Offered by David Apollo

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Dimorphism Spectrum
Tapestry Commentary
The ConserveLiberty resource advocates (only) for the "conservation of liberty to
Be What You Were Built to Be".

In that spirit, the following was created to promote consideration of the potential relevant impact that Intuition has/had in the judgements made by men and women, considered di"morphically."

Consider thoughtfully:

Man Offended By Rude Female Coworker

Reproduced from: Man Offended By Rude Female Coworker Continuing To Speak Over Him After He Clearly Interrupted Her
Published by: The Onion, June 28, 2018
News in Brief

[ man fails interrupting woman pic ]
ST. LOUIS, MO - Saying the rude woman in question "didn't even try to let him finish his interjection," marketing analyst Kevin Ferris took deep personal offense Thursday when his female coworker continued speaking after he clearly interrupted her.

"God, I'll be right in the middle of butting in and Morgan will just totally monopolize the conversation she was having," said Ferris, adding that his associate raises her voice in meetings the second he tries to cut her off and insists on always getting the last word of her sentences.

"Do you know how humiliating it is to try and derail someone's comment only to have them finish it in front of the entire room? You've been talking for three seconds, for Christ's sake! It's almost enough to make a guy feel like what he has to say isn't way more important than whatever she was already saying." Ferris added that any woman who impolitely refused to be interrupted was a major obstacle to productivity, as she made it much more difficult to repeat her ideas 10 seconds later as if they were his own.
→ This Dimorphic Personality commentary was last updated 28 Jun 2018 17:10 PDT ←

Important → This essay may offer insights into the various cognitive areas of perception, response, and "instinctual intuition" that are related to cognitive dimorphic judgement abilities. The brain is extraordinarily complex, and within its physiology, structures, and chemistries lie the various Personality Filter subroutines that could be explored scientifically for Sexually Dimorphic Tapestries by those moved to do so. ← Important
Conserve the Liberty to be what you are built to be, while you can be.

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