with Others? When with Men? When with Women? With anybody that comes to mind.

Q 3: Do you ever consider your self, The Me that is you, distinct from you as a man? Or, is "maleness" an intrinsic quality of you? If you consider yourself differently than "intrinsically male" how do you consider yourself? What is important to you about you?

Q 4: When with your male friends (pick any) do you consider them as something separate or distinct from the dimension within which they are "intrinsic males?" If so, how do you regard them? Anything goes.

Q 5: After a big day, one that took a lot of energy, etc., how do you chill out? What would be a great way to wind up relaxing? Relax by yourself, with another, or with others (multi?) Would you wind up most chilled out if you spent your "time out" with another woman, another male, a dog, whatever, doesn't matter?

Q 6: While I (an XY) may find you (another XY) inspirational, practical, powerful, positive, and often unexpectedly insightful ... it is also true that we do not know each other well. I may believe I "get you well enough" ... but perhaps I don't. It is highly likely, actually, that I don't.

Do you experience me as "not aware" of the emotional messaging that either you and I are communicating with each other? This is a perceived "Emotional / IQ " question.

Q 7: Do you have any questions for me? For other males? For other females?

Q 8: Do you find that you or other males wait, delay, or postpone asserting comments / points / positions until you / they feel "allowed?" "Allowed" may not be the correct word, but what I am getting to is perhaps "permitted" or "acceptable" or "the right time." Why or why not? What is nearly the first reaction that came to mind?

Q 9: We are 40-50 years into the "gender equality" movement that began in the 60's. That movement was a continuation of a women's right movement that began perhaps a hundred years earlier. Why do you think we are where we are today? Where do you think we are today? Are we where you would like us to be today? Where do you want "us" to be?

Q 10: Probing misunderstood (or ignored) communication - Does "Yes" mean "Yes" or does "Yes" mean "Maybe?" Does "No" mean "No" or does "No" mean "Maybe?" How often each?

Q 11: What has been on your mind this past few weeks? Pick three.

Q 12: How've you been? Great? Me too. Pretty good. ... Anything been concerning you lately?

Q 13: What questions would you pose that are more relevant than these?

Q 14: Do you consider your hair (how it looks, etc.,) as an integral part of The You? The Me?

Q 15: Are there other traits or aspects of your body that you consider to be important components that "define" or "feature" or "brand" who or what you are?

Q 16: Do these last two questions seem like they are ridiculous questions to even ask?

Q 17: When you encounter someone or a group that wants what you have, and insists on having it, and you disagree, is your instinct to try to work it out, talk it over, or to let them have it? Do you take a different approach, or have a different goal? When "negotiating", is your strategy one that emphasizes "fairness", or one that emphasizes "control?" A different emphasis? Do you look for the "win-win", or are you more interested in "I win."

Q 18: What are you actually communicating when you smile? What are you thinking? Do you think about it? Is it where you are, where you want to be, or is it where you want who you are interacting with to be?

Q 19: How do you perceive harassment? Often? When you are aware of harassment towards you, is that significant to you? How do you react / feel / cope? Examples?

Q 20: Let's turn to intoxication. For this question, alcohol consumption. Drinking. Answer considering the question asked from your own perspective or habits. Only.

Let's say you have your choice of various drinks. Beers. Wine. Mixed drinks (cocktails). Even hard liquors, such as bourbons, etc. Your choices are solely anything you prefer. Its sometime during the day where intoxication is AOK. End of the day, whatever. It is possible that when you decide to have a drink, multiple aspects are going on at the same time. You may or may not be thirsty. You may want to relax, "take the edge off", and alcohol may help move things in the right direction. You may simply enjoy the taste, texture, temperature of the drink. And, of course, the differing drinks represent differing amounts of alcohol in the mix you are enjoying.

Overall, what seems to govern how much of your drink that you consume. Thirst? Taste? Fullness due to volume consumed? Fun with friends? The degree of intoxication you may feel? What determines how much you will actually drink? Do you think about it at all?

Q 21: Do you wait until allowed? Why?

From a male's perspective, consider a football game between two opposing sides that respect each other and want to play the game with each other. Which side waits for permission of the other? If one side feels compelled to wait till allowed, which side wins? Which behavior generates respect?: The one waiting to be allowed before doing, or the the one that is simply doing?

What is "The Bell Curve" male's perspective? Your perspective? Is yours the default male perspective?

Q 22: Approaching fatherhood in a few different ways - Regarding your relationship with your child (one that you either sired or adopted): Q 23: Who have you touched today?

Areas to introduce from a male perspective (David Apollo thinks he can start these, but he is probably actually clueless):

The Conservation of Liberty to Be What We Have Been Built to Be recognizes that The We has been built Sexually Dimorphically.

→ The XY Spectrum Tapestry Introduction section was last updated 30 Jan 2019 21:30 PST ←

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freedom to be pic Consider thoughtfully.