The . . .
Dimorphism Personality Spectrum Tapestry (Section 2) ![]() Select the section that interests you. |
This is a temporary scratch section for topics that come to mind for eventual migration into other sections.
As thoughts come to mind there may not be sufficient time to integrate them where they best belong. When a good time is at hand the thought may have become non-recallable - not easily found within my memory-scape.
This section will have content added and deleted as time unfolds. This section has no current version. It is v #0.0.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind.
Much remains Unsaid. And yet it's true.
Some things do remain constant, while others change. Yet all things change.
You have been an intricate part in what has come to be after you. Including those things before you.
Wood is the ultimate solar battery. The sun and life brought CO2 and water together. Now we return to complete the cycle. And for those atoms, today they start the cycle again.
There is no end to a circle. Resonance!
The possibility of two big bangs being a mechanism for explaining how we were left with sufficient matter to be what we are today.
"Some people just lack the ability to laugh at themselves. That's where I come in."
Search Wikipedia for Radiation oriented stuff:Note, there are 28 naturally occurring elements on earth that are radioactive, consisting of 33 radionuclides that date before the time of the formation of the solar system.
- Radioactive decay
- Particle decay
- radionuclide
For CL purposes:
Why do we define CL terms?
George Carlin - on airplanes and flying. (11:10)
George Carlin on some cultural issues. (13:00)
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. - Leon C. Megginson, 1921-2010
In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment. - misattributed to Charles Darwin
other misattributed Charles Darwin quotes.
Add an ability to submit humor and quotes.
The One and/or The Other. The Two which Join in order to make another ... the way the Lineage persists, Living, from One Stepping Stone to the Next Stepping Stone.
These Paired Tapestries, appearing similar enough that they are identified as existing as paired within a common species (e.g. Homo sapiens, canine, fish, etc.,) are so different between each other that the individuals possessing them cannot actually "get" one another. They may think they can, but they cannot.
The question was, "Respond with the first thought that occurs to you ... your first instinctive thought. Why do you think that the color Red seems to be associated with Christmas?"
Seven people were opportunistically offered the question. Three males and four females. Most know each other. Of course, all have differing perspectives.
Note that although seven different answers were given, they can be roughly grouped as two different types of "first" perspective answers. These default differences are important.
The answers:
- Women
- During winter, there are fewer colors in nature. Green or brown. A few rare plants may show some red berries or leaves, standing out from the dormant or remaining green ones. The reds are signs of life among the dormant or dead. They are signs of optimism, resiliency.
Christmas is a season of family and harmony. The Red in Christmas reflects the Red in Nature during winter. A gift of life.
- I don't know why but it always reminds me of those winter berries that grow on some sort of bush and poinsettia plants.
- Holly berries
- Red is not currently fashionable. It's not "in" during the other times of the year. So it get's picked for this time of the year ... to be different. Thus for Christmas, Red is "the color of the Season."
Also, berries are red. And the fires in fireplaces are red.
Different seasons get different colors. For example, an Easter color is Yellow. Pastels are the colors of Easter.
- Men
- Red seems instinctually noticed more than other colors. It gets attention. Red can connote a warning, a sign of something satisfying, an association with power, a branding of importance ... red is naturally associated symbolically with all of those.
Red is also a "primary" color, related to how we perceive visible light, and that is governed genetically. Perhaps some components of our color perception and processing are involved in the genetic mechanism interpreting its "status."
Christmas time is the season celebrating of the birth of Jesus Christ. The "meaning" of His life and message became significantly important over hundreds of years. It may be that over time use of the color Red was natural for anyone celebrating the season.
- That's easy. Santa Clause said so.
- I don't know, good question. My guess is that it was already associated with the pagan celebration that was co-opted by the Catholic church for Christmas.
Include somewhere within the Dimorphism Prerequisite (Section 1) - Stellar evolution on the main sequence.
Exhaustion, explained.
Why Change Is So Hard (4:02)
Gold is for the mistress -- silver for the maid --
Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade."
"Good!" said the Baron, sitting in his hall,
"But Iron -- Cold Iron -- is master of them all."
- Rudyard Kipling, Cold Iron
National Center for Biotechnology Information, Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health: Does Sex Matter?, 2001 - Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health: Does Sex Matter?
Work Unified field theory into the Dimorphism Prerequisite (Section 1).
Work Journey to the Center of the Galaxy and / or General Relativity Redshift Near Supermassive Black Hole and its various vids into the Dimorphism Prerequisite (Section 1).
Work Gravitational redshift and the ConserveLiberty variant adapted hypothesis into the Dimorphism Prerequisite (Section 1).
Similar to the Equivalence principle that emerged over the past few hundred years, detail the ConserveLiberty extention as it reflects the various manifestations of the Fundamental Prerequisites as various degrees of filter / ensemble / tapestry complexities are ascended. For example, between Gravity and Humor, Change / Persistence and Evolutionary Change / Selection, and with Dimorphism as it relates to dual relationships from Big Bang through to XX/XY and beyond.
Some Resilience pics to work in elsewhere, including the Resilience chapter.
