The Filters
The Filters

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The External Cognitive Filters Essays
A variety of essays from external resources that shed light on Why We Are the Way We Are, our differences, and the varied ways our tapestries assemble to manifest our behaviors, perceptions, and responses.
Important → Links to these essays are made available because they describe various aspects influencing the biology explaining the genesis of our personalities. It is for this reason alone that they are offered for your critical examination.

The writers of these essays contain their own biases. These have not been made available to advocate those biases or perspectives in any way. We all have our own perspectives. The value for the ConserveLiberty resource is that these detail aspects of the formation of The Me and its Resilience in various forms. ← Important
ConserveLiberty's Essays for this chapter:
<b>Maxine not yourself pic</b>

→ The section above was last updated 30 Jun 2018 15:25 PDT ←

What and Why We Are is essentially a natural physical and biological phenomenon based on the universal laws governing All That Is.

Conserve Liberty.

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