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for The Resilience
Tapestry Commentary
Offered by David Apollo

Making Pretend Real - Built to Actually Make It Happen .

SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch (10:13), Starman in its roadster shown at approx 5:25
On Tuesday, Feb 6th, 2018, a team of motivated, tenacious, creative, devoted, and cognitively brilliant humans launched a rocket into low earth orbit, and from there the vehicle departed for Mars, and the asteroid belt beyond that.

What sets this team apart is that they are significantly different than many of us who inhabit this planet. Many of us may not have been aware of what they were doing, or why. Many others had heard that the launch had happened, but other than that were interested in other things. Others still were fascinated by the images of what had been done, and yet still didn't really know why they were doing it. Still others knew why. And of those who knew why, a few were members of other teams perhaps wanting to achieve what the SpaceX team wants to achieve.

What does SpaceX actually want to achieve? Interplanetary space travel by humans. Space travel that will be productive, useful, and in the future considered something many of us will normally do for similar reasons that many of us do the things we normally do today that people may not have previously done at all.

[ uss enterprise 2009 pic ]
The Star Ship Enterprise - A Warp 5 equipped vessel.
Interplanetary space travel as a regularly available option for many.

For hundreds of years, space travel by has been something we might dream about and wish we could do. We produce fiction, read stories, and watch films about it. But in the end, it has always been something we believed that we would only imagine doing. It was not something that we actually believed we would ever do regularly. While we may always have believed that moment would come "sometime in the future," none of us ever considered that that moment would come "perhaps tomorrow."

Today, it won't happen tomorrow. However, to get to the ability technically and logistically to confront that interplanetary travel might actually "come tomorrow" ... one needs to work very hard, diligently, and intelligently to make it happen. And one essential step of making "space travel by ordinary humans for productive reasons" happen requires events like that which occurred on Feb 6th, 2018.

[ Starman CarEarth SpaceX pic ]
Orbiting Sol between Earth & the asteroid belt indefinitely.
One needs to persevere through several failures. One needs to continue moving forward when it appears to many to be impossible, not realistic, a waste of time. Inmagination not grounded in reality. One needs to continuously be looking for solutions at a time when solutions have not been invented. And we al know that invention cannot be scheduled!

This is the essence of Relilience.

In Praise of Elon Musk.


And for the sentient here on Earth, it can be wonderful to behold, if one has been built to behold it as wonderful.

→ This Thought for The Day was last updated 15 Feb 2018 13:50 PST ←

Conserve Liberty. Unfold. Gratefully.

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