Disruption and Reboot results →![]()
Disruption (change) often requires a restart. Getting back up. Perhaps a change of plans in order to continue moving forward sustainably.
Creative adaptation is often required.
Some just do it. Others just do not.
Change happens. A Fundamental Prerequisite, or The Fundamental Resonance.![]()
Importantly, what happens next?
The Resilient do not ruminate.
Focus on the goal.![]()
Be what you were built to be.
Cognitive exhaustion is not your partner.
The Attitude / Approach / Advance Dimorphisms
- Gratitude, empathy and compassion.
- Competition, aquisition, devotion.
Out of Human Longevity, Inc., Mountain View, CA 94303:
Identification of individuals by trait prediction using whole-genome sequencing data
Full paper
Dimorphism related - order vs. disorder, decisions made by random vs. non-random methods, The Left vs. The Right. Random increases entropy, non-random decreases entropy. Gravity (non-random) decreases entropy. Evolutionary change is random based. Selection is non-random based, thus evolution is a dimorphic mechanism.
Either side of the dimorphism is oppositional to the other. Competitive. One side ultimately will win or neither side will win and conflict will thus be constant. Change is constant. Conflict is constant. Each maintains both sides of the same coin. Until ... Beyond the Black Hole. ... which is The Black Whole.
Truth vs. Illusion. Correct or not correct. The basis of the misunderstanding is that all these are always at play, and even selected for. The mind itself is a decision engine, based on a difference engine. It's gonna be either right or wrong, and usually both!
Often, those who succeed in the competition for Selection know how to play the Misunderstanding.
Disorganized thought seems organized to disorganized thinkers. Another Asymmetry of the Filters.
The ultimate dimorphism - motherhood / fatherhood. XX / XY. The way these embrace and see and experience the world within one perceived reality is so different from the other's that they really nearly cannot be compared. Even though in the abstract they are really immersed in the same thing. To consider both in the abstract is at a true level to not understand the other at all. The concept of differences itself leads to misunderstanding. They are skew. Neither can understand what the other understands. Close enough is all they get, and it is not at all close enough. But both believe they can get close enough. A true dimorphic example of the Asymmetry of the Filters.
I don't know how the female muses actually tolerate me. At some level they probably don't. But they have no real choice, and so put up with it nicely. Ultimately because they are built to do just that. Motherhood. Or, maternalism. From my perspective. I should be grateful.
The workings of Providence are mysterious.
Get the texts of the eulogies made at G. H. W. Bush's funeral.
Crow solves puzzle for piece of meat.
Crow as a higher cognition problem solver (3:19)
The Undoing Project, by Michael Lewis; Thinking Fast and Slow.
At two weeks old, the human embryo has only just begun its months-long journey to become a baby. The embryo is tiny, still invisible to the naked eye. But inside it, an epic struggle plays out, as a nomadic band of cells marches toward a mysterious destiny, with the future of humanity resting on their microscopic shoulders.
A lot of us understand biological sex with a pretty fateful underpinning: if you're born with XX chromosomes, you're female; if you're born with XY chromosomes, you're male. But it turns out, our relationship to the opposite sex is more complicated than we think.
It's all in the genes. The mechanism of action requires multiple genes making up the tapestry to be workign together as a system. Altering the default expression of even just one can make a dramatic difference.
Some are able to comprehend Facts fairly well and others cannot. Because of the Asymmetry of the Filters, those filtered for comprehending facts fairly well understand who they are, and those who are not ... do not know who they are. Everyone thinks they "get" facts. Amusing.
The factually oriented go to the limits of what facts that they can know. Then what? What is left is hypotheses or theories. Theories are not facts, although "good" ones endeavor to base themselves on facts. Facts that are validated, revalidated, and revalidated again. Hypotheses are not facts. They are propositions for what a fact may be, and they are propositions that are testable and are intended to be tested. Tested so that they can be validated as true or false. Beyond theories and hypothesis we have imagination.
Imagination is absolutely necessary in order to generate hypotheses and novel interpretations that help get us closer to the facts. However, remember, one can imagine almost anything (within the bounds of cognitive abilities.) So certainly imagination is not facts, although some may turn out to be factual, and validated to be after testing and further observation.
Folks who "get this" ... "get this." And are amused.
Translations and interpretations, always coming after the event being related, and not from the actual perspective of the original teller, are always written by someone with their own biases and misunderstandings.
Note, for example, how commentators consider that "social inequalities" are something "not good" and that need to be addressed and that CAN be addressed. The facts of nature, all of living nature (and all of human nature) suggest otherwise. It is all in plain sight.
We are all unequal to everything else. Leveraging inequalities is how all of nature has evolved in symbiosis with itself.
"Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back."![]()
- Heraclitus, c.535 - c.475 B.C.
Other Heraclitus quotes for possible use throughout the chapter:
- "There is nothing permanent except change." and "Nothing endures but change." and "Change alone is unchanging."
- No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.
- The hidden harmony is better than the obvious.
- If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail.
- Couples are wholes and not wholes, what agrees disagrees, the concordant is discordant. From all things one and from one all things.
- Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony.
- It is hard to contend against one's heart's desire; for whatever it wishes to have it buys at the cost of soul.
- The way up and the way down are one and the same.
Other Random Thoughts (below the tip of the iceberg):
- At the human level:
- David Reimer and the test of nature vs. nurture with respect to sexual reassignment surgery
- Notice how many couples, when they describe great relationships, don't often reference "the two being so much alike" but rather that "the two complement each other - that each brings something different to the relationship, creating a synergy resulting in The Both being more than the sum of their individual contributions."
- I have had a dream indicating rather clearly that I am on the way to being hetero, though I don't accept it with much enthusiasm either awake or in the dreams. - Alan Turing
Turing was convicted of gross indecency (homosexuality) in 1952 and chose probation, agreeing to hormonal treatment to reduce libido. The treatment, injections of the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES), rendered Turing impotent and caused gynaecomastia, fulfilling Turing's prediction that "no doubt I shall emerge from it all a different man, but quite who I've not found out".
Differences, explained.
Are differences simply a factual representation of the always
dimorphic Fundamental Prerequisite? (12:27)
Pharma, and relationships, explained.
You'll be back! We got you. But ... warning ... (2:10)
Not even believing our own lying eyes!
Is Rowan Atkinson the REAL Mr Bean? (2:18)
- At the living species level:
- Sexual reproduction - the reproduction of "We" via the separation of "We" into two separate individual "Mes". Each then reintegrates with another individual "Me", producing an "New We" from the components of two different "Old Wes".
Note that the character "Adam" within the Jewish Old Testament book of Genesis, written by several authors (philosophers?) thousands of years ago, was initiated (created) as ... both Adam and Eve. Both man and woman. One human. From the initial Adam, Eve was separated and made independant from Adam. Ever since, humans were only produced as either male or female. To reproduce ... they both were required to "cling" to the other.
ConserveLiberty does not claim that any stories, legends, or myths deriving from any writings that cannot be independently validated as factually true today are in fact actually, factually true. However, for whatever their intended purpose, they were composed, preserved, and are known to us. Understood or misunderstood. Since they cannot be validated today, how are we to know which interpretation of these writings was intended?
- A sexual reproduction - the "cloning" of "One" to become two "Ones". The built in error frequency implicit in all the processes playing a part in reproduction insures that the new "Ones" are different from each other, even if only slightly different. (Difference is a Fundamental Rule.)
- In sexual reproduction, very simply defined (abstractly), two of the same species, one of them of "demographic type A" integrating with another of "demographic type B" ... produces another ... which will be either of demographic type A or B (usually.)
Do video games (or any environmental factors) skew one towards violent activities that one wouldn't have engaged in had they not been "exposed" to them ... "however?"
In prison for life, Remy looks back on his violent past and
contemplates where it all went wrong who's to blame. (1:57)
- "In order to get home, I can't go Home." - David Apollo
... meaning that since all ultimately exists in relationship with another, one cannot "find" what is solely oneself. "Finding" only occurs within the context of relationship. That which "finds" is the Cognitive Me, and the Cognitive Me is founded on a neural foundation.
The Brain is a difference engine. The perception of differences, which is the only thing that the brain perceives, implies relationship. One cannot find what one solely is. One can only find what one perceives to be what one is in relationship with ... another One.
Home ultimately is where One is in harmony with what one is. Home can only be found as a We. In order to get to the home one may want to get to, they will never wind up at the Home that they thought they wanted to get to. We all and only tend towards relationship. Whether we intend to or not. The Ultimate Paradox (Paradigm Irony.)
In the end, all these various dimensions of interactional relationship result in our seasons, their variation, and weather and climate in general.
All interact with and are compared with one another.
All are in relationship, and interdependent. (6:50)
- Selection - big time. Difficult to express without receiving a blowback of denial, "No way!" ... Yes Way.
- Selection management - "If you want peace, prepare for war."
- Each individual has an expiration date. Without reproduction their species goes extinct. With reproduction, their Lineage continues, even though each of Steps along The Lineage is different than either parent that begat them.
This is true for all sexually reproducing organisms - ALL of the eukaryotes. Without each drawn together there is no reproduction.
What of the prokaryotes which do not sexually reproduce? That which are begotten by prokaryotes are also different (more or less) than their parents. The mechanisms of DNA and RNA replication ensure that errors happen at a measurable frequency (all known examples.) The prokaryotes also exchange genetic information among themselves even when not reproducing.
All That Is, whether or not "alive," undergoes "relationship" with its selves such that (re)unification (decreasing entropy) advances "locally" at the expense of increasing entropy elsewhere.
Work in Hydra within the evolution of living species on earth and within the context of an immortal (non-senescing) species having a capacity for indefinite self-renewal.
"forkhead box O" (FoxO) has been identified as a critical driver of the continuous self-renewal of Hydra
Turritopsis dohrnii (the immortal jellyfish) is another example of a potentially biologically immortal species, in this case through transdifferentiation.
- others, to be